Title: Intensity
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 5
Prompt: 47, Submissive
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto took in the scene in front of him with a satisfied smile. Everything was just as he'd planned it, from the candles burning all around the darkened room, to the dark sheets on the bed. Dark, so the Doctor's pale body would stand out against the midnight-blue background. He wanted to be able to feast his eyes on that body, drink in every detail until they were all burned irrevocably into his mind.
The Doctor was kneeling on the bed, in the position Ianto had placed him in. He hadn't moved; that, too, was as it should be. Ianto had told him not to move, stroking his hands over that beautiful body as he'd said the words, whispering soft words into his ear. The stroking hadn't stopped the Doctor's trembling, but at least he wasn't resisting.
The Time Lord's hands were bound behind his back, a blindfold covering his eyes. Ianto had considered having a gag in his mouth, but had decided against it. He knew that always made the Doctor uneasy, and besides, he liked hearing the Time Lord whimper and moan. He didn't want those sounds to be muffled by a gag.
He knew that the Master had often played these kinds of games with the Doctor, rendering him helpless and then violating him cruelly. He wasn't going to do that; the last thing he wanted to do was hurt his love. No, he wanted to show the Doctor that being submissive wasn't inevitably going to be painful for him.
This was the first time he'd expected the Doctor to do anything like this, and Ianto was finding it exhilirating and a bit nerve-wracking at the same time. He knew that the Time Lord was putting a great deal of trust in him, letting Ianto do things to him that he'd never allowed anyone else the freedom to do before. He was terrified of doing something to frighten his fragile lover, traumatize the Doctor to the point where he'd build up walls and shut Ianto out.
Ianto knew what he was going to do; he'd thought about this night for a long time beforehand, carefully planning out every detail. But now that it was actually happening, he was more nervous than he'd thought he would be, worried that he'd somehow to something to frighten the Doctor -- or worse, something that would hurt him. He was determined to take things slowly, to be gentle, but he couldn't erase that worry from his mind.
Ianto approached the bed, reaching out a hand to touch the Doctor, caressing the smooth skin of his shoulder. He let his eyes roam down the expanse of the Time Lord's back, his hand following his eyes, taking in the creamy softness of his pale skin, the curves of his hips and ass, the perfection of the body kneeling in front of him.
He could feel the Doctor's tension, almost palpable in the dark room. The Time Lord was deprived of sight as well as movement; he had no idea what Ianto intended to do to him, but the young man hoped that the trust they'd built up would keep the Doctor from being afraid. The Gallifreyan had to know that his lover wasn't going to cause him pain or hurt him in any way.
"Relax, love," he whispered, leaning close to the Doctor to press a kiss to his cheek before lowering himself onto the bed. "There's nothing to be afraid of. You know I won't hurt you." The Doctor nodded, keeping his position, not turning his head in Ianto's direction. The young man leaned back against the pillows, taking in the sight presented to his gaze.
The Doctor was kneeling on the bed, facing away from him, bent at the waist, his hands behind his back. Ianto couldn't keep himself from running a hand over the curve of the Time Lord's ass, his breath catching in his throat as he did so. The Doctor had the most gorgeous ass Ianto had ever seen, round and tight and .... and perfect.
Ianto knew exactly what he was going to do to that ass -- something that he and the Doctor would both enjoy, he was sure. It was something that he'd always enjoyed having Jack to do him, but the Doctor had voiced a distaste for it, and Ianto wasn't going to push him into any sexual act that he didn't do willingly. The Master had forced the Doctor into far too many things, and Ianto wasn't going to continue that trend.
He placed both hands on the Doctor's hips, resisting the urge to move them down those slender thighs. There was plenty of time for that; he had to get the Doctor into the position he wanted the other man in, and make sure that the Time Lord was comfortable with what he was doing before he went any further. It was a little daunting to have this much, control, which was something he'd never had with Jack, but Ianto was rapidly becoming used to it.
"Move back, love," he said softly, keeping his hands on the Doctor's hips. "Straddle my face, if you can." The other man nodded, moving towards him and trying to turn around. Ianto shook his head, not moving his hands from the Time Lord's hips. The Doctor's lips parted, his brow furrowing in confusion.
