Title: Hands All Over
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 25fluffyfics
Prompt: 11, Massage
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"Mmm, that feels good," the Doctor sighed as Ianto's hands moved down his back. The Time Lord stretched his lean body out on their bed, wrapping his thin arms around his pillow as he buried his face in the feathery softness of it.
Ianto leaned over him, letting his eyes roam over the Doctor's body. He loved having his lover spread out before him like this -- especially when he could get a back view. He didn't get to look at the Doctor like this often enough, he thought, his eyes lingering on the curves of the Time Lord's ass.
How was it possible that someone so beautiful actually belonged to him -- and wanted to be with him? There were times when Ianto still could hardly believe his good fortune; it was as though the angels had, for some obscure reason, decided to smile on him for once.
But he wasn't going to question that good luck, he told himself with a smile as his eyes wandered over the slender curves of the man lying on the bed next to him. The Doctor belonged to him; the Doctor loved him; that was all he needed to know.
It had been quite a while since they'd done something like this, and he'd seen the Doctor so compltely relaxed. Ianto would prefer it if that happened more often; he worried about the Time Lord throwing himself into the path of danger as much as he did.
He had to hold back a sigh at that thought, shaking his head. What did he expect from his lover, really? Danger was as much a part of the Doctor's being as .... breathing. It was a part of what he did, a part of who he was.
And if he was completely truthful with himself, he knew that he wouldn't change the man he loved in any way. No, he wanted the Doctor to stay exactly the way he was, the man he'd fallen in love with and wouldn't change, even though he did have his faults.
Ianto pushed those thoughts out of his mind, leaning down to brush his lips against the small of the Doctor's back as his hand stroked down the backs of the other man's thighs. The Doctor moaned softly, squirming a little under his caress.
"Now, Doctor, you know this isn't going to lead to anything, so don't get too excited," Ianto laughed, shaking his head. "I told you that all I want to do is get you perfectly relaxed. As much as I love making love to you, that can wait until tonight."
The Doctor raised his head, looking up at his young lover with a mock pouting expression on his face. "What, I'm not even allowed to let my thoughts go in that direction?" he said, purposely jutting out his lower lip and trying to look petulant.
Ianto couldn't help but laugh at his lover's impression of a pouty child. "Of course you can -- but I'm not going to guarantee you that it'll happen," he said, relenting a bit. After all, the Doctor was nearly impossible for him to resist ....
But he intended to resist that temptation today -- at least for a while. He wanted to have the other man more relaxed than he'd ever been, to make him feel good without being overtly physical. Their relationship wasn't based around sex, but love, trust, and support.
He let his hands move back up the Doctor's body, beginning to massage the Time Lord's slender shoulders. He could feel the other man relaxing under his ministration, letting out a soft sigh and going limp under Ianto's hands.
Leaning down, he pressed a kiss against one bare shoulder as he reached for the small bottle of massage oil he'd put on the table by their bed. He was going to do this right; give the Doctor an all-over body massage, complete with scented oil.
Pouring some of the vanilla-scented oil onto his hands, he began to rub the Doctor's shoulders again, taking his time, making sure that he worked the knots out of the Time Lord's muscles. He could almost see the Doctor relaxing, his breathing becoming slower and deeper.
Ianto worked his hands down the other man's back, marveling at the velvety texture of the Doctor's skin under his fingertips. The other man's flesh was slightly cool to the touch, tempting him to move hands everywhere that he could, to touch every inch of skin that was on display.
His hands kept moving down, his palms flat on the curves of the Doctor's ass. Ianto took a deep breath, trying to control his racing heart. In spite of what he'd said to the Time Lord, he wanted to do much more than just give this man a massage.
No, this was far from all that he wanted to do, now that he had the Doctor relaxed under his hands and naked in their bed. He wanted to strip off his own clothes and join his lover, make love to the Doctor until they were both completely sated.
And maybe he would, he told himself with a smile, continuing to move his hands down the other man's body, his eyes following the path of his hands. It was impossible not to want to feast his eyes on the beauty that was presented to his gaze.
How could any man be so beautiful? he thought as his hands moved down the Doctor's thighs, spreading his legs slightly and stroking over the velvety-soft flesh. Yes, he was biased, but he didn't think that anyone could possibly consider this man unattractive.
He most certainly could never think of the Doctor as anything but the most beautiful man in the world -- and all he could concentrate on at the moment was how much he wanted to do more than merely touch him.
It was hard to keep his mind on what he was doing; even though he'd told the Doctor that he had no intention of anything happening between them other than this, Ianto was finding it nearly impossible to hold himself to that statement.
All he wanted to do was to strip his own clothes off, turn the Doctor over and take the other man in his arms -- something that he'd promised himself he wouldn't do until they were retiring to bed for the evening. He had to grit his teeth and tell himself that he'd made that promise to himself.
But how could he force himself not to do more than just touch this beautiful man when the Doctor was so willing -- and obviously wanted him as much as he wanted the Time Lord? He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to tell himself that he should stick to his original intentions.
All he'd intended to do tonight was to have his hands all over the Doctor, to make the other man feel good without feeling as though they had to be overtly sexual. But somehow .... even with the best of intentions, that never seemed to work out for them.
Not that either of them minded, he told himself, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. And why should it? They were two consenting adults who loved each other, and as long as they were happy together, what they did to achieve that happiness didn't matter.
Oh, to hell with it. This was too much of a temptation; the Doctor was too beautiful for him to resist, and from what he could tell, the other man wouldn't be in the least bit put out if Ianto happened to change his mind about waiting until tonight.
Sitting up, he reached for the hem of his shirt, tugging it off over his head, his hands moving to the button of his jeans. He was almost fumbling in his haste, wanting to get his clothes off and be naked next to the Doctor as quickly as possible.
The Doctor had rolled over onto his back, his arms crossed behind his head, looking up at his young lover with an expression on his face reminiscent of "I told you so." Ianto could tell that was what he was thinking, though the Time Lord remained silent.
"You might as well say it," he laughed, standing up and letting his jeans fall to the floor, stepping out of them and kicking them aside. "I know you're thinking that I shouldn't have said that I didn't mean for anything else to happen unless I was going to stick to my guns."
The Time Lord held out his arms to Ianto, laughing and shaking his head. "I wouldn't dream of saying anything of the sort," he murmured as his young lover laid down beside him and took him into his embrace. "I'd rather be moaning than talking, anyway."
"Believe me, I intend to make you do just that," Ianto whispered into his ear before his mouth came down on the Doctor's, drawing the first soft moan of what would be many more to come during the night from the man in his arms.***
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