Title: I Confess
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 3, 50ficlets
Prompt: 10, Confession
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"What are you looking so secretive about?" the Doctor asked Ianto, a smile on his lips as he glanced over at his young lover across the console of the Tardis. There was a smile hovering on Ianto's lips too, one that grew at the Doctor's words.
"Secretive? I wasn't aware that I looked that way." Ianto's voice was light, teasing; the Doctor couldn't help but wonder just what was on the other man's mind. Ianto looked as though he was thinking of some private joke, his blue-grey eyes sparkling.
"You do. Now, are you going to tell me what's on your mind, or do I have to guess?" The Doctor kept his own tone light, even though he was curious to know just what could be putting that expression on Ianto's handsome features.
He searched his mind for what it could possibly be, but he couldn't think of a single reason for that small half-smile, that secretive, knowing look in Ianto's eyes. And there was no special occasion in the near future that he could think of.
"There's nothing on my mind!" Ianto protested, the small smile still curving his lips. "At least, nothing that isn't usually there." He raised an eyebrow at the Time Lord, as though questioning him. "You can read my mind, love. You should know I'm not hiding anything."
"Oh, but you are." The Doctor wagged an admonitory finger at him, unable to stop himself from smiling at the innocent expression on Ianto's face. "I always know when there's something brewing behind that beautiful smile. Confess!"
Ianto laughed, a sound that made the Time Lord's smile grow wider. He loved the sound of his lover's laugh; there was something warm and infectious about it, something that made him want to join in, even if he didn't know what the young man was laughing about.
"All right," he said, looking over at the Doctor with that small half-smile still in place. "I do have a bit of a confession to make. I was thinking about something you might find a little odd, but looking at you so intent on the console, my kind couldn't help going there."
"Going where?" The Doctor was a bit taken aback; he'd only been teasing when he'd told Ianto to confess. He hadn't really thought that his lover had something on his mind that he needed to get out in the form of a confession.
"Going to ...." Ianto shook his head, laughing again. "It's probably best if I don't say what part of your anatomy I was focusing on. But since you were bending over the console, can't you guess where they were?" he added with a wink at the Time Lord.
The Doctor thought for a moment before he realized what Ianto had meant. He'd been bending over the console .... bending over .... when he realized just what part of his body Ianto was referring to, he could feel a blush creeping into his cheeks.
"Ah, I knew you'd figure it out," Ianto said, coming around to the side of the console that the TIme Lord was standing on and wrapping his arms around his lover's waist. "I confess, I was thinking naughty thoughts. But I don't think you mind that too much, do you?"
The Doctor's smile grew as Ianto's arms wrapped around him from behind; he leaned back against the young man's body, turning his head to nuzzle his cheek against his lover's. "Not at all. Though I don't know what you could possibly see in my skinny arse."
"What do I see in your skinny arse?" Ianto asked, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "Why, a certain part of my anatomy, of course. Unless you don't think that would be an appropriate subject to discuss at the moment."
"Now I have my own confession to make," the Doctor murmured, the blush in his cheeks growing more pronounced. "I have to confess that I think what you just said was just the sort of thing I like to hear. Maybe you should punish me for thinking such naughty thoughts."
"I think that warrants bending you over my knee," Ianto breathed, nipping at the Doctor's earlobe as he spoke. "Before doing what I mentioned, of course. So I suppose you can be punished and rewarded at the same time, in a way."
"I confess that I'm looking forward to it," the Doctor told him, trying to stop himself from laughing at his own words. "The next question is, just when does this system of punishment and rewards start? It seems to me that we're wasting time just talking about it."
"Oh, it starts right now," Ianto said, laughing as he moved away from the Time Lord, taking the other man's hand and leading him towards the corridor that led to their bedroom. "And I confess that I can't wait to get started."***
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