Title: Nightmares and Ice Cream
By: Consternatio
Pairing: Nine/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: All Characters belong to BBC, Russell T. Davies and various others. I make no money from this.
Summary: Jack finds solace in ice cream and the Doctor after waking from a nightmare.***
The period between midnight and dawn was usually Jack's favourite time of the day, even on board the TARDIS, where, perversely time proved to have little meaning. He liked the way the ship always dimmed the lights; the way even the constant hum that could be heard all over the vessel seemed muffled. There was something comforting about knowing that Rose was asleep in her room, safe and protected; in sitting in the control room, watching the Doctor tinker endlessly with the TARDIS; or drinking tea in the TARDIS' kitchen while the Doctor was off doing whatever it was he did, seemingly instead of sleeping.
Jack had wondered, more than once whether the Doctor honestly didn't need much sleep, or whether he just didn't want to sleep. Jack could well appreciate his sentiments, if it were the latter reason. When Jack woke, for the third night in a row, shaking and sweating in the aftermath of a nightmare he couldn't recall, the lingering sense of dread drove him from his bed and his room.
He'd hoped to find the Doctor in the control room, thinking maybe he could persude the Time Lord to recreate the mind-blowing sex against the wall of their first encounter; anything to exorcise the scent of his own fear that inevitably clung to him on nights like this.
When he couldn't find the Doctor in any of his usual night time haunts, Jack took to wandering aimlessly through the ship. He was tired, but too chilled by the thought of suffering another bad dream to be ready to return to his bed yet. Eventually, he found himself in the TARDIS' kitchen. The fact that the time ship had a kitchen had at first surprised, then amused Jack. It seemed far too domestic and mundane to have a place aboard the temperamental and, frankly, grouchy TARDIS. He'd been fascinated when Rose had shown him where everything was kept. Where the tea and coffee were, which cupboards and fridge/freezer shelves contained her food, which contained the Doctor's, which contained 'joint' food, and where Jack could put anything he wanted. It had amused Jack, though he hadn't known Rose well enough then to tease her for it, because he could not see the Doctor being that organised.
The first time Jack had been alone in the kitchen, he'd taken the opportunity to investigate thoroughly the Doctor's cupboards, looking for clues to help him unravel the puzzle of the man. What he'd found was half a packet of ginger snaps, a *very* old paper bag of jelly babies that looked more like they were now in their dotage, and a tin of golden syrup. Like everything else Jack found out about him, the Doctor's kitchen lead to as many questions as it provided answers. Still, at least he now knew that the Doctor had a sweet tooth.
Jack remembered that he'd once found Rose, sitting alone in the kitchen, eating what had turned out to be ice cream. She'd been a little homesick, she told Jack quietly, and the ice cream reminded her of home, and besides, didn't Jack know that there were very few problems in life that couldn't be made better with ice cream. Jack had laughed, and distracted her so he could steal ice cream from her spoon.
Ice cream sounded pretty good to Jack as a cure for nightmares. It would be even better, he suspected, with some of the Doctor's golden syrup, if he could find it, as the tin seemed to have a habit of moving randomly around the kitchen cupboards.
He was kneeling down, head and shoulders inside a cupboard, stretching for the tin, which for some reason was a far away as it could be, when a voice made him jump so hard he nearly cracked his skull open.
"Jack, not that I don't appreciate the view, but why are you attempting to crawl into that cupboard?"
Cursing, Jack backed out of the cupboard, and turned to see the Doctor leaning casually against the door frame, grinning.
"Golden syrup"
That earned Jack a raised eyebrow.
"Golden syrup?" The Doctor's voice matched the grin.
The Doctor just looked at him, the grin slowly and almost imperceptibly bleeding into something more considering, more concerned.
Jack couldn't face that look, that concern, not right now. He nodded to the table, where a bowl of undoubtedly half melted ice cream sat.
"To go with the ice cream".
