Title: Heaven From Here
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 10
Prompt: 44, Ecstasy
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"Mmmmm." The Doctor's sigh was muffled in Ianto's shoulder, the covers that were piled around the two men nearly hiding them from view. Ianto couldn't help thinking that they'd managed to make a comfortable little nest in the bed, one that he didn't want to leave.
And today, he didn't have to. He'd told Jack and his teammates in no uncertain terms that he wasn't coming in to Torchwood, that he was going to spend time with the Doctor and that he wouldn't answer either his cell or the phone at the apartment. There were times when he simply had to put his foot down about not being available.
Jack had understood, giving him a knowing smirk when he'd left the office last night. It hadn't been a particularly eventful day, and Ianto had been too restless to get much done. He'd kept staring at his watch, at the clock, and looking longingly at the door.
At the first sign of Jack starting to stretch and yawn, Ianto had nearly bolted for the door. The hasty departure had caused the others to raise their eyebrows, and Owen to shake his head, but Jack had only looked at him with that curious mixture of laughter and appraisal, raising a hand to wave goodbye before Ianto had exited the Hub.
And now .... he was here, in their bed, with the man he loved in his arms. Sometimes it didn't seem possible to Ianto that the Doctor could be real; he'd never in his life imagined having this kind of bond with anyone. It was as though the other people he'd been involved with had only been practice runs for the real thing.
Not that he'd loved them any less, of course. They'd played important parts in making him the man he was, the man the Doctor had fallen in love with. He wouldn't minimize their importance in his life. But they had fallen into the background now -- even Jack. His overwhelming love for the Doctor had surpassed any other emotion he'd ever known.
The Doctor pulled him down for another kiss, taking the lead for once. Ianto wrapped strong arms around the Time Lord's fragile body, taking care not to rest his full weight on top of his lover. He wasn't entirely sure just how much weight the Doctor could take before he would start gasping for air.
Not that he weighed all that much, he told himself, but the Doctor's body always felt so frail and light in his arms. The Gallifreyan would never admit that he was physically fragile, but Ianto was always on his guard not to do anything that could leave bruises on that porcelain skin.
Except when they made love. He had a tendency to be a bit rough sometimes, and even though the Doctor never complained of being handled too roughly, Ianto had seen him wince a few times when he'd gotten out of bed. The first time he'd seen bruises on the Doctor's thighs, a product of his hands gripping too tightly, he'd felt the weight of guilt pressing down on him acutely.
The Time Lord had insisted that there was no damage, and that he didn't want Ianto to do anything differently. But the young man hadn't been able to rid his mind of the vision of those dark bruises marring the Doctor's pale skin, and he'd sworn that he'd be more careful with his fragile lover from that point on.
Those thoughts fled Ianto's mind when the Doctor's slim hips flexed against his own; he couldn't keep any coherent thought in his mind when his lover moved like that. The sensations went straight to his cock, blocking everything else other than his need for the Doctor's body.
"I want you," he breathed, pulling away from the embrace slightly to look down at the Time Lord. The Doctor lay against the pillows, a rosy flush coloring his normally pale skin, his tawny hair disordered, his parted lips tempting Ianto into another deep kiss.
"Then take me," the Doctor whispered in his ear, those slender arms draping around his shoulders. Ianto almost felt as though he was a fly caught in a spider's web, though unlike that frantic fly, he would more than gladly go to his destruction if it would give him even a few minutes of ecstasy with his beloved.
"Your wish is my command," Ianto murmured, his mouth trailing fire down the Doctor's body, from his mouth to the column of his throat, down to his chest, to trace the tip of his tongue around each each delicate, puckered nipple.
The Doctor's back arched, spasms moving over his body at the touch of Ianto's hands and warm tongue. A soft moan came from his throat, his thighs flexing under his lover's capable hands. Ianto smiled to himself, loving the reactions that he could coax out of the Time Lord.
One hand moved down to caress the Doctor's stomach, slipping to the juncture of his thighs to gently push his legs apart. The Time Lord complied with the gentle but insistent urging, spreading his legs and arching his back to allow Ianto's hands the chance to slip under his prone body. A soft sigh of pleasure left his lips, seeming to come from the depths of his being.
Ianto reached for the small bottle of lube that he'd taken to keeping on the table by the bed, expertly flipping up the cap and coating two fingers with the slippery lubricant. His hand moved downwards, slipping between the Time Lord's slender thighs to stroke a probing finger over his entrance.
