Title: Love Triangle
By: The Last Dalek
Pairing: Doctor/Jack
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Please don't sue me, I'm only little...
Summary: With the return of Captain Jack, the Tenth Doctor finally has someone to love!***
Jack watched as the TARDIS dematerialized, taking the loves of his life with him. Jack nearly cried. The Earth was in ruins, no one could have survived the onslaught, and the Daleks had murdered everyone on the Games Station.
He turned.
The TARDIS was spiralling through the vortex towards the Games Station. The TARDIS had worked out that Jack was alive, but Rose was more occupied with hating the Doctor.
"You are not my Doctor!"
"No, I am the Doctor! I am the new Doctor!"
"No, you are a weasel!"
"Well let's see what Jack thinks, shall we?"
The TARDIS landed with a thud.
Jack turned back round as the TARDIS doors opened and Rose came running out. A strange yet handsome man walked out and leant against the side of the TARDIS. Rose ran into Jack's arms.
"Oh, Jack, I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too, Rose. Where's the Doctor?"
The man sauntered over.
"Oh my god! You mean, you actually... You mean it's true? I always thought that was impossible! You mean Time Lords actually regenerate?"
"Yep. Rose doesn't like me much. She prefers the me before."
"I can't see WHY she isn't madly in Love with you! I mean, you look a bit rodent-ish, but it's better than old teapot features!"
"Yeah! Maybe now I'll get some decent loving! Before wasn't quite cutting it!"
And, to Rose's disgust, they snogged, full on, tongues for what was probably about five minutes, but it felt like five YEARS for Rose. When they finally broke apart, Rose tweaked something.
"You were fucking?"
Jack and the Doctor looked at each other.
"A bit..."
Rose turned to Jack.
"You were Fucking MY Doctor, even though I loved him?"
The Doctor spoke.
"Rose, the ninth me got off with Jack BECAUSE he was in love with you. You were special. He didn't want to dirty you with him because you were good and proper and special. Aliens like me just want something to make up for what's lost. You would have wanted a domestic relationship, but he didn't want that. But he loved you, and really wanted to fuck you to kingdom come.
Rose looked at the new Doctor in a new light.
"Do you love me?"
The Doctor glanced at Jack.
"In a sense. But now it's Jack I want..."***
Jack stared into the Doctor's eyes.
The Doctor smiled. Jack's eyes lit up, and they both disapeared. Rose wandered into the TARDIS. The lighting had changed, it was warm, romantic...
A scream echoed down the hall; it was Jack, a scream of joy. Rose sat down on the pilot seat as groans of both springs and people rolled in to Rose.
Why was she so upset? Because HER Doctor got inside Jack? Or because...
She loved this Doctor? Loved the twinkle in his eyes, his weasel features, the way he looks sad when she rejects him? And of course, she loved Jack. Wanted him, but the Doctor and them were together, screaming for each others flesh. She could understand why her Doctor and Jack had got off; Jack needed to forget he had lost his memories and the Doctor his people. To touch someone, to feel the warmth of another, but Rose would have made it all too domestic. Jack would have just gone right down.
And she understand this new romance. She had rejected him. He had lost his best friend. He wanted to forget.***
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