Title: Magic Touch
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 4
Prompt: 30, Touch
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"I love touching you," Ianto sighed, letting his hands move down the Doctor's slender body. "You have the softest skin I've ever touched." He looked down at the man lying beneath him, his eyes taking in the body that his hands were caressing.
He wanted to imprint the image of that beautiful body on his memory; he could never get enough of looking at the Doctor, seeing that beauty before his eyes. He'd seen other naked men who he thought were very attractive, but none to compare with this one.
Of course, other than Jack, his past experience of viewing nude men had all been from magazines -- he'd had to hide those pictures, not wanting anyone to know that he was attracted to men as well as women. But those days were far in the past.
He'd felt so much better about himself since he'd decided to be honest with everyone he knew about who he was. He didn't have to hide his sexuality any more; he could be open and honest about the fact that he loved a man.
Why had he ever thought that this was shameful or wrong? It wasn't, Ianto told himself, letting his gaze move down the Doctor's pale limbs. Bending down, he pressed a gentle kiss to one small pink nipple, smiling as the tender flesh hardened under his lips.
No one had ever given him the kind of pleasure that the Doctor did. But he shouldn't be surprised at that; this man was his soul mate, the person he had been intended for since the moment of his conception. They were meant to be everything to each other.
He could thank Jack for giving him a bit of experience so that he'd be able to please the Doctor when they had finally found each other, he reflected, but Jack had never been the one he was meant for. Jack could never have been his one and only.
No, this was the man he belonged with, the only man he ever wanted to have in his arms or in his heart. Their bond transcended anything he'd ever known, or anything he could ever have imagined. It was more than a physical or emotional bond, more than love.
Ianto couldn't put a name to what the two of them shared. But it was something primal, something that had melded with his very essence and made the Doctor a part of him. He wasn't sure that the two of them could be parted now for any reason.
And that wasn't something he intended to find out, he told himself firmly, his fingertips stroking down to the Time Lord's hips, enjoying the velvety feel of the other man's skin. He wasn't going to be parted from this man again. Not ever.
"I love how you touch me," the Doctor sighed, bringing Ianto out of his reverie. He looked down at the Time Lord again, a smile on his lips. The Doctor looked completely relaxed, sated, like a cat who had just lapped up an entire saucer of cream.
"Then I should keep doing this, hmmm?" Ianto teased, bending his head again to brush a light kiss across the Time Lord's stomach. He circled the other man's navel with his tongue, knowing that particular movement always made his lover squirm with pleasure.
"Yes. Oh, yes," the Doctor gasped, his back arching, his slender body writhing under the onslaught of Ianto's hands and mouth. "Don't stop," he added, his long fingers threading through Ianto's hair, not pulling, simply resting in the dark strands.
"Don't worry, love, I won't," Ianto murmured, closing his eyes as his mouth began a downward trek, following his hands. He wanted to give himself over completely to touching his love, to forget about any worries either of them might have.
It was so easy for him to lose himself in the Doctor; the softness of the Time Lord's skin, the sweetness of his mouth, the heat of his body when Ianto slid inside him -- all of those things enveloped him, took him away to another world when they were together.
Ianto trailed his tongue down the underside of the Doctor's penis, the other man's soft moan registering dimly in his mind. Taking a deep breath, he slowly moved his mouth back upwards, sucking at the tender tip for a few moments before taking the Time Lord's cock into his mouth.
This was another thing he loved about making love to the Doctor; the feeling that this man was giving him complete control, letting Ianto do what he would with that gorgeous body, trusting him to give both of them the ultimate pleasure.
He intended to do just that, Ianto thought to himself as his head moved up and down the shaft of the Doctor's cock. He got just as much pleasure out of this as the Doctor did; even if he wasn't inside the other man, he still derived an incredible physical satisfaction from this act.
Ianto could feel the Doctor's muscles tightening; the Time Lord wasn't going to last long, but he wasn't surprised. He'd been touching the other man for what seemed like hours, sensitizing his body, teasing him in preparation for what was to come.
Almost as soon as the thought crossed his mind, he was swallowing convulsively; he could feel his own desire for the other man rising in him even as the Doctor came, his need for the Time Lord making him shiver with anticipation.
But he wasn't going to allow himself to assuage that need just yet; no, he wanted to make sure that the Doctor had achieved complete pleasure before he sheathed himself inside the other man's body and sated his own needs.
Slowly, he raised his head, watching the Time Lord's face. The Doctor's eyes were closed, his slightly swollen lips parted; his cheeks were flushed, his hair disheveled, his breath coming in rapid gasps. Ianto thought he had rarely ever looked so utterly beautiful -- or desirable.
They had made love earlier; the Doctor didn't need to be stretched and prepared again, but Ianto wanted to touch his lover; he loved watching the look on the Time Lord's face when his body was caressed. He loved seeing the signs of arousal on the other man's face.
He reached for the tube of lubricant on the table beside the bed, coating two fingers with it before he moved his hand between the Time Lord's thighs, sliding first one and then a second finger inside the Doctor, smiling as the other man sighed with pleasure.
"Nothing feels as good as your touch," the Doctor whispered, reaching out a hand to stroke Ianto's cheek. "Even if I couldn't see or hear, I would know you from your touch, Ianto. You have a magic touch, Ianto. One that I could never mistake."
"And of all the bodies in the universe, I would know yours from one touch," Ianto told him, his throat almost closing on the words. "There's no one else like you, Doctor. All I would have to do is touch your skin for a second to know it was you."
"Would you know who was making love to you?" Ianto teased as he slid his fingers out of the other man, shifting his position slightly and lifting the Doctor's hips. He almost wished that he hadn't asked the question when he saw the look on the other man's face.
"Of course I would," the Doctor whispered, his dark gaze riveted on Ianto's face. "No one else could possibly be you. I know your touch, Ianto. I know your kiss, your body, your heart, your soul. And you know mine. You always have, even before we met."
Ianto's heart clenched in his chest at those words; he hoped that he hadn't hurt the Doctor with that flippant question. "I know I have," he whispered, his blue-grey gaze holding the Time Lord's and not looking away. "And I always will."
The young man pressed his hips forward, moaning with pleasure as he slid inside his lover. The Doctor's moan joined his own as the Time Lord's arms wrapped around his shoulders, drawing him down for a kiss that seared his senses and took away the need for any more words.***
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