Title: Like Flames
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 3, 50ficlets
Prompt: 37, Passion
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto sat up in bed, stretching and yawning, thinking of the night just past. Every time he and the Doctor made love, they seemed to be more in sync with each other, more attuned to the other's emotions and needs. They were truly well-matched.
The passion he felt for the Time Lord was unrivaled by anything else he'd ever felt; he'd never been this way with anyone else he'd been involved with, not even Jack. The Doctor brought something out of him that he hadn't even known existed in the past.
What was it between them that took him to heights of passion he'd never known before? It must be, as the Doctor said, because they were soul mates, destined to be together from the moments of their births. That was as likely an explanation as any.
Ianto had never really believed in the whole concept of soul mates before. He'd thought at one time that Lisa was his destiny, but that had been proved wrong. Even now, he could hardly remember what she looked like, or the sound of her voice.
Jack came to mind much more readily, but even the immortal was starting to fade around the edges a bit. He still thought of Jack as a friend, of course, and always would. Jack had helped him to discover who he really was, and h was grateful for that.
But he hadn't been the one who Ianto was destined to bond with, the one who would ultimately make him happy. He and Jack had been too different, wanting different things from a relationship; they would never have lasted, even if the Doctor hadn't come into Ianto's life.
Truth be told, Lisa and Jack had been the only serious involvements of his life. Oh, he'd had a few other lovers, but he couldn't remember their names now. They'd faded into the background, unimportant, as though they had never existed.
He'd never had the kind of instantaneous connection with anyone that he'd had with the Doctor. There had been no thunderbolt of recognition, no paralyzing of his senses. His passion for the Doctor had taken him over with a strength that had almost shocked him.
He'd known from the first moment he'd seen the Doctor that this was the man he wanted to be with; there had been no doubt, no hesitation, as there'd been with Jack at first. All of his senses had leapt immediately to life, his mind and body focused on the Time Lord.
And wonder of wonders -- the Doctor had seemed to be just as attracted to him, as if some force outside of themselves was drawing them together. Neither of them had fought that attraction; they'd both just let it happen, giving in to it without a struggle.
Why should he have wanted to struggle against it? Ianto asked himself with an inward smile. The Doctor made him feel as though he'd finally found his niche in life, the place he'd always belonged. There was no reason to struggle against something that felt so undeniably right.
From the first time they'd been together, the two of them had shared a passion that had bowled Ianto over. He hadn't known that it was possibly to be so completely wrapped up in another being, that he could give himself over so utterly to his physical passions.
It had been a discovery that had shaken him at first, taken him out of himself and made him question who he was. Why was he only finding this out now? Why hadn't he been this passionate with any other person? He'd had so many questions.
None of them had really been answered, other than in the Doctor's fierce belief that they were meant for each other. It was the only explanation, he said, and Ianto had come to believe that, too. They were destined. It was as simple as that.
The passion that he felt for the Doctor kept growing with each passing day; there were times when he felt hard-pressed to keep his hands off the Time Lord. But the Doctor hadn't objected to that -- rather, he seemed to like the fact that Ianto found him irresistible.
That physical passion between them ignited like flames, sometimes when they touched, sometimes when they merely looked at each other. Was that more proof that they were destined, soul mates who were meant to be together? Ianto couldn't help but think so.
His gazed moved to the door of their bedroom on the Tardis as he heard a soft footstep in the corridor. That would be the Doctor, coming back from taking a shower; probably wrapped in nothing more than a towel around that slender body.
Ianto smiled to himself; he could already feel the stirrings of passion within him. When the Doctor came back to their bedroom, the young man had no doubt that the Time Lord would find himself taken back to bed again -- and that he would be in need of another shower before long.***
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