Title: Love the Self
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 30_sex_scenes
Prompt: 19, Masturbation
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
The Doctor sighed softly and leaned back against the softness of the pillows on his bed; he was trying to wait patiently for Ianto to get out of the shower, but each minute seemed to tick by like an eternity. He wanted his lover now.
He always found it exceedingly hard to be patient when he was waiting for Ianto -- especially when their kisses and caresses had driven him to the point where his body felt as though it was on fire. He didn't just want Ianto -- he needed the other man.
He wasn't annoyed that Ianto had rushed off to the shower. They had already made love once, and he didn't expect his lover to go again within no more than a few minutes. Ianto had carried him from the library couch to their bedroom, promising to return shortly.
The Doctor had known where he was heading; one of Ianto's ways of rejuvenating himself was to take a shower. It would have been nice if he could have joined his lover there -- but after their first bout of lovemaking, he doubted his ability to stand.
His knees still felt weak, his body relaxed from their lovemaking. The Doctor closed his eyes, a small smile curving his lips as he remembered the passion they'd shared only a short time before. Ianto had taken his breath away.
Ianto always did that when they made love. There was an intensity about the young man that no other lover of his had ever had, a spark between them that had never existed with anyone else. They were truly soul mates, meant to be together for eternity.
It took him a moment to realize that as his thoughts had focused on the man he loved, his hand had moved down the front of his body until his fingers had curled around his half-hard cock. It was almost a shock to discover what he was doing.
He had begun to stroke his cock, not realizing what was happening, giving himself pleasure almost absent-mindedly. He should stop, the Doctor told himself. He should let Ianto touch him like this, there was no sense in self-pleasure when his lover was near.
But this was something that he rarely indulged in -- and now that he had started, he found himself not wanting to stop. It was pleasurable to have his own cock in his hand, even though it would probably be much more so if it was Ianto touching him.
There was nothing wrong with a bit of self-love, the Doctor told himself firmly, gasping as his fingers seemed to tightening involuntarily around the base of his penis. It felt good, and he wasn't hurting anyone, least of all his lover, by doing this.
Ianto would be the first person to encourage what he was doing -- in fact, his boyfriend would more than likely want to watch. He'd done it before, and that had been a very satisfying experience, the two of them watching each other give themselves pleasure.
Would that happen again? the Doctor thought, his gaze moving to the doorway of the bedroom. Would Ianto appear there unexpectedly in nothing but a towel, and then stand there to watch him touch himself before throwing the towel aside and moving to the bed?
If it happened, then he would welcome it. But if not, he would simply enjoy pleasuring himself while he waited for his lover to return. Ianto probably wouldn't be long, so he should more than likely hurry this up, though he really wanted to take his time.
After all, what could be wrong with what he was doing? Plenty of people who were involved in a loving relationship indulged in this form of pleasure, he told himself as his hand stroked down his shaft again. It was perfectly natural for him to touch himself like this.
Ianto would heartily approve of what he was doing, he was sure. His young lover couldn't always be ready when the Doctor was; even though they had a wonderful sex life, there were times when Ianto's sexual energies couldn't keep up with his own.
A gasp caught in his throat as his thumb stroked over the tender tip of his cock; he'd almost forgotten how good his own touch could feel. It had been far too long since he'd engaged in this activity; he really had do get into the habit of doing it more often.
The Doctor spread his legs wider, getting more comfortable on the pillows, closing his eyes and sighing in pleasure. He loved feeling Ianto's touch, loved feeling the other man inside him, but sometimes, there was nothing like a bit of self-love.
His hand began to move faster on his shaft, from the base to the tip, his thumb brushing over the tender head with each stroke. He tightened his fingers as the moved downward, his hips starting to buck with each movement, his breath coming faster.
Why had he denied himself this pleasure for so long? Was it because he had a lover who satisfied him in every possible way -- or was it simply because something in him felt a bit guilty about pleasuring himself rather than letting Ianto do it for him?
That was really almost a selfish way to think, he chided himself. Ianto enjoyed watching him touch himself -- and he had to admit that he liked watching his lover do the same .Their lovemaking afterwards was always particularly intense and demanding.
The thought of Ianto watching him made his hand move faster, another gasp coming from his throat. If he raised his gaze to glance towards the doorway, would Ianto be standing there, a hungry look of desire in his eyes? The Doctor wondered, but he didn't look to see.
It would only be a few more moments now before he could allow pleasure to flood his body, to feel as though he was bursting with it. And after that, Ianto would come into the bedroom, fresh from his shower -- to be welcomed into the Time Lord's arms.
When his orgasm overtook him, he was almost surprised; he hadn't expected the pleasure to come upon so quickly, in such a rush. It left him gasping, a soft moan leaving his lips as he sank back into the downy softness of the pillows and closed his eyes.
For a few moments, he floated in space, completely relaxed and sated. It seemed as though he was weightless, his body as light as a feather, falling slowly back down to earth from dizzying heights to land gently in the warmth and comfort of his own bed.
When the Doctor opened his eyes, Ianto was bending over him, a smile curving his lips, an unreadable expression on his handsome face. The Doctor could see the desire written in those blue-grey eyes; he had to wonder if Ianto had been a spectator to his solo performance.
"That was beautiful," Ianto whispered, his gaze not leaving the Doctor's face. "I could watch you do that all day, love -- but I'd much rather be doing things to you myself, instead of just watching and wanting to touch you so badly I ache all over."
"I'm right here if you want me," the Doctor murmured, feeling a wave of excitement rush through him. He was already more than willing to have another go -- thank goodness for Time Lords not having any sort of refractory period, he thought with an inward smirk.
"Oh, you know that I want you," Ianto breathed into his ear. "There's never a time when I don't want you, Doctor. All you have to do is look at me with those eyes, and you set my body and soul on fire. I want you more than I've ever wanted anyone."
If his lover had been wearing a towel, he was no longer covered with it; within seconds, he was on top of the Doctor, their bodies almost seeming to scorch each other where they touched. The Doctor almost felt as though his flesh was being seared by the heat of their desire.
The Doctor let himself melt into Ianto's embrace, all thoughts of self-pleasure forgotten as he surrendered to his lover's touch. There was something to be said for self-love, but nothing could possibly ever live up to the feeling of being in Ianto's arms and knowing that he belonged there.***
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