Title: Hide and Seek
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 10
Prompt: 50, Gag
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto wandered through the electronics department of one of the local stores, looking around for the Doctor. He had no idea where the Time Lord was; he'd apparently gotten distracted by something and taken off for a look around. Ianto usually didn't worry about him when he did things like this -- the Doctor wasn't so odd that security would mistake him for a mental patient and try to take him out of the place in handcuffs and a straightjacket.
Or would they? A frown creased his forehead as he let his mind go back over the few times that he'd been shopping with the Gallifreyan. The Doctor did have a tendency to say things to people that they didn't quite understand, so there could be a possibility of him doing something that might get him into some sort of trouble.
His footsteps quickened as he made his way through the store, peering down each and every aisle he went past in search of the Doctor. When he finally found the Time Lord, it was in a place that he hadn't expected the Gallifreyan to go -- somehow, he never would have been able to imagine the Doctor looking at clothes. And actually looking as if he wanted to try some of them on.
Well, why not? It wasn't as though Ianto couldn't afford to spend money on his lover -- he'd already done so quite a few times, but he didn't mind. And he definitely didn't mind buying clothes, considering that the Doctor looked smashing in anything he wore. Ianto's only stipulation was that whatever he bought should be very easy to remove. He had priorities, after all. And he would much rather see the Doctor naked than clothed.
He moved to stand just behind the Doctor, looking critically at the shirt that the Time Lord was holding up in front of a mirror. "That would look amazing on you, love," he said softly, sliding protective arms around the Doctor's slender waist. "Of course, you know that I always think your clothes look much better off of you, but that's just me."
The Doctor turned to nuzzle his cheek against Ianto's, a small smile curving his lips. "Oh, I know exactly what you think when it comes to me wearing clothes," he said softly, his eyes meeting his lover's gaze. "I happen to think the same thing about you, so we're certainly even in that regard."
"You should try on a few," Ianto breathed into the Doctor's ear, giving his lover a slight push towards the changing rooms. "But only if I can come in with you. You know I always enjoy watching you undress."
The Doctor headed towards the men's changing rooms, turning at the door and winking at Ianto. He sauntered through the doors, leaving Ianto standing there smiling and glancing at his watch. He'd give it five minutes, then join the Doctor. He didn't want anyone to think there was something going on in those rooms -- though he couldn't promise himself that there wouldn't be, once he made his way inside.
Once the five minutes were up, Ianto headed into the changing rooms, barely drawing a glance from the bored attendant outside the doors. There didn't appear to be anyone else there, which he was grateful for. That gave him some privacy with the Doctor -- especially since he was fairly sure that the Time Lord had something on his mind other than trying on the clothes he'd carried in with him.
As Ianto made his way past the cubicles with open doors leading into them, a slender arm reached out of one to tug at his sleeve, drawing him into one of them. He wasn't at all surprised when he entered the cubicle to find the Doctor naked, hands on hips, head tilted to one side as though he'd been waiting for Ianto.
"You're wearing far too many clothes," the Time Lord whispered as he wound his arms around Ianto's neck, his voice soft and husky. Ianto knew that voice well; it was what he called the Gallifreyan's seductive tone, and it never failed to send a shiver of anticipation running down his spine.
"I believe so," he murmured, letting the Time Lord's nimble fingers unfasten the buttons on his shirt, busying himself with getting his shoes off and fumbling with the zipper of his jeans. It only took a few moments for Ianto's clothes to join the Doctor's on the floor, and even less time for the young Welshman to turn the Doctor around and press that slender body against the wall of the cubicle.
Ianto reached out to check the lock on the door, knowing that if they made too much noise, even a locked door wouldn't keep security out. It would be an extremely compromising position, especially for someone in his line of work. How Jack and his teammates would laugh if they had to bail him out of jail for engaging in public sex! The thought was almost enough to make him laugh at the idea himself.
"I don't have any lube with me, love," he whispered, his heart sinking to his feet. That was surely going to dampen the Doctor's ardor; and the last thing he wanted to do was to cause the Time Lord any pain. Maybe this hadn't been such a good idea, after all.
The Doctor shook his head, pushing his ass back against Ianto's crotch and making the young man gasp at the contact. "It doesn't matter .... Just do it, Ianto. It's only going to hurt for a few moments. Don't worry, I'll be all right. But you might want to gag me, just in case."
Ianto nodded, looking around for something to use as a gag. His eyes lighted on something lying on top of the clothes in the corner that looked suspiciously like .... a tie? What in the world ....? He raised his eyebrows at the Doctor, who only nodded.
