Title: Impulsive
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 3, 50ficlets
Prompt: 19, Forever
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"How many people have said that they would stay with you forever?" Ianto asked the Doctor softly, as the two of them lay curled together on the couch in one of the many rooms of the Tardis. "I don't mean just in this body. I mean in your entire life."
The Doctor frowned slightly as he lifted a hand, starting to count on his fingers. He raised his other hand, counted swiftly, and started on the first one again, whispering numbers under his breath for a few moments before giving up with a laugh.
"I really have no idea, Ianto," he said softly, looking up at his young lover. "There have been so many people who said they wanted to stay with me always -- but only a very few of them who actually meant it. In the end, people have their own lives to go back to."
"You don't think that I'll leave, do you?" Ianto asked, his voice soft and husky as he raised a hand to brush back a few errant strands of the Time Lord's hair. "I never will, Doctor. I'm the human who will actually stay and not go back to another life."
"I know you will," the Doctor told him, smiling as he placed a hand on Ianto's cheek. "You see, you're different from all the other humans who have been with me, Ianto. You're my soul mate. You're the one who was always meant to be here."
"And I'm the one who doesn't really have anything to go back to on Earth," Ianto said, laying his own hand on top of the Doctor's. "Yes, I have a family -- but truth be told, I'm not particularly close to any of them. And I don't want to go back to Torchwood."
"You've burnt a few bridges -- but everyone does that in their lives," the Doctor murmured, a shadow crossing his features. "Still, don't ever say that you absolutely wouldn't go back, Ianto. You never know what could happen. It might be unavoidable."
"I'd never abandon you," Ianto told him, shaking his head, a frown forming between his brows. "Doctor, you have to know that. Like you said, I'm your soul mate. I have more of a reason to be here than anyone else ever has before."
"No other companion has ever been what you are to me," the Doctor agreed. "But forever is a very long time, love -- and it means different things to the two of us. You should know that from having been involved with Jack for a while."
Ianto nodded, the movement slow and reluctant. "Yes, I do," he admitted with a sigh. "This isn't an impulsive decision for me. I know that a term like 'forever' is much longer for you and Jack than it is for me -- but I want to give you what forever means to me, Doctor. You know that."
"I do." The Time Lord's voice was soft and loving as he leaned close to Ianto, brushing his lips against his young lover's mouth. "And I love you for that, Ianto. I have no fears about you deciding to leave me. There's much more holding you here than anyone else ever had."
"You're not forcing me to stay here, you know." Ianto's tone was anxious, a note of worry creeping into his voice. "I'm here because I love you, and because I want to be here. Not because you've managed to compel me in some way."
The Doctor laughed, shaking his head. "I wouldn't have tried to compel you, Ianto. If you hadn't wanted to stay, I'd never have been able to keep you here. I don't force anyone to stay with me if it's not what they want to do. You know that."
Ianto nodded, feeling ashamed of that thought. "I know you wouldn't," he murmured, wishing that he hadn't brought the subject up. "I just thought that .... since I'm your soul mate .... that your mind might have reached out to me in ways that it didn't to other people."
"It does," the Doctor told him, reaching for Ianto's hand and twining their fingers together. "And so do my hearts. But still, that doesn't mean that I can compel you to stay with me if you don't want to. You're a very strong man, my love. Much stronger than you give yourself credit for."
Ianto laughed, squeezing his lover's hand. "I'm glad you think that, love. I haven't always had the highest opinion of my strength. But the longer I'm with you, the more self-confidence I gain." He winked at his lover, a smile quirking his lips. "Is it any wonder that I want to stay forever?"
"I've said it already -- forever is a very long time," the Doctor said, his dark gaze meeting Ianto's. "Are you sure that's what you want, Ianto? This life can seem exciting at first, but you might get tired of it after being here for a while."
The young man shook his head, his voice strong and firm when he spoke. "Not a chance, Doctor. This is the life I want -- right by the side of the man I love. Nothing could tear me away from this life -- or from you. I'm in this for the long run."
Looking into Ianto's blue-grey eyes, the Doctor could tell that his lover meant those words; they weren't some impulsive declaration that he would change his mind about later. No, Ianto was serious; he was indeed the one who was meant to be here.
"Forever it is, then," the Doctor whispered, closing his eyes as Ianto's lips met his and he was pulled against the warmth of the other man's body. Yes, forever was a very long time -- but for the two of them, it would never be long enough.***
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