Title: Illumination
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: R
Table: 1, fanfic50
Prompt: 21, Moonlight
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto sat up in bed, blinking as he reached out for the Doctor and realized that the Time Lord wasn't next to him as he usually was. He could feel his heartbeat shifting into high gear, worry for his lover's safety springing into his mind.
Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes for a moment, swallowing hard and forcing himself to calm down. They were on Earth, in his own flat. There was nothing for him to worry about; the Doctor wouldn't have simply gone wandering off in the middle of the night.
He was more than likely in the bathroom, or prowling around the flat because he couldn't sleep. Ianto had already discovered that the Doctor didn't need as much sleep as he did, and he should be used to these nocturnal wanderings by now.
Even if he had gone out, what sort of trouble could he possibly get himself into? It wasn't as if Ianto's flat was in a dangerous neighborhood. Though no one should be walking around alone in the streets at this hour of the night, even in a good part of the city.
Ianto sighed softly, throwing back the covers and swinging his legs over the side of the bed. Standing up, he stretched for a moment, then made his way through the flat into the living room, not caring that he was stark naked.
His eyes were accustomed to the dim light of the darkened flat; the moonlight coming through the windows lighted his way, illuminating the slender figure standing in front of the sliding glass doors that led to the balcony.
He almost heaved another sigh when he saw the Doctor, this one of relief. Ianto knew that he shouldn't worry so much about the Time Lord; the Doctor was well able to take care of himself. But still, the idea of his lover walking the Cardiff streets at night made him uneasy.
But he wasn't out wandering around with only his thoughts for company. He was here, standing in front of the glass doors and looking out at the city -- though Ianto wasn't sure if standing in front of those panes of glass naked was a good idea.
After all, anyone could look up from the street into these windows and see him -- and he was sure that there would be some people who were out at three in the morning. This city was full of all kinds of people, some of whom would be wandering the streets at night.
The Doctor didn't seem to think of things like that. Was it the fact that he wasn't around humans a great deal of the time, and didn't share their inhibitions about their bodies? Or was it that he simply didn't care if anyone saw him in the nude?
Ianto smiled as he moved silently across the carpeted floor to stand behind his lover. It was more likely that the Doctor simply didn't think of putting on clothes when he'd gotten out of bed. Little things like that could slip his mind at times.
"What are you doing in here in the middle of the night, love?" he asked softly, sliding his arms around the Doctor's waist and pulling the other man back against the warmth of his bare body. "I woke up and got a bit of a shock when I realised you weren't there with me."
"I couldn't sleep," the Doctor murmured, confirming what Ianto had already thought. "You know that I don't need as much sleep as you do. I didn't want to wake you by tossing and turning, so I came out here to study the city."
"Don't you know Cardiff well enough already?" Ianto teased, moving a hand up the Doctor's bare chest. There was something so sensual about standing here naked with the man he loved, moonlight pouring over them and silvering their bodies with its glow ....
"Of course I know the city well -- by day," the Doctor said, a soft laugh accompanying his words. "But cities are always different at night, aren't they? There's something fascinating about looking at a place by moonlight. Every aspect of it changes."
"As do the aspects of people," Ianto whispered, bowing his head to brush his lips against the Doctor's cheek. The Time Lord leaned his head back against Ianto's shoulder, exposing the slender column of his throat to his young lover's searching lips.
Lifting his head, he glanced out of the windows, hoping that there was no one out on the street looking up at the two of them. But why should he care who saw? Ianto thought, throwing caution to the winds. Surely their faces wouldn't be recognizable four flights up, from the street.
He let his gaze roam hungrily over the Time Lord's body, his hands following his eyes. The moonlight turned the soft, velvety skin to silver, limning the Doctor's slim body in an almost ethereal glow. He'd never seen anything so beautiful in his life.
The Doctor turned to him, those dark eyes searing through him, seeing into his very soul. There was a bond between them that could never be broken, an understanding that went deeper than mere words, an emotion that Ianto couldn't put a name to.
It was more than love, more than desire. What he felt for the Doctor was something outside of his realm of experience; there were no words to describe the primal bond that held them together, the emotions that entwined around them and drew them inexorably to each other.
His hands moved down the slim curves of the Doctor's body, sliding down his bare back, over the gentle swell of his hips, down the slender pale thighs, then back up again to cup the curves of his ass. He'd never get enough of touching this beautiful body.
"Don't you think we should move back into the bedroom?" the Doctor asked him, breaking the silence that had fallen between them. Ianto drew in his breath sharply; he hadn't realized that he was holding his breath in anticipation of what the Time Lord might say.
"Do you really think we need to?" Ianto's tone was teasing, his words only half-serious. He ddn't care if they went back to the bedroom, or if the Doctor wanted to make love right here on the carpet in the living room. All his inhibitions were being rapidly swept away.
"Only if you want to." The Doctor cast a glance at the couch, then looked back at Ianto, one eyebrow raising and the corners of his lips quirking in a devilish smile. "I think the couch looks like a perfectly comfortable place for .... whatever you might have in mind."
"Oh, I have plenty of things in mind," Ianto whispered into the Time Lord's ear. "But I think that the couch might not give us enough room for all of them. So we should adjourn to the bedroom." Stepping back, he swept the Doctor a mock bow. "After you."
His only thought was to get the Doctor into their bedroom, lay him down on the bed, move his hands down that gorgeous body, press heated kisses to those softly parted lips. He wanted to bury himself inside the other man, lose himself in a world of their own making.
Ianto admired the graceful, lithe movements of the Time Lord's body, unable to take his eyes from the man he loved. The thought of seeing that body bathed in moonlight under him took his breath away and made his heart clench in his chest almost painfully.
The Doctor moved away from him, heading for the hallway that led to the back of the flat with a spring in his step that made Ianto smile. It seemed that his lover was just as eager for what was to come as he was -- and he himself could hardly wait to make it to the bedroom.***
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