Title: Lost In The Stars
By: karaokegal
Pairing: Jack/Ninth Doctor
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011. Day 325. Prompt from dw100. Challenge #376-Compass. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Even a Time Lord needs guidance.***
It was easy to keep Jack in line.
A piercing gaze or just the right enunciation of the word "Jack" and he fell into line like the good soldier he was. What chance did an amnesiac Time Agent have against the moral authority of a Time Lord?
Jack could only suspect what he'd done; the Doctor had each and every one of his sins emblazoned on his 900 year old memory. Especially the last one.
He'd done the right thing, so why does scolding Jack Harkness make him feel like he's lost his way?
Oh Jack, if only you knew?***
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