"So, you're looking for my golden syrup, to go with Rose's ice cream?" When Jack nodded, the Doctor smirked "Rose'll kill you, you know"
"I'll buy her some more, very next time we go shopping"
The Doctor laughed, then pushing himself away from the doorframe, he walked over to Jack. Jack couldn't help but appreciate the view from his position, kneeling on the floor. There was just a hint of predator in the Doctor's easy gait, enough to remind Jack, as if he could ever forget, that the Doctor was not human, probably not safe, and almost certainly not the most sensible choice of lover for an ex-conman with two years worth of memory missing. But, Jack would be damned before he'd walk away, from the TARDIS, from the easy companionship he'd found aboard her, from the endlessly fascinating thrill of visiting places for the first time, from the infectious nature of Rose's delight in all the wonders that they showed her. He was even more certain he couldn't give up the strange friend/lover thing he had with the Doctor; knew he'd never find such a simple relationship again, despite the fact that it involved the most complex and complicated person he'd ever known. Then there was the sex, which was irregular enough to keep him guessing, frequent enough to keep him pretty much sated, and hot enough to ensure he always went back for more. Mostly though, it was the thought of not being able to learn more about the Time Lord that kept him with them. The Doctor interested Jack in way few people did; oh, he was very good at appearing to be interested, but that was all part of the con. The bizarre combination of childish glee, and world-weary knowledge, combined with the razor sharp mind amused, intrigued, annoyed and bemused Jack in equal measure, though he never knew which emotion the Doctor would provoke next.
The Doctor crouched down next to Jack, reached one long arm into the cupboard, and pulled out the elusive tin of syrup. Jack contemplated grabbing him then and there, but the sight of the syrup, and the smug, knowing grin on the Doctor's face changed his mind. He thought instead he really should find out what ice cream and syrup coated Time Lord tasted like.
He looked back at the Doctor, and realised that at least some of his thoughts must have shown on his face, because the eyebrow was raised again, and there was now a definitely somewhat rapacious air to the grin. It was a look that he'd seen a few times now, and it still left him hard and slightly breathless, every time he saw it.
The Doctor stood, and offered Jack a hand.
"Come on Captain, your ice cream will be melting"
Jack accepted the hand, and they both held on for a little longer than strictly necessary when he was standing. Jack grinned, making sure he dragged his hand slowly from the Doctor's grasp, letting his fingers brush the inside of the Doctor's wrist, across his palm, and between his fingers. He watched the Doctor's expression grow more heated, saw the way his eyes narrowed slightly, the way the grin faded into something hungrier. It was this intensity that Jack found so addictive. This was the edge, the spice that he craved. The hints of menace, power, isolation and mystery that made this being so fascinating for Jack.
They settled at the table, sitting across from each other, and the Doctor watched as Jack added a healthy spoonful of syrup to the ice cream. The combination of flavours and textures appealed to Jack's already heightened senses, and the idea of combining dessert and Doctor came back, full force.
The Doctor didn't move, or speak when Jack stood up, bowl in hand, but his eyes watched Jack with, despite the clear sexual interest, that wariness, that slight unease that reminded Jack most of a wounded animal, clichéd as that thought was. Jack wondered, often, what had happened to leave such a scar, but then he guessed that a life span of 900+ years was more than long enough to learn that sometimes those you counted as friends were the ones who could hurt you most, to realise that the trust you offered to others could be used against you.
He walked round the table, set his bowl down, then threw a leg over the Doctor's lap, so that he was straddling him and the chair, leaning back until he could brace his back against the table. The Doctor's grin was back in full force, and he had that darkly carnal look in his eyes that Jack found so damned arousing.
Jack twisted his upper body, until he could grab the bowl of ice cream, then, with careful consideration, he offered a spoonful of melted ice cream to the Time Lord. The Doctor looked torn between amusement and arousal, and Jack wondered whether he was always like this, or whether this was something only Jack had seen. Unlikely, he knew, but it was still a pleasant thought.
The Doctor accepted the spoon, and the sight of him sucking at the utensil had a very definite effect on Jack, and he almost forgot why he was feeding the Doctor. He tipped the spoon slightly, and a trickle of melted ice cream ran down the Doctor's chin.
"Oops" Jack smirked and dropped the spoon back into the bowl. "I'd better get that for you"
Bending forward, he used the tip of his tongue to catch the drip just as it was about to slid off the Doctor's chin, then he followed the trail up to the corner of the Doctors mouth. Jack was too close to see, but he could feel the smirk on the Doctor's lips as he licked away the sticky trail, his tongue rasping lightly over the beginning of stubble.
The slight shifting of the Doctor beneath him (and wasn't that mental image a beautiful one), and the faster breathing told him that the Doctor was indeed enjoying this. When he looked back up, the Doctor was watching him again, this time with eyes that seemed black the pupils had expended so much. Jack suppressed a shiver, and tried to keep his mind from jumping too far ahead and imaging the Doctor throwing him onto the table and fucking him hard. Jack resolutely told his body that they were keeping to the original plan.
