Title: Good Vibrations
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 30_sex_scenes
Prompt: 15, Anal Beads
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"Ianto, are you sure this is such a great idea?" The Doctor eyed Ianto suspiciously, focusing on the sex toy he held in one hand. "Of all the things I've done before, this is something I've never tried. I always thought it was .... well, too kinky for me."
"You know I'm not going to do anything to hurt you," Ianto said softly, sitting down on the bed beside the Doctor and letting the strand of large anal beads fall from his hand on to the coverlet. "If you don't like it, I'll stop. I'd never force you, Doctor. You know that."
"I know you wouldn't." The Doctor's voice was softer now, the suspicion gone from it. "Just .... be gentle with those, Ianto. I've had lots of things inserted inside me before, but those look like they're going to be fairly uncomfortable."
Ianto shook his head, reaching for the beads and picking them up. "They're large, but I think some of the things I've put inside you have been larger than this," he said, leaning close to the Doctor and nibbling at the Time Lord's earlobe. "Including my cock."
Was it his imagination, or was that a pink blush that was spreading over the Doctor's cheeks? Ianto couldn't help smiling to himself; he was fairly sure that once they got started, the Doctor would have no objections to having anal beads inside him.
But he wasn't going to push the Time Lord into this; if he was hesitant, then he had to have good reason for being so. Ianto wouldn't ask his lover to do something that made him uncomfortable, or something that he was adamantly against.
Maybe he'd been hurt by something like this in the past, something that the Master had done to him that had left a bad memory behind. He should talk to the Doctor about it more before he tried to convince his lover that this was something they should experiment with.
Before he could voice a question about whether the Doctor was comfortable with this or not, the other man rolled over onto his stomach, stretching his naked body out on the bed. Turning his head to the side, he looked up at Ianto expectantly.
"Do you want me here?" he asked softly, his voice trembling slightly. "Or would it be better if I was lying across your lap?" Ianto could tell that he had decided to make the best of this -- but he wasn't going to go ahead unless the Doctor was willing, with no fears tainting the experience.
"I think you should be in my lap," Ianto said, sighing softly and leaning over to place a hand on the Time Lord's shoulder. "Doctor -- if this is something you aren't completely willing to do, then you don't have to. I get the feeling that you're a little afraid of it."
The Doctor sat up, shaking his head, a slight frown furrowing his brow. "Not exactly afraid of it -- just a little apprehensive," he said, eyeing the beads again. "I'm used to having things shoved inside me -- but those look a little intimidating."
"It's not going to hurt," Ianto murmured, leaning forward to brush his lips against the Doctor's mouth. "If it does, we'll stop. I promise." Again, he couldn't help wondering if the Master might have done something similar to this that had caused the Doctor physical pain.
The Doctor nodded, still looking apprehensive as he crawled across the bed to sprawl in Ianto's lap, lying face-down and squirming a bit. Ianto placed a hand on his lover's back, stroking down to the curve of his ass, letting his hand rest on the Time Lord's hip.
He could feel how tense the other man's muscles were; it was obvious that the Doctor expected this to hurt, and Ianto almost wanted to stop here and now. The last thing he wanted to do was add to any bad experiences that the Time Lord might have had.
But then again, he could turn that around and make this a good experience, if he took his time and was careful. Taking a deep breath, he picked up the lubricated anal beads, reaching for the tube of lubricant on the table by the bed with his free hand.
The beads were already well-lubed; Ianto was sure that he would have no problem inserting them, but he wanted to relax the Doctor first. With his muscles as tightly tensed as they were at the moment, it was sure to be painful -- or at least uncomfortable.
He squeezed a generous amount of lube onto his fingers, then slowly spread the Doctor's cheeks and carefully inserted first one, then another finger inside the other man. The Doctor moaned softly, a slight shiver going through his thin body as he pushed his hips back against the invasion.
"Does that feel good, sweetheart?" Ianto whispered, feeling that he had to ask the question even though he already knew the answer. Of course it must feel good; the Doctor wouldn't be moaning and rocking his hips if it didn't.
"It feels wonderful," the Time Lord gasped out, his voice raspy. "If you're going to put them in, Ianto, do it now. Just take your time." He raised his hips again, obviously wanting -- and possibly needing -- to have something inside him other than just Ianto's fingers.
Ianto nodded, taking a deep breath as he slid his fingers slowly out of the other man. This was the time to insert the beads -- now, when the Doctor was relaxed, his body opened and needy. Hopefully, he'd be able to do this with no discomfort.
Picking up the beads, he slowly pressed the first one gently against his lover's entrance, rolling it between his fingers before pushing against it. He was surprised at how easily it entered the Time Lord, the other man only shuddering slightly and giving a soft gasp as it went in.
"How does that feel?" Ianto asked softly, hoping that the Doctor wasn't uncomfortable, and that he would want more of this. Ianto felt incredibly sensual with his lover lying on his lap, surrendering himself to this, letting Ianto insert a sex toy into his body.
"It feels .... good," the Doctor gasped, his hands clenching into fists. "Full." That was all he could say; the words turned into another sharp gasp as Ianto pushed another of the beads inside him, keeping a steady pressure, though not forcing the issue.
"Tell me if you want to stop," Ianto murmured, pushing a third bead inside the Time Lord. He himself was enjoying this, but he would stop if it became apparent that the Doctor was uncomfortable in any way. He was all too aware that the Doctor was walking a proverbial tightrope.
He almost hadn't thought that his lover would allow him to do this; they'd talked about it beforehand, and some of what the Doctor had said made Ianto sure that the Master had done something similar -- and that the Doctor hadn't enjoyed it in any way.
But so far, so good. The Doctor wasn't protesting, and he didn't seem to be in pain. Ianto gently pressed the largest of the beads inside the other man, waiting a few moments before he continued. The rest of them were smaller; he was sure that they would go in more quickly.
"That's all of them," he said, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. The Doctor hadn't said that he was uncomfortable, or that doing this had hurt. Of course, it probably felt a bit strange to have a dozen beads inside him, but Ianto hoped that the Time Lord would get accustomed to the sensation.
He helped the Doctor to stand up, a frown creasing his brow at the look on his lover's face as the Time Lord drew himself up to his full height. He took a couple of steps away from Ianto, grimacing slightly; the young man couldn't help but think that the beads might hurt.
"What is it, love?" he asked softly, standing up and sliding an arm around his lover's waist. "Do you want them out?" He had actually looked forward to the second part of this little experiment, but if the Doctor wasn't comfortable, he wouldn't take this any further.
"No," the Doctor said, shaking his head. "It just feels .... a little strange, that's all. But not unpleasant." He took a few more steps, his breath hissing between his teeth, then turned to Ianto. "I think I could get used to this. But it may take a while."
"Well, we have time, you know." Ianto grinned, reaching for a small device on the bedside table. "You do know that those are vibrating beads, right?" With those words, he pressed the small red button on the remote, watching the Doctor's reaction.
The Time Lord's dark eyes widened, a shudder going through his body. He took a stumbling step towards Ianto, clutching at his lover's arm, taking a few deep breaths before he spoke. "That .... actually isn't unpleasant either. But I don't know how long I can take that."
"It won't have to be for long," Ianto assured him, wrapping an arm around the Doctor's waist and pulling him close. "But I thought it would be interesting to experiment with those beads." He leaned close to the other man, whispering into his ear. "I'm looking forward to taking them out."
"I'm looking forward to what we'll do after you take them out," the Doctor murmured, his breath hot against Ianto's skin. Ianto had to admit that he was looking forward to that, too -- and he had the definite feeling that those beads might not be in their current location for much longer.***
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