"But how can I ....." he began, then snapped his mouth shut. Ianto reached up one hand to caress the Time Lord's jaw; the Doctor was obviously used to being struck if he didn't obey, or if he even spoke, judging from the way he was cowering as soon as the words were out of his mouth. Ianto's heart clenched in his chest; the Doctor must surely know that he'd never be struck, or treated with anything but gentleness as long as they were together.
"Shhh, love, it's all right," Ianto soothed him, smoothing a hand down the taut muscles of the Doctor's arm. The Time Lord's body was so tense and taut that Ianto could feel him trembling from where he lay; his nervousness and fear of what would happen was almost palpable. Ianto's heart went out to the other man; maybe he wasn't doing a good enough job of calming the Doctor's fear. "Don't be afraid. I'm not going to do anything to hurt you, you know."
"I know," the Doctor whispered, the tip of his pink tongue moving over dry lips. "I .... I'm just used to very different treatment." He took a deep breath, the muscles of his bound arms flexing as if he was trying to relax himself. "I'll be all right. Just tell me what you want me to do, and I'll manage."
"Straddle my face, while you're facing my feet," Ianto directed, helping the Doctor move into the position he wanted. He could see the pink flush rising in the Doctor's chest, the coloring that meant the other man was embarrassed; Ianto could see why he might feel that way, what with having his ass right there in his lover's face. But that ass was exactly where Ianto wanted it to be -- he now had full access to do whatever he wanted.
His hands were on the Doctor's slim hips again, stroking down over his thighs, gently pushing the Time Lord's legs apart a little more. He raised his head slightly to place a gentle kiss to each firm, rounded ass cheek, cupping the Doctor's ass in his palms and moving his thumbs along the cleft to part those cheeks, making the Gallifreyan let out a soft whimper.
"All right, love?" he questioned softly, giving the Doctor's ass another gentle squeeze. He wanted the Time Lord to enjoy this, not to be nervous or afraid -- and if he stayed this tense, then he wouldn't enjoy it. Ianto didn't know what else to do to make the other man relax, other than going ahead with what he was planning to do and hope that the Doctor liked what he was doing to him.
The Time Lord nodded, swallowing audibly but not speaking. Ianto could see his bound hands clenching into fists behind his back; he reached up to twine his own fingers through the Doctor's, wanting to give him some kind of reassurance. "There's nothing to be afraid of, sweetheart. Just concentrate on what I'm doing."
Ianto moved both hands to the curve of the Doctor's ass, sliding his thumbs down the cleft again to part the Time Lord's cheeks and allow himself access to the other man's body. He rubbed one thumb against the miniscule, puckered hole nestled between those firm ass cheeks, bringing a startled moan from the Doctor. He could feel the Time Lord's muscles tighten, his body starting to tremble in reaction to Ianto's touch.
He kept moving his thumb across the tiny opening, feeling the Doctor's muscles slowly start to relax, smiling to himself when the other man finally began to push his ass back against Ianto's fingers, silently asking for more. He loved the soft mewling sounds of need the Doctor made, loved the rocking motion of those slender hips moving in rhythm with the movement of his thumb. He loved everything about making love to this man.
The Doctor was relaxed enough now for Ianto to move to the next phase of what he'd planned. Holding the Time Lord's ass cheeks apart, he pulled the other man down towards him, working his warm, wet tongue around the small opening, hearing the Doctor gasp in surprise when he felt Ianto's tongue on such an intimate area of his body.
Ianto continued to work his tongue around the Time Lord's entrance until the tight ring of muscle relaxed enough for him to push inside, eliciting another soft gasp from the Doctor. The other man's body arched, a shiver running through his slim frame, his ass pushing back against Ianto's face as his muscles tightened and then relaxed.
He pushed his tongue deeper inside the Doctor, driven by a sudden urge to go as deep as he could, wanting to make the Doctor come just from being rimmed. The other man squirmed and moaned his name, his bound wrists twisting behind his back, the muscles in his thighs tightening. Ianto placed both hands on the Time Lord's hips, wanting to hold him back from coming, make this last as long as he could for both of them.
The Doctor was close to the edge; he could tell from the way the muscles in those slender thighs under his hands tightened and flexed, the tightness that he pushed his tongue rhythmically into. Ianto moved a hand between the Time Lord's legs, cupping the Gallifreyan's balls in his palm before moving his hand to the Doctor's cock, surprised at how rigid the other man was. He hadn't expected the Doctor to be this turned on by what was being done to him.