The Doctor was already making soft mewling noises, and Ianto didn't have the heart to tease him or make him wait. He pushed one finger inside the Time Lord, gratified by the Gallifreyan's low moan and the tightening of those slender arms around his shoulders.
Within seconds, the second finger joined the first; Ianto scissored the digits within the Doctor's body, stretching and preparing him. The Time Lord was already letting out soft little gasps and rocking his hips against Ianto's hand; the mere sight of his love so aroused and willing made Ianto's heart pound against his rib cage.
He couldn't wait any longer. To hell with foreplay -- he needed the Doctor, and he needed him now. He drew his fingers away from his lover's body, quieting the soft whimper that rose to the Doctor's lips with another kiss. Ianto reached blindly for the bottle of lube, squeezing more onto his fingers and wrapping his hand around his own cock to prepare himself.
Ianto raised the Doctor's hips, hesitating for just a moment, his eyes meeting his love's. The Time Lord's eyes were huge and dark, his need evident in their depths.
"Take me." His voice was low and husky, urgent, pleading.
The young Welshman didn't say another word; he snapped his hips forward, penetrating the Doctor in one quick, hard thrust. The Time Lord cried out, his slender body arching upwards, nails digging into Ianto's back. Those long, slim legs wrapped around his waist, as if the Doctor was trying to pull his lover even more deeply into his body, to fuse them together until they were inextricably linked.
Ianto pulled back slowly, sliding almost all the way out of the Doctor, then pressed his hips forward again, his eyes on his love's face. If the Doctor showed any sign of pain, he was prepared to stop -- no matter how good it felt, he wasn't going to risk hurting the fragile man under him.
But the Doctor showed no signs of being in any kind of pain; his head was thrown back against the pillow, passion-swollen lips parted, his narrow hips flexing with every thrust of his lover's body against his own. Every line of his body spoke more of ecstasy than pain.
Ianto allowed himself to settle into a slow, steady rhythm, thrusting into the Doctor hard and deep, then pulling back slowly, hearing the Time Lord moan each time he slid nearly all the way out. Heaven couldn't be any more blissful than what he had right here in his arms, he thought dazedly, his senses reeling.
He'd known that he wouldn't last long; he was already panting, his thrusts becoming erratic. He couldn't satisfy the Doctor completely this quickly, he knew. Thank goodness for Jack's assessment of the situation a few weeks ago, he thought, making a mental note to keep the vibrators within easier reach of their bed from now on.
With a cry that was more of a groan, Ianto let himself go, a few Welsh words slipping from his lips as his body shook with the aftershocks of his orgasm. The Doctor hadn't achieved his own climax yet, but Ianto was slowly learning that there were times when the Time Lord could keep going far beyond his own endurance. This was apparently one of those times; however, he wasn't going to complain.
He pulled out slowly, moving his hand down to stroke the Doctor's erection, rolling onto his side and propping himself on one elbow. He didn't know exactly what the Doctor might want him to do, but he was willing to pleasure the Gallifreyan in any way that he possibly could.
Ianto leaned down to brush soft lips across the Doctor's mouth, whispering to the Doctor in Welsh. "What would you like, cariad? Ask me anything, and if I can physically manage it, then I will."
The Doctor gazed up at him, dark eyes still wide with need. "What you were doing earlier would be lovely," he murmured, another soft moan leaving him as Ianto's fingers moved between his slender, trembling thighs to stroke over his entrance again. "That is, if you don't me being .... somewhat used."
"Considering that I'm the one who's used you, I definitely don't mind," Ianto said softly, pressing one finger inside his love and feeling the Doctor's muscles tighten around the invasion. A second finger followed, stroking against the Time Lord's prostate and bringing another moan from his throat.
"I hope your hand won't get tired," the Doctor managed to get out before another moan bubbled up.
"Oh, I have much more stamina than you might think," Ianto whispered, his fingers moving slowly, leisurely, his gaze riveted on his lover's face. "I could do this all day, if that's what you need."
"I just may take you up on that," the Doctor managed to gasp, before the delicious sensations caused by Ianto's probing fingers overtook him.
Ianto smiled to himself, feeling just the tiniest bit smug. He was going to have to remember to be more assertive about his days off much more often.***
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