Title: Practice Makes Perfect
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: VRD challenge - Yellow, 5_prompts
Prompt: Bananas
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"I love bananas," the Doctor said, sitting down at the table and picking up a particularly large specimen of the fruit that was lying there. "I'd say that they're my favourite food. Though I do prefer them in banana daiquiris rather than their natural state."
"It's far too early to be thinking of banana daiquiris!" Ianto laughed, turning to look at his lover, running an appreciative eye over the Time Lord's state of near-undress. He always liked to see the Doctor out of that suit he usually wore; it had become too much like a uniform for Ianto's taste.
They were both wearing dressing gowns; neither of them had really felt like getting dressed when they'd tumbled out of bed and headed for the Tardis' kitchen to make breakfast. He couldn't help thinking just how easy it might be to take that robe off ....
But he shouldn't be thinking like that, not so early in the morning. Ianto gave himself a mental shake, turning back to the coffeepot. Only a few seconds more, and they would have their coffe; that was one of the few things he was good at doing in a kitchen.
Reaching into the cupboard for two mugs, he turned to take them over to the table -- and stopped in his tracks when he saw what the Doctor was doing. He had peeled the banana, and was staring at it as though it was .... No. He couldn't be thinking in those terms.
Ianto watched in amazement as the Doctor slid the banana between his lips, their eyes meeting across the few feet of space that separated them. The Time Lord kept pushing the banana into his mouth until he had nearly swallowed the entire length of it.
That looked like .... Ianto swallowed hard, imagining those soft lips wrapped around his cock rather than around the banana. If the Doctor had been trying to turn his attention to a certain part of his anatomy, he had certainly succeeded.
He wasn't going to do what the Doctor might have expected of him, though. Ianto put the coffee mugs down on the countertop, a wicked smile curving his lips as he moved across the kitchen and fell to his knees in front of the chair that the Time Lord was sitting in.
The Doctor looked down at him, the banana still in his mouth, his dark eyes wide and inquiring. Ianto returned his gaze, his own blue-grey eyes sparkling, already knowing exactly what he was going to do and wondering when his lover would catch on.
Slowly, the Doctor removed the banana from his mouth, laying it on the table and looking down at Ianto. "What in the world are you doing down there on the floor?" he asked, his voice husky. "I thought I was giving you a signal -- unless you've got something else in mind."
"Oh, I think I do," Ianto murmured, reaching for the sash that held the Doctor's dressing gown closed. With nimble fingers, he untied it, opening the robe to expose the slender body beneath it, his heated gaze moving over those slim curves.
"Ianto, what are you doing?" The Doctor sounded shocked; Ianto couldn't keep the smirk from his face as he looked up at the other man, trying to look innocent and failing miserably. "This wasn't what I was trying to tell you --"
His words abruptly stopped as Ianto's fingers closed around the shaft of his cock, his lover's hand starting to move slowly up and down his length. The Doctor's head fell back, a gasp coming from his throat as he arched his back and pushed his hips forward.
Ianto took a deep breath as he leaned forward, flicking his tongue across the tip of the Time Lord's cock teasingly before wrapping his lips around the sensitive head and sucking -- gently at first, then slightly harder, taking more of his lover's erection into his mouth after a few moments.
He pushed the Doctor's thighs further apart, trailing his fingers down the velvety-soft skin of the Time Lord's inner thighs. This wasn't exactly the way he would have chosen to take the other man -- but after all, it had been a spur-of-the-moment decision.
Ianto could feel the Doctor's long fingers threading through his hair, not pushing his head down, but simply resting on his head. The Doctor was letting him do as he pleased, trusting him to take them both down an avenue of pleasure that they would both enjoy.
His head bobbed up and down in the Time Lord's lap, sliding down to the base of his lover's cock, then slowly moving back to the tip, swirling his tongue around the sensitive head. He could feel the Doctor's muscles tightening, his body starting the upward climb towards his climax.
He concentrated on the other man's pleasure; this was about the Doctor, not about him. Besides, he could always take his lover back to bed later; he was sure that the Time Lord would have no objection at all to them spending the day lost in each other.
Ianto knew that the Doctor was nearing the point of no return; he could hear the other man's breathing becoming heavier, feel his hips jerking slightly with each upward movement of his mouth. It would only be a few more moments now .....
Moving one hand between the Doctor's thighs, Ianto cupped the Time Lord's balls, rolling them gently between his fingers. He was rewarded with a soft cry -- and the warm rush of his lover's orgasm. Closing his eyes, he swallowed convulsively, his throat constricting around the other man's cock.
He didn't want to pull away from the Doctor, not yet. He could feel the Time Lord's penis softening; reluctantly, he let his lover's cock slip out of his mouth, resting his head in the Doctor's lap and smiling to himself as the Gallifreyan's long fingers combed through his hair.
"I certainly didn't expect that," the Doctor whispered, his voice husky and throaty, seeming to come from a long way off. Ianto lifted his head, looking up at his lover and smiling at the dazed, sated expression that stamped the other man's features.
"It wasn't planned," Ianto told him, laughing softly as he raised a hand to place it against the Doctor's chest, loving the feel of those dual heartbeats under his palm. "But when you started deep-throating that banana, it gave me an idea that I had to act on."
"I didn't think I would give you that sort of an idea!" the Doctor laughed, still stroking Ianto's hair. "I'd intended to ask you if you wanted to go back to the bedroom and let me -- well, I"m sure you know what I was planning to do."
Ianto couldn't hold back his laughter at those words. "Of course I knew. But I thought that if I wanted to do anything of the same sort myself, I needed to beat you to the punch, so to speak." He stood up, holding out a hand to the Time Lord.
The Doctor looked at him questioningly before taking his hand and getting to his feet, not bothering to pull his robe closed again. Instead, he let it fall to the floor, the silken fabric pooling around his feet. He tilted his head to the side, giving Ianto a mischievous look.
"Do you know, I think you're far too overdressed, Ianto Jones," he said in a mock-chiding tone. "You really should take off that robe right now. Or --" He raised an eyebrow, a smile spreading over his handsome features. "-- You could wait until we get back to the bedroom."
"That's exactly what I was thinking," Ianto said softly, casting a glance at the coffeepot and the two mugs that were still sitting on the counter. "I think the coffee and whatever else we might have had can wait for a while, don't you?"
"Oh, they definitely can," the Doctor murmured, his voice husky. He stepped closer to Ianto and wrapped one thin arm around his young lover's waist. "That banana was only a demonstration, you know. Wait until I actually get going. You haven't seen anything yet."
Now it was Ianto's turn to raise a querying brow. "Oh, really?" he asked, his tone making it clear that he was teasing. "I'm flattered that you prefer me to a banana. Maybe I should start making sure you have enough bananas in the kitchen to practice on!"
"I don't need any practice!" the Doctor informed him, laughing and shaking his head. "But practice does make perfect, so the saying goes. If that's true, then I think you should let me spend some time practicing this morning. It couldn't hurt."
"I can hardly wait for you to get started," Ianto answered, moving towards the kitchen door with the Doctor right beside him. His heart was already pounding in anticipation -- and he had a feeling that it would be quite a while before the two of them made it back to the kitchen.***
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