Title: Fire and Ice
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 10
Prompt: 49, Ice Cube
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"What in the world are you doing?" the Doctor asked Ianto, turning onto his side and reclining back against the pillows. "I can't even begin to imagine what you'd want ice cubes for, unless you intend to gulp down a cold drink in between bouts of a marathon sex session." He raised one eyebrow, making his young lover laugh and shake his head.
"Oh, you'll find out soon enough, love," he said softly, sitting down on the bed and placing the bowl of ice cubes on the table by the bed. He bent over the Doctor, turning the Time Lord onto his back and leaning down to kiss him. He could never get enough of tasting that delicious mouth, he told himself as he pressed his lips against the Doctor's, his tongue tickling and teasing until the other man's lips parted.
The Doctor's arms moved around his neck, pulling him down against the other man's body, his own arms slipping around the Time Lord's slender waist. He could feel the Doctor arch up against him, hear the soft moan that came from the Gallifreyan's throat. That sound always sent a thrill racing down his spine, made him tremble with anticipation.
His hands moved down the Doctor's body, cupping his ass cheeks before sliding down to the Time Lord's thighs. His fingertips trailed down the silken skin of his inner thighs, making the Doctor squirm and moan under him. Ianto's kisses became hungrier, more demanding, his hands unconsciously moving to spread the Time Lord's thighs apart.
The Time Lord moaned again, arching his hips up off the bed. "You're such a tease," he murmured, opening his eyes and gazing up at Ianto when the younger man pulled away slightly. His lips were parted, eyes slightly glazed, his cheeks flushed. "I really should deny you what you're after once in a while, just to teach you a lesson."
"You couldn't deny me," Ianto said softly, moving one hand to stroke his fingers through the Time Lord's thick, tawny hair. "You want this just as much as I do, you know. If you denied me, you'd be doing both of us a disservice and making us both unhappy. But you know .... if you don't feel like making love, you only have to say no, beloved. I'll understand."
The Doctor smiled, shaking his head. "Since when do I ever not feel like making love? You're quite right -- I couldn't deny you if I tried. I wouldn't want to make you sulk and pout, you know. That pout is utterly irresistible. If you did that, I'd be unable to deny you anything, and I think you're very aware of that fact."
Ianto couldn't stop himelf from grinning, resting his head on the Doctor's shoulder and giggling. "Of course I'm aware of it, love. Why do you think I use that pout so often?" He lifted his head and gazed into the Doctor's face, eyes sparkling with laughter. "Your pout is rather irresistible, as well. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you when you turn that on me full force."
"Oh, really?" The Doctor pulled Ianto down for another kiss, murmuring against his boyfriend's mouth. "Hmmmm, I think I may have to do that more often, then."
Ianto didn't answer; he only kissed the Doctor more fiercely, parting the other man's lips and slipping his tongue inside the warm cavern of his willing mouth. His pulse was starting to race, desire mounting in him, a desire that he knew he wouldn't be able to hold back much longer. The Doctor always affected him like this, every time he touched the other man.
The young Welshman let his mouth move down the Doctor's body, his lips trailing fire over that silken skin. Down his throat, licking over the sensitive pulse at the base, then down his chest to his small, hardened nipples. Ianto's lips wrapped around each nipple in turn, kissing and sucking until both small pink buds were throbbing beneath his tongue.
He reached for the bowl of ice cubes by the bed, taking one out and rolling it between his fingers. He had no idea how the Doctor would react to what he had planned; the Time Lord had always been receptive to anything he'd wanted to try before, even things that he'd been afraid of, so Ianto was fairly sure that there would be no problem with this. And if there was, he could always stop; he'd never do anything that the Doctor didn't want.
Moving carefully, his mouth made its way further down, circling his tongue around the tender area surrounding the Time Lord's navel before moving down to tease the tip of his cock. As his mouth moved lower, he brought the ice cube to the Doctor's left nipple, swirling the coldness around the tiny pink bud.
The Doctor yelped softly, his eyes flying open and his hips arching upwards. Another soft gasp, his eyes fixing on Ianto's face when the young man lifted his head, their eyes locking. The Doctor's eyes were wide, his lips parted, slightly swollen from Ianto's insistent kisses. He thought that the Time Lord had never looked more beautiful.
Ianto moved the ice cube to the Doctor's other nipple, watching as his flesh hardened further, the rosy-pink tone deepening to an almost reddish hue. He smiled to himself, wondering just what the reaction would be to what he was going to do next. So far, the Doctor didn't seem to be disconcerted by what was being done to him; his breath was hissing between his teeth, his hands twined through Ianto's hair, his thigh muscles tightening with each swirl of the frozen ice cube around his sensitive nipples.
