le: In the Mood
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: VRD challenge - Pink, 5_prompts
Prompt: Pink gin
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"Ianto, are you actually drinking pink gin?" the Doctor asked, raising an eyebrow as he turned to his lover at the bar. It was the first time in a while that they'd actually been to a place like this, and he was trying to stay as close to Ianto as possible.
The last time they'd gone to a bar, no less than three men had tried to hit on the Doctor -- and one on Ianto. The two of them had finished their drinks and left quickly, not wanting anyone to tail them back to the Tardis and require explanations of where they came from.
This time, by mutual consent, they'd made it obvious that the two of them were together as a couple -- and they had made sure to go to a place that the Doctor knew well. He wasn't often given to drinking in interstellar bars, but he knew of a few good ones.
This was a bar that he'd come to with Jack often enough in the past, and he had to admit that it brought back a few bittersweet memories. But even when he'd been with his former lover, there had been a feeling of impermanence about the two of them.
The Doctor wondered idly if anyone would recognize him; he hoped not, as he didn't want some unknown person to bring up the subject of Jack. It was very obvious that he was with another man now, and he didn't want the past to cloud their evening out.
His gaze darted around the dimly lit bar, but he couldn't see anyone that he recognized from any time in his past. Even the two bartenders were people he'd never seen before; he'd been to this bar a few times after Jack had left, so he'd seen everyone who worked here.
But this was the first time he'd come here in quite a while, he reminded himself, feeling cheered by that thought. These were obviously new bartenders, people who wouldn't remember Jack as being a part of his past. There would be no memories pushed to the forefront.
"Yes, I'm drinking pink gin," Ianto told him, bringing his thoughts back to the present. "Why do you ask? Is something wrong with that?" He raised his glass in a silent toast, taking a sip of the gin as he gave the Time Lord a questioning look.
"No, of course not," the Doctor hastened to tell his lover. "Nothing wrong with it at all. It's just one of those drinks that the entire galaxy seems to look as being a .... well, a 'girly' drink." He laughed softly, indicating his own drink of choice. "And so is a banana daiquiri."
Ianto gave him an affectionate smile, shaking his head as he sipped at his drink. "You and your love of bananas," he sighed, rolling his eyes. "One of these days, I'll get you to try something new. Though I'm sure you've tried nearly every drink in the galaxy."
"I'm sure I have. Every one that anyone on Earth knows of -- and probably quite a few others, as well." The Time Lord didn't elaborate on that statement; he'd never been much of a drinker, but there had been times when he'd attempted to drink some inner pain into oblivion.
It never worked. He'd found that out when Jack had first left him, and he'd gone to several bars to try and forget that he was now alone again. He'd wanted to drink himself into a stupor, but his Time Lord body hadn't let him take that convenient escape route.
"Sex on the beach? Sloe gin fizz? Margarita? Fuzzy navel?" Ianto began reeling off names of drinks, and the Doctor couldn't help but smile. Why was it that his lover seemed to question some of the things he'd done in his past?
Ianto couldn't be blamed for that, really. It must be hard for him to grasp the concept of time in the way that the Doctor could; he did an admirable job of it on the whole, but he seemed to have a bit of difficulty believing that the Doctor had done so much in his long life.
"Yes, love, I've had all of those. I particularly like the fuzzy navels." He leaned closer to Ianto to whisper into his lover's ear, punctuating his words with a slight nip on Ianto's earlobe. "Especially yours. And I'm hoping that will put some ideas into your head."
Ianto laughed softly, picking up his drink and downing it quickly. "It most certainly does. But you know, I should let you spend the night alone after that crack about me having a girly drink! Especially since it came from a man who's drinking a daiquiri."
The Doctor gave Ianto a mock pout. "You wouldn't deny me of my needs, would you?" he asked, closing his lips around the straw in his drink. "Especially since you know that I can tie the stem of a cherry in a knot with my tongue."
"I can do interesting things with my tongue, too, even if I can't do that," Ianto whispered, his gaze never wavering from the Time Lord's face. "And I intend to do them all to you. While you're on your back -- and on your stomach, too."
A shiver of anticipation went through the Doctor's slender body; his hearts sped up, their rapid beats booming in his ears. "In that case, I take back what I said about pink gin being a girly drink if it puts you in this kind of mood."
"Wait until you find out just how good a mood I'm in," Ianto breathed, leaning close to his lover. "You're not going to know which way is up when I'm done with you, Doctor. I promise you that. I hope you're prepared to be completely exhausted once this night is over."
"I'm prepared for anything, now that you've got me in the mood," the Doctor murmured, quickly finishing his drink and sliding off the barstool. He couldn't wait to get back to the Tardis and hold Ianto to all of the promises he'd been making.
Ianto mirrored his movements, tossing the payment to the bartender and telling him to keep the change. He slid an arm around the Doctor's waist, leading the Time Lord towards the door, both of them eager to get back to the Tardis and continue their evening more privately.***
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