Title: Love the World Away
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 3, 50ficlets
Prompt: 31, Lover
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto looked down at the man underneath him, taking in the Doctor's flushed cheeks, his parted lips, his disheveled hair, the passion that sparked from his gaze. He'd never seen the Time Lord look so sensual -- or so utterly desirable.
This was the man he'd been made for, Ianto told himself, gazing at the Doctor's face; the man he'd been meant to be with from the moment of his birth. It didn't matter that his love wasn't human, or that so many years separated them in age.
"Love me," the Doctor whispered, his dark eyes fixed on Ianto's face. "I need you, Ianto." His voice was soft, but steady and firm; Ianto could almost hear a command behind the words, though he knew that the Doctor wasn't giving him an order, but a request.
"Oh, I intend to," Ianto answered, lowering his head to press a kiss to those parted lips. The searing heat of their mouths meeting took his breath away; he almost felt as though he could melt bonelessly into the Doctor without even joining their bodies.
There was no need for preparation; the Doctor was still opened from their earlier lovemaking, his body pliant and willing. With that thought in mind, Ianto pressed his hips forward, gasping as he was enveloped in a searing heat of a different kind.
The Doctor was soft and slick inside; his body seemed to pull Ianto in, to meld into his own in a way that no other lover possibly could. It wasn't just a joining of their bodies, but their hearts, souls and minds, a bond that was part of his very essence.
The heat of the Time Lord's body was such a contrast to the coolness of his skin; it never failed to amaze Ianto that such a seemingly cold body could contain such a volcano within, calling to the answering heat within his own body and soul.
Those long legs wrapped around him, pulling him even closer; the Doctor's arms wound around his neck, pulling him down for more heated, passionate kisses. He was already starting to lose himself in his lover, his senses drowning in a whirlpool of desire.
His thoughts were a jumble, his body melting into a pool of hot candle wax, dissolving, melding into the Doctor's body as if they were one entity. Where did he end and the Doctor begin? Ianto no longer knew; they were a tangle of lips, hands, tongues, emotions.
He and the Doctor were lovers in the true sense of the word; not only with their bodies and their hearts, but their innermost emotions, with their very souls. They loved not only with their conscious minds and bodies, but with everything that made up who each of them were.
There had never been a connection like this between two beings before; Ianto was more sure of that than he'd ever been of anything. They fit together as though their bodies had been designed for each other -- and their souls came together in the same way.
How could it be that a man from another world, centuries older than him, could be his perfect mate? Ianto didn't know the answer, and he didn't question why. It was enough for him that the Doctor existed, and that they had found each other.
Each thrust brought their bodies closer together, each movement seared them more deeply into each other. Ianto could feel his heart racing in his chest, his breath coming in gasps, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he was lifted into a spiral and carried ever higher.
The fall from such a height would be dizzying, but he was prepared for it. The Doctor's arms would be there for him to land safely in; his lover would be making the descent with him, their bodies and souls as close as two people could possibly be.
Ianto's eyes fluttered closed, his senses seeming to hang suspended in the air for one extended moment of crystal clarity before a wave of sensation rushed over him, shaking him from head to toe, bringing a cry to his lips.
His cry mingled with the Doctor's as their descent began, his body shuddering, his arms wrapping around the Time Lord's waist and pulling the other man into his arms, letting himself sink into the swirling vortex of their passion's aftermath.
How much time had passed while they were lost in each other? Ianto didn't know, and he didn't care. The passing of time and the rest of the world outside of their bedroom had ceased to exist for him; he and the Doctor could love the world away and he wouldn't care.
This was the kind of love he'd searched for all of his life on Earth, and never found. A love that looked on tempests and was never shaken; a love that consumed him from within, a flame that burned brighter with each passing day but never reduced him to ashes.
He'd found what he had spent his entire lifetime looking for, here in the Doctor's arms. No other lover could ever have meant this much to him; it was only through the grace of fate that he'd found the one man who could complete him, a fate that had melded them together for all eternity.
Ianto closed his eyes, turning onto his side and pulling the Doctor close, feeling the other man nestle into his arms. No words were needed to express his feelings; the "I love you" that resonated between the souls of two lovers was heard loud and clear by each of them.***
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