"I took the liberty of thinking that we might need something along those lines." His words confirmed Ianto's thoughts, making him smile and shake his head in wonder. Somehow, the Doctor always seemed to think of everything. But then, he should know better than to question anything the Time Lord did. They all seemed to fall into place, in the long run.
Ianto reached for the tie, working it around the Doctor's head and tying it, taking care not to tangle any of the tawny hair in the knot. He was sure that the Time Lord was silenced; if he wasn't, he would undoubtedly say something, and he wasn't making a sound -- only leaning against the wall, breathing heavily.
The young Welshman moved a hand down the Doctor's back, trailing a finger down the crack of his ass before spreading the Time Lord's cheeks and kneeling behind him. This wasn't something he'd thought he would be doing in a dressing room, but somehow, he couldn't help himself. And they did need some form of lubrication, he told himself. So this made perfect sense ....
He leaned forward, brushing his tongue over the tight ring of muscle, then pressing harder against the slight resistance. It took a few moments of working his tongue around the Doctor's entrance, but he finally had the Time Lord relaxed enough to where he could push his tongue inside, eliciting a soft moan from the slender man pushed against the wall.
Ianto continued to rim the Doctor for several moments, until the Time Lord was pushing his ass back and his muffled moans started to become insistent. Only then did he rise to his feet, pressing himself against the Doctor's body and whispering into the Gallifreyan's ear. "Shhh, love. We don't want to be heard, you know."
The Doctor nodded, visibly swallowing and squeezing his eyes shut. Ianto took the nod for acquiescence, pressing his hips forward and gasping when he entered the tight heat of the Time Lord's body.
Nothing could compare to this, he thought dazedly, flexing his hips and trying to keep his balance against the wave of dizzy pleasure that swept over him. One hand was pressed against the wall, the other arm around the Doctor's waist, his hand stroking the Doctor's cock in rhythm with his thrusts. No matter how many times he entered the Doctor, the Time Lord was always as tight as if he were a virgin. Always so perfect.
It didn't take long for Ianto to reach the edge, and from the feel of the Doctor's trembling body pressed against his own, the pulsing cock in his hand, he was sure that his lover was just as close. He pushed his hips forward again, clamping his lips closed on a cry, his hand going to the Doctor's mouth to make sure that the Time Lord didn't manage to make a sound and give them away at the crucial moment.
The Doctor fell back against him, his body spasming in Ianto's arms. The young Welshman almost staggered, managing to keep them both upright by sheer force of will. He was amazed that they'd somehow managed to stay quiet -- well, except for the Doctor's soft moans, sounds that had been muffled by the makeshift gag.
Ianto moved his hands down the front of the Doctor's body, teasing and tweaking his small nipples, curling long fingers around the Time Lord's cock. He loved touching the Doctor, especially after they'd made love. His body was exquisitely sensitive; Ianto loved hearing the little mewling sounds of pleasure the Gallifreyan made, loved exploring the slender body he'd just made love to, loved knowing that such beauty belonged to him.
Finally, he reached for the knot at the back of the Doctor's head, untying the gag and removing it. The Time Lord gasped, drawing in a deep breath and finding his voice. "I think we have to do things like that more often, love. It was more of an adventure than several things I've done in my travels."
"I hardly think that making love in a dressing room can compare with hurtling through space and time," Ianto remonstrated, pressing his lips to the Doctor's cheek. "It's really a rather mundane thing compared to battling aliens and saving the universe, isn't it?"
"You'd be surprised," the Doctor murmured, reluctantly disentangling himself from Ianto's embrace and reaching for his jeans. "Other worlds aren't all that interesting at times. Not when they're compared to what I have here on this planet."
Ianto grinned at his lover, feeling sated and happy. "I suppose I'll have to do my best to make sure I can keep you here for as long as possible, then, won't I?"
"Oh, I don't think you'll have any problems doing that," the Doctor said softly, reaching out to run a gentle hand through Ianto's hair. "And when I do go, you'll be coming with me. That's already been decided, and there's no way I'll let you back out of it. You promised me forever, Ianto Jones. I intend to hold you to that promise."
"Forever wouldn't be long enough for me to spend with you," the young Welshman whispered, pulling the Doctor into his arms for another long kiss. When he finally released the Time Lord, they were both reeling from the strength of their renewed passion.
"I think we should leave before we really do get ourselves into trouble," the Doctor laughed, his voice slightly shaky. "I think it would be a good idea to continue this at home. We'd have much more privacy there."
Moments later, the two men exited the dressing room, contented smiles on their faces, hand in hand as they headed towards the front of the store. The attendant only rolled his eyes, having a good idea of what he might see once he decided to go into that room, and wishing that he'd been the one to have the good luck to be able to grab a quick shag in the middle of the day.***
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