Title: Love Story
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 10
Prompt: 21, Role Play
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"You can't be serious." Ianto shook his head, laughing as he lounged back against the pillows of the bed he and the Doctor shared on the Tardis. "What in the world brought this on? You no more look like a damsel in distress than I do a conquering hero."
"But you are a conquering hero," the Doctor told him, batting his long eyelashes as he sat back on his heels. He was laughing as well, but Ianto had a feeling that he was serious about what he'd proposed. "Oh, come on, it could be fun."
Ianto let his eyes wander over the Time Lord's naked body, taking in the pale skin, the slender curves, every inch of the man he loved. "I suppose that you could pass for a damsel -- though you're a very thin one."
The Doctor's lower lip jutted out in a pout, and he collapsed onto the bed next to Ianto, laughing as he did so. "All right, you win. I'd make a terrible damsel."
"But you make a marvelous lover," Ianto told him, turning over and leaning over the Doctor. "And I can play the white knight in shining armor if you'd like me to. I don't think that would be too much of a stretch for me after my time in Torchwood."
The Doctor's eyes widened as Ianto straddled him, his hands moving to the younger man's shoulders but not pushing him away. Instead, the Doctor's fingers splayed over his skin, pulling him down until their lips nearly met.
"Now, is this any way for a damsel to behave?" Ianto reproved the Time Lord, straightening up and capturing the other man's wrists, holding them above his head. "You're being a bit forward, my beauty. I'm not sure if I should punish you for that or not."
He could tell that the Doctor was holding back laughter as he squirmed beneath Ianto, but those movements were no laughing matter to the young man. He was more aroused than he'd thought he would be; maybe there was something to this, after all.
Leaning to press his lips to the Doctor's cheek, he whispered into his lover's ear, trying to make his voice sound suitably like a growl. "Prepare to be ravished, Doctor."
The Doctor was obviously trying to hold back a laugh as he spoke, but he managed to keep his tone fairly serious. "You're not supposed to ravish me! You're the conquering hero, remember? You're rescuing me from .... oh, I don't know .... a black knight?"
"Ah, but I'm the black knight -- in disguise," Ianto told him, leaning back and raising an eyebrow, hoping that he looked at least a bit menacing. "You were fooled by my clever disguise and came away with me to a secluded place ...."
The Doctor's eyes widened, a look of fear that Ianto could almost believe was real coming over his features -- until the young man caught the slight dimple at the corner of the Time Lord's mouth that indicated he was holding back a smile.
"I don't suppose that screaming for help would do me any good," he said in subdued voice, his hips raising slightly as he struggled halfheartedly against the grip on his wrists. "But you'll have to take me without my permission, you blackguard."
Ianto wanted to laugh out loud, but he didn't dare. Besides, it was more than a little arousing to feel the Doctor squirming under him, those slender hips pressing against his own, the other man helpless under his body.
He tightened his grip on those thin wrists, stretching himself out on top of the Doctor, letting the other man feel his hard cock pressing against his thigh.
"I don't need your permission," he growled, trying to make himself believe that he could be the rough, domineering character this little role play called for. It really wasn't in him, but if this was what the Doctor wanted, he'd try his best to deliver.
The Time Lord looked up at him, wide-eyed, his lips parted and slightly swollen from Ianto's kisses. "You'll have to convince me that you deserve to have me," he whispered, his legs lifting slightly, his thighs pressing against Ianto's sides.
That undid him. He couldn't keep this pretense up any longer; he needed the Doctor, needed to make love to the beautiful man beneath him, to take the Time Lord into his arms as their bodies melded together, to become one with him in every way possible.
The Doctor was still opened and slick from their lovemaking only a short while before; Ianto was glad of it, because he didn't think he would have had the patience for anything but the most basic preparation. He needed the Time Lord too much at this point.
When he slid into the Doctor, it was like sliding himself into a velvet glove, one that had been made specifically to fit him, welcoming him into warmth and comfort.
There was a slight hesitation when he thrust forward; Ianto felt a pang of guilt, knowing that he might have caused the Doctor some unnecessary pain. But that would be quickly forgotten, he assured himself; the pain would soon melt into pleasure for them both.
His words were proven true within a few moments; a soft moan left the Doctor's lips, the other man's body bucking upwards in his arms, pressing his hips against Ianto's, seeming to draw his young lover even further into the warmth of his body.
This was where he belonged, he thought dazedly to himself as he clutched the Time Lord against him, thrusting his hips forward into that slick heat. This was utter perfection; he didn't need to play a role, only to be who he was.
He could feel the Doctor's thighs tighten around his sides as those long, slender legs wrapped around his waist, the other man's nails digging into his shoulders; the slight pain kept him grounded, even as his senses were enveloped by the man in his arms.
It was going to end all too soon; he was too far gone already to keep up this rhythm for long. With a strangled cry, he thrust into the Doctor one last time, letting himself go even as he heard the Time Lord's own cry and felt the rush of the other man's release.
Panting, Ianto let himself roll to the side, still buried inside the Doctor, the other man clasped in his arms. He lay there for what felt like a very long time, letting his heartbeat slow and return to normal, wrapped in the afterglow of what had just passed between them.
When the Doctor spoke, his voice seemed to come from a long way off. "Do you still think I can't pass for a damsel?"
Ianto wanted to burst out laughing, but he didn't. Instead, he drew the Doctor closer against him, planting a kiss on his slightly parted lips and murmuring against the softness of his mouth. "I think the story's changed from what it originally was."
The Doctor looked at him questioningly, raising an eyebrow.
"The black knight has reformed," Ianto told him softly, leaning down to press another kiss to those tempting lips. "He fell in love with his captive, made that man the center of his life, and they spent the rest of their days loving each other."
The Time Lord smiled, snuggling into Ianto's arms with a soft sigh and closing his eyes. "I think I like that story much better. It's a perfect ending for the story, isn't it? Much more romantic than anything I could have thought of."
"It is indeed," Ianto whispered, closing his eyes and stroking a hand through his lover's hair, hoping that their own love story would be as happy and even more romantic than the one he'd just made up. Somehow, he was sure that it would be.***
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