Title: Here Comes the Sun
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 3
Prompt: 42, Sunrise
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto opened his eyes, blinking sleepily and rolling over in bed. The Doctor had turned onto his side, facing away from him; Ianto slipped his arms around the slender Time Lord and maneuvered himself into a spooning position behind the other man. As always, he could feel a rush of desire run through his body at the feel of the Doctor's firm, rounded ass pressed into his crotch.
It never failed to amaze him at how much this man could arouse him, make him feel as though there was nothing in the world beyond the little patch of space and time the two of them inhabited. The Doctor wasn't just his soul mate; the Gallifreyan was his soul, fused to him in every possible way. Every other person in his life had just been a trial run for this, his great love, the fulfillment of his destiny.
The Doctor shifted slightly, not waking. He let out a soft sigh, instinctively moving back closer against Ianto's body and turning his face more into the pillow. Ianto's hands moved up the Time Lord's chest, pulling the Doctor firmly against him, sliding one knee between the other man's slightly parted thighs.
He smiled to himself at his own actions; in the position that the Doctor was in, it would be all too easy to turn the Time Lord onto his stomach and take him -- and Ianto was entirely sure that he'd be doing that before the morning was over. It was only one way he enjoyed being able to wake the Doctor up in the mornings, and one that his lover seemed to enjoy as well.
In truth, he enjoyed taking the Doctor in any way he could -- on his back, on his stomach, bent over, against the wall, side by side. He could think of several other positions that he enjoyed, too; as far as he was concerned, it didn't matter how he took the Doctor, as long as he did. He was turning into a much more sexual being than he'd been when they first met.
Funny, Ianto reflected, he'd never been this sensual with Jack. Not that he hadn't enjoyed what the two of them had done together; after all, Jack had been the first man he'd slept with. The immortal had introduced him to the pleasures of being with another man, something that he'd always be grateful to Jack for. He'd been gentle, patient, understanding.
But the Doctor .... the Doctor was his soul mate, his destiny, the other piece of the intricate puzzle that had made up Ianto's psyche from the moment he was born. The Doctor was his other half, in a way that Jack, nor Lisa, nor anyone else he'd ever thought he cared for could have ever been. The Doctor was so much a part of his soul that he didn't believe any physical or mental boundaries could possibly separate them now.
Ianto nuzzled his cheek against the softness of the Doctor's hair, a smile curving his lips. He couldn't even begin to put into words just what the Time Lord meant to him; if he tried, he'd only trip over his own tongue. He'd never felt that he was eloquent in that way -- after all, he'd never really been able to say those kinds of things to Jack, either.
It was becoming easier to say those words, though. Somehow, his feelings for the Doctor were always on the tip of his tongue, overflowing in his heart and spilling out. The words still didn't come that easily, but the feelings were there. Maybe he was being overly romantic, and even "mushy," as Owen would put it. Ianto didn't care.
He'd never thought of himself as a hopeless romantic before, but since he'd met the Doctor, that side of his personality was coming out more and more. Jack seemed to notice it, remarking on it a few times at work in his teasing, joking tone. But Ianto could somehow sense a bit of regret under the teasing, as if he was starting to realize just what he'd lost.
Had he really lost that much? Ianto wondered. He didn't think so. After all, he wasn't meant for Jack. Yes, they'd had some good times together, and he'd cared deeply for the immortal. If he was honest with himself, he'd have to admit that he still did. Not with the deep, heart-bond love he had for the Doctor, but with a loyalty and strong friendship that he knew no one else could ever replace.
Jack hadn't lost something that was irreplaceable in his life when Ianto had moved on and found the Doctor. He'd lost a lover, not a soul mate. Jack had somehow seemed to know that he was meant to be with the Gallifreyan. Had he seen something there on their first meeting that neither of them had been quite aware of at the time?
He must have, Ianto said to himself, looking down at the man in his arms. He'd thought there was some spark between himself and the Doctor when they'd first met, but he hadn't had any inkling of the forest fire that spark would blaze into. And the fire had been lit much more quickly than he'd ever have expected.
Not that he was complaining, he thought with another smile, bending his head to brush a gentle kiss across the Doctor's bare shoulder. The Doctor was everything he'd ever wanted in his life, the perfect lover, the perfect .... everything. Oh, that was eloquent, he groaned inwardly, closing his eyes and shaking his head.
But what did he expect of himself? It was early morning, so early that the sun wasn't up yet, only a grey sky barely starting to lighten with the first pink streaks of a breaking dawn. His brain didn't exactly function this early in the morning. He hadn't even had his coffee yet, so he couldn't be expected to form eloquent words before the requisite amount of caffeine got into his system.
The Doctor stirred in his arms, long lashes fluttering. Ianto tightened his arms around the other man's slender waist, pulling the Doctor back against him. The Time Lord turned his head to look up at Ianto, a soft smile curving his lips. Ianto couldn't resist bending his head again to kiss those lips, savoring their soft sweetness.
"What a lovely way to wake up in the morning," the Doctor murmured, his voice husky with sleep. "I could certainly get used to this."
Then take me with you the next time you have to leave, Ianto thought, then immediately pushed the idea away. He didn't want to start this morning out with some kind of argument, or by making the Doctor feel melancholy. He knew from experience that the Time Lord would go quiet and introspective whenever he brought that up, and he avoided the subject as much as possible.
The Doctor sat up, turning around and snuggling into Ianto's arms. Ianto stroked a hand through the other man's hair, stretching out with a contented sigh. The Doctor was right -- this was a wonderful way to start the day, and he wasn't going to let any negative thoughts break into their little idyll.
"The sun will be coming up in a few moments," the Doctor said softly, raising a hand to stroke his fingertips over the line of Ianto's jaw. "It's been a while since we enjoyed a sunrise together, love. We should get up and go look at it." Even as he said the words, the Time Lord made no move to get out of bed; his body remained pressed against Ianto's, showing no signs of moving from their current position.
"We could do that," Ianto agreed, covering his mouth with one hand as he yawned. "But for the moment, I'm quite happy where we are. I don't feel like moving --" His eyes met the Doctor's, a smile curving his lips as he spoke. "-- and I doubt that you do, either, judging from the fact that you're not pulling away from me."
The Doctor smiled lazily up at him, shaking his head. "I don't feel like moving. I'm much too comfortable right here -- and we can see the sunrise from our bed. It isn't as though we need to move to see it, you know."
Ianto considered the Doctor's words, glancing towards their bedroom window. The Time Lord was right -- they could indeed see the sunrise, even though they wouldn't see the first breaking rays of dawn peeking over the horizon. Still, they'd be able to see the golden glow spread over the city of Cardiff, which was a sight in itself. He'd watched the sunrise with the Doctor a few times before, and it had been a sight that had stirred his heart.
But for now, he didn't want to leave this bed. In fact, the only thing he was thinking of doing was something that would require both of them to stay in bed for quite a while -- or at least as long as he could make it last. Ianto looked down at the Doctor with a slight smirk, wondering if the Time Lord could sense what he was thinking.
Judging from the delighted expression on the Doctor's face, he not only sensed Ianto's thoughts loud and clear, but he agreed with them completely.
"Oh, indeed I do," the Doctor sighed seconds before Ianto's mouth came down on his. The young man's hands began to move over the Time Lord's body, down his sides to his hips, then to push his thighs apart so he could explore the more intimate areas of the Doctor's anatomy. The Time Lord moaned softly, any thoughts of getting up to watch the sunrise erased from his mind.
When the sun came up, the two of them never noticed, lost as they were in a bright dawn of their own making.***
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