Ianto reached for another of the ice cubes, then a second, popping them both into his mouth. He lowered his head again, trailing his tongue down the vein on the underside of the Doctor's cock before taking the tender tip into his mouth and sucking gently. The Time Lord gasped again, a soft, startled sound that made Ianto glance up at his face.
He couldn't keep back an inner smirk, though he tried not to let the expression show on his face. The combination of the cold ice and the warmth of his mouth had to be a new experience for the Time Lord; judging from the look on his face, he was somewhere between confusion and utter ecstasy. His head fell back onto the pillow, his eyes closing, his hips arching up. There was definitely no doubt that he was enjoying this.
Ianto slowly slid his mouth down on the Doctor's cock, taking as much as he could into his mouth -- a little difficult, what with the two ice cubes already there, though they were melting fast. He kept moving his mouth up and down the shaft until he could feel the muscles in the Time Lord's slim thighs tightening, a sure sign that the Doctor was dangerously close to orgasm.
His own desire for the Doctor was at a fever pitch; if he didn't take the other man now, he was going to go completely mad. Ianto released the other man's cock from the warmth of his mouth, sitting up and shifting his position, pulling the Time Lord close against him so that the Doctor was nearly sitting in his lap. The Doctor instinctively wrapped his legs around Ianto's waist, another soft gasp leaving his lips as his eyes locked with his young lover's.
He didn't even think when he drove into the Doctor; the only thing in his mind was the tight heat that surrounded him, the feel of that slender body clasped in his arms, the gasping breaths in his ear, the soft moans that the Doctor uttered with each thrust. The Time Lord's arms were clasped around his shoulders, that body nearly wrapped around his own.
The Doctor was the first of them to reach his climax, his body spasming and shuddering in Ianto's arms as he came. Ianto clutched at the other man's slim body, burying his face in the Doctor's shoulder and letting himself go once he knew that his love had been satisfied. He cried out once, wordlessly, feeling his own heart beating wildly and erratically against the twin heartbeats pressed to his own chest.
Neither of them spoke for what seemed like a long time, leaning against each other and letting their bodies fuse against each other. Ianto's heartbeat gradually settled into a calmer rhythm, and only then did he move slightly, raising a hand to run it gently through the Doctor's hair, pushing the dampened strands back from the Time Lord's face.
Finally, the Doctor spoke, his voice thick and husky. "That was --" He coughed, cleared his throat, and started again. "That was, beyond a doubt, one of the most intense experiences I've ever had, in all the time I've lived. You, sir, have an uncanny way of introducing me to things I'd never have even considered trying before."
"Any time," Ianto said softly, pressing a soft kiss against the Doctor's forehead. "It gets better and better between us every time, doesn't it?" He didn't expect an answer, and he was somewhat surprised when the Doctor canted his head to one side, his brow furrowed, as though he was considering Ianto's question very seriously before he ventured to give an answer.
"Of course it does," the Time Lord whispered, reaching up to trace the cupid's-bow of Ianto's upper lip with a gentle fingertip. "Each time draws us closer together, you know. More and more inextricably bound up with each other, in every way possible."
"That isn't ever going to change, you know." Ianto closed his eyes, kissing the Doctor's fingertips as they skimmed over his mouth. "We'll only keep getting closer. And closer, and closer still, until we're a part of each other. I can't begin to imagine a life without you now, Doctor. You're a part of me -- you have me heart, body and soul."
He shifted a little, so that the Doctor could lay down, but didn't pull out of him. He couldn't quite make himself slide out of that delicious warmth; he didn't want to separate himself from the other man's body just yet. Besides, he was sure, very sure, that he could make another go of it tonight -- if he had a little time to recuperate first.
The Doctor seemed to guess his intention, one eyebrow raising and a slow smile spreading over his face. "I'd say that you intend to have me again, if what I'm feeling is any indication," he teased, his eyes sparkling with affection as he looked up at his young lover leaning down over him.
"Indeed I do." Ianto laughed, flexing his hips, smiling when the Doctor's eyes widened and he gasped in surprise. "Just give me a few moments, and I'll be ready to go at you again." He winked at the Doctor, a roguish smile crossing his features. "Do you think you're ready for another go-round so soon?"
"Oh, I don't think that will be a problem at all," the Doctor sighed, closing his eyes as Ianto leaned forward and wrapped the slender Time Lord in his arms. Ianto's only answer was another laugh, punctuated by a sharp gasp from the Doctor. Then, silence, the quiet of the afternoon air broken only by soft sighs and gasps of pleasure as the two men lost themselves in each other.***
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