Ianto could feel the Doctor's muscles starting to spasm, a sure signal that the Time Lord was nearly at the point of no return. He didn't want this to end; he wanted to taste the Doctor more, wanted to keep doing this for as long as he could push his tongue deep inside the other man without getting tired. But there was plenty of time to do this again -- and he was sure, now that the Doctor's initial resistance and fear were in the past, he'd have a lot more chances to do this, whenever he wanted to.
The Doctor let out a soft groan as his body spasmed, his muscles going impossibly tight, so tight that Ianto almost withdrew his tongue before he was ready to. He could feel the Time Lord's body contracting, shuddering with the shock waves of his orgasm. Ianto kept pushing his tongue into the other man, unwilling to stop before the Doctor's climax had ended, keeping his hands firmly around the Doctor's thighs to keep them spread apart.
It was strange that he hadn't thought about his own orgasm, but this had been about the Time Lord's pleasure, not his own. And Ianto didn't mind that he hadn't climaxed; it had been enough to make sure that his love had an intense orgasm. He had a feeling that the Doctor hadn't had an experience like this before, and he wanted the Time Lord to concentrate fully on his own body's reactions without worrying about what his lover was feeling.
The Doctor's thighs were trembling violently now, mostly with the strain of trying to hold himself up when it was clear that all he wanted to do was collapse back on the bed. Ianto reluctantly withdrew his tongue from the other man's body, unable to resist stroking his thumb across the Doctor's entrance a few times just to feel that tight heat again.
Reaching up, Ianto gently untied the knots in the scarf that bound the Doctor's wrists, then eased himself out from under his love's spread legs. Sitting up in front of the Doctor, he carefully removed the blindfold, gathering the still-trembling Time Lord into his arms and running a hand through the damp softness of his hair. It was amazing how fragile this man felt in his arms, that thin body molding against his own.
It was a long time before either of them spoke, Ianto finally breaking the silence. He was worried at the Time Lord's silence, the slender body still trembling in his arms. The Doctor seemed to be overcome by the experience he'd just had, to the point of being unable to speak. "Are you all right, love?" Ianto whispered, his arms tightening around the man in his arms. He fervently hoped that the Doctor had enjoyed what had just taken place between them.
"Yes, I'm fine," the Doctor whispered, his voice thin and weak. "In fact, I've rarely been better. That was just .... rather intense. I almost feel as though I can't breathe. I .... I need a few moments to get my bearings." He shifted in Ianto's arms, resting his head against the young man's shoulder.
Ianto nodded, still stroking the Doctor's soft hair with one hand, his other arm around the Time Lord's slender waist. "I hope you liked it, sweetheart," he murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of the other man's bent head. "That was my intention, after all. To show you that some things that were done to you in the past aren't necessarily always going to be painful."
"Thank you," the Doctor whispered, lifting his head and meeting Ianto's gaze. He raised a hand to lay it against Ianto's cheek, soft fingertips gently stroking his lover's face. "Thank you for taking something that had been a bad experience in the past, and making it something that I love. That was wonderful, Ianto. You're wonderful."
Ianto only smiled, turning onto his side and pulling the Doctor down to lay beside him. The room was starting to get a bit chilly, the light of the candles guttering out bit by bit. Ianto reached for the covers, pulling them over the Doctor and tucking them in around his bare shoulders before he got up to blow out the candles, one by one, aware that the Gallifreyan was watching him as he moved around the darkened room.
He returned to the bed, sliding under the covers and gathering the Doctor into his arms. "Try to get some sleep, love," he said softly, sliding one leg over the Time Lord's slender thighs and molding the other man's body close against his. He always slept better when the Doctor was clasped in his arms; feeling the other man's dual heartbeats pressed against his own was a sure way to lull him into restful dreams.
"I will, beloved," the Doctor whispered sleepily, already starting to drift off. Ianto lay there quietly, holding his love and stroking a gentle hand down his back until he knew that the Doctor was asleep. Only then did his eyes close, following the Time Lord into slumber with a small, satisfied smile curving his lips.***
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