Title: Masterpiece
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: R
Table: 10
Prompt: 43, Art
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
The Doctor squirmed a little, looking over at Ianto and raising an eyebrow. "How long do I have to stay here in the same position?" he inquired, already starting to look restless. "You know I don't like to sit still, Ianto."
The young man looked up from the sketchbook in his hands, smiling at his lover and shaking his head. "Now, Doctor, you agreed to let me draw you. That means you have to pose for me. You don't have to be perfectly still. You can move a bit."
The Time Lord heaved a sigh of relief, leaning back against the pillows and stretching out. He still felt a bit odd about doing something like posing for Ianto, but the young man had assured him that no one would see his sketches but the two of them.
He couldn't help wondering if Jack had ever done this, if Ianto had ever sat there with that intense look on his face while he drew the other man.
Somehow, he didn't like that idea. Not that he minded Ianto seeing Jack naked -- of course they'd seen each other's bodies; they'd been lovers, after all -- but it just seemed such an intimate and personal thing to do, to draw someone in the nude.
At first, that was why he'd balked at the idea. He hadn't felt quite comfortable with the thought of having nude drawings of himself that people might be able to see, but Ianto had managed to get him to agree to it after a while.
It had actually seemed rather erotic, taking off his clothes and stretching himself out on the bed, letting Ianto arrange his limbs into the pose he wanted to sketch. But he hadn't counted on having to stay still for so long.
Ianto had laughed and shaken his head, telling him that this wasn't going to take much longer. After those words, every second had seemed to last an eternity.
He'd breathed a sigh of relief when Ianto had laid the sketchbook down and stretched his arms, thinking that it was done and he could get up. Then Ianto had picked up the book again, looking at the Doctor with a slight frown.
"Don't move around too much, love. I want to be able to add some things to the basic sketch."
He'd sighed inwardly and complied with his lover's wishes, but now he was finding it harder and harder to stay still. Ianto had changed his pose, and he could only assume that the young man was working on another drawing. He hadn't let the Doctor see his work yet.
"For all the time this is taking, I hope what you're doing is worthy of being hung in the Louvre," he remarked, quirking an eyebrow and longing to get up and stretch his legs. It felt as though he'd been lying here on the bed for hours.
"Oh hush, it's not been that long." Ianto looked up with a slight smile on his lips, his charcoal pencil poised over the paper. "You're just restless. I know you don't like to be still for long periods of time, but bear with me, Doctor."
The Time Lord nodded, unable to keep back a smile in return. There was something about his boyfriend's smile that was .... infectious.
He found himself studying Ianto as the young man drew, his dark head bent over his sketchbook, the pencil moving over the paper with decisive strokes. He looked so serious about this, as though he wanted to create a masterpiece.
The Doctor loved watching Ianto like this, when they were alone together and the younger man was oblivious to the fact that he was being studied. He couldn't help but wonder if Ianto did the same thing, watching him and making mental observations when he wasn't looking.
When Ianto raised his head to glance at him again, their eyes met and held, as though their gazes were drawn to each other and couldn't break away. Slowly, he put down the sketchbook and pencil, making his way over to the bed.
For a moment, the Doctor felt frozen in