He feed the Doctor another spoonful, again making sure some escaped to run down the Doctor's chin. He again cleaned up the sticky mess, making sure this time that there was a hint of teeth on the chin, and a couple of teasing licks at the Doctor's lips.
When he sat back up this time, he wasn't sure which of them was breathing more heavily, and Jack began to wonder if he really could carry his plan through to the end. Whilst ice cream coated Doctor was a undeniably erotic and enticing thought, it seemed likely to call for a patience that Jack had never been prone to, even at the best of times. However, he wasn't ready to give up on that idea altogether, not just yet.
He dipped two fingers into the bowl, left it on the table, then smeared the sticky result over the Doctor's lips. Before he could pull his hand away and bend forward, the Doctor grabbed his wrist, and stuck out his tongue and licked the tips of Jack's fingers. Jack held his breath, but when the Doctor pulled on Jack's wrist, and ran his tongue over the rest of the fingers, before sucking gently on them, that breath escaped in a moan.
Jack had rarely met anyone who could match him as well in terms of hedonism and sexuality as the Doctor. It was both wildly exciting and somewhat unnerving to
have so many of his tricks unwittingly turned on him. He couldn't take his eyes off the sight in front of him. The Doctor watched him back, and Jack found that
steady regard both arousing and uncomfortable.
When the Doctor slid his tongue down between Jack's fingers, cheeks hollowing slighted as he sucked, Jack couldn't stop his gasp, nor the moan that followed it.
"Oh, *fuck*. You do this on purpose, don't you?"
Jack cursed to himself as he watched the shadow of something dark and haunted flit across the Doctor's eyes, although neither the Time Lord's expression or the suction on Jack's fingers changed.
Much as Jack wanted to know the reason for that strange emotion in the Doctor's eyes, now was definitely *not* the time for letting his curiosity run wild.
"You are trying to kill me, aren't you?" Jack couldn't completely suppress the shiver this time. "Though, I have to admit, oh fuck, it's a damned fine way to die.."
The Doctor grinned, but didn't release Jack's fingers. Jack watched a few more seconds, then decided that while this foreplay was wonderful, it was also not
enough anymore.
"Please, tell me you have something slippery in this kitchen"
The Doctor finally drew back, letting Jack's fingers go with a pop that left his cheeks hollowed, and his lips pouting slightly. Jack felt the urge to get the Doctor do something obscene with that mouth. It seemed though, that the Doctor wasn't done torturing Jack yet though, as he ran his tongue across Jack's palm, the warmth of the Doctor's tongue against his flesh contrasting sharply with the coolness of the air against the damp trail his tongue made.
"This is a kitchen Jack. If there's a better place to find slippery stuff, I don't know where it is."
When the Doctor spoke, he barely raised his lips from Jack's skin, and the effect was somewhere between wildly erotic, and down right ticklish. Jack couldn't help squirming a little, not that the Doctor seemed to mind. When the Doctor's mouth reached the sensitive skin of Jack's inner wrist, Jack squirmed even more, quite deliberately. The Doctor responded by biting down, then sucking on the flesh under his mouth, not hard enough to draw blood, but hard enough that Jack was pretty certain he'd end up with a weird hickey thing.
"Shit! Slippery stuff. Now. Please...oh, please..."
There it was, that dark chuckle, the one that made Jack's cock jump and left him panting.
"Middle cupboard, bottom shelf. Off you go Captain"
Jack just looked at the Doctor, too aroused to immediately grasp what he was talking about. When realisation finally kicked in, about the same time the Doctor raised an amused eyebrow, he scrambled off the Doctor's lap in what he suspected was a less than dignified manner. It took him mere seconds to find the bottle.
As Jack approached the table, the Doctor stood, grabbed Jack's wrist and pulled him into an aggressive kiss, teeth clashing slightly. It appeared that Jack wasn't the only one who was done with foreplay. Jack loved it when the Doctor lost control, when he stopped thinking and hiding behind all those different masks. This was the Doctor that Jack wanted, unfettered and unrestrained.
It was almost as frantic as the first time they had fucked, in the control room. Hands fiddled with buttons and zips, clothes were dropped carelessly. Some time later, Jack ended up sprawled over the table, propped up on his elbows, watching the Doctor open the bottle with hands that shook, just a little. Jack found that thought far more satisfying that he expected.
The sensation of cool oil, drizzled over his cock, pooling in his belly button and running over his balls was exquisite, but the feel of the Doctor running his hand through the oil, smoothing it over the skin of his belly, fingers running lightly over his erection, down to cup his balls, was beyond description.
The finger that followed the trail of oil down, below his balls, then pressed gently into his body made Jack's hips arch. His head dropped back, and he gave himself over the pleasure of the Doctor's touch. The second hand, slicking oil up and down his cock made him swear, and made the Doctor laugh and tighten his grip, even as a second finger slid smoothly into Jack.
The fingers eventually slid from his body, and an oily hand clasped his hip, pulling him forward, so the cheeks of his arse rested half on and half off the table, his legs spread around the Doctor's hips. Jack could imagine what they must look like, and he just knew that he'd never be able to sit at this table again with being aroused. He wondered if he'd ever be able to set foot in this room again without wanting to throw the Doctor over the table and fuck.
The Doctor's first thrust was hard, and rode the line between pleasure and pain, and the sheer intensity made it clear that this was not going to be gentle, and Jack had to grab hold of the Doctor's biceps at the thought. He was vaguely aware that he was digging his nails into the Doctor's skin, probably hard enough to draw blood, but if that was the case, it didn't seem to bothered the Doctor, if anything it seemed to simply encourage him to really let loose.
It was a hard, fast, brutal fuck, and Jack loved every minute. He loved the way the Doctor gripped one thigh, and one hip tightly enough to bruise; he loved the way his nails left lightly bleeding marks on the Doctor's skin; he loved the way the Doctor's eyes widened, his breathing sped up and his thrusts became almost ferocious as Jack slid his own hand through the oil still pooling on his belly, and began to stroke his cock. Jack propped himself up on one elbow, leaving his other hand free to stroke his own cock, while he watched the Doctor fuck him.
Jack had needed this way too much, and he came sooner than he'd have liked, although the feeling of those hard thrusts, riding him as he shuddered with the pleasure of his orgasm made up for his lack of stamina. The Doctor held on for longer, but eventually, just as the thrusts were starting to cause Jack's sated body to ache, the Doctor lost his rhythm and slammed hard into Jack one last time.
The Doctor dropped Jack's leg, and leant forward, bracing his hands next to Jack's hips. He seemed as shattered as Jack by the intensity of the sex. Jack knew he'd ache tomorrow, but in the endorphin induced euphoria, he couldn't have cared less, it had been just what he wanted, needed, to banish the disquiet left my his nightmare, and if he was any judge, it had been just what the Doctor had needed as well.
After a few moments, as blood began to rush back into *all* their extremities, they had to move. Carefully, and slightly stiffly.
Once they were dressed and only slightly rumpled, the Doctor picked up the bottle of oil, and recapped it. Then he started laughing, hard.
Jack starred at him.
"What the hell is so funny?"
The Doctor was laughing too hard to speak, but he held the bottle out so that Jack could read the label.
"Extra Virgin olive oil?"
The Doctor snorted with laughter, but managed to nod. Jack thought about being insulted, but decided it wasn't worth the effort of pretending wounded pride. He snickered along with the Doctor.
Finally, the Time Lord managed to get himself under control. Jack wondered what had happened to him this evening. Clearly something had gotten to him, the ache is Jack's arse, and the almost hysterical laughter over the oil were clear signs that all was not entirely well in the Doctor's world. Jack wasn't going to ask though. He suspected that the Doctor wouldn't talk anyway. All Jack could do was hope that these moments between them gave the Doctor as much comfort as they gave Jack.
"You'd better wash that bowl out. If you're lucky, Rose will never realise you've been at her ice cream"
"You think?"
The Doctor and Jack looked at each other for a minute.
Jack shrugged. He was still feeling too mellow to worry about Rose's reaction.
"Think you'll be able to sleep now?"
Jack leered.
"Well, you could always come with me, keep me company yourself, you know, give me something to cuddle up to in bed..."
"If you want something to cuddle up to Jack, I'll buy you a teddy bear."
The Doctor snorted, then turned to leave.
Jack grinned as he watched the Doctor walk away, admiring the rear view. He decided when they next went shopping, he'd buy Rose a *lot* more ice cream. He rather thought he might develop a real taste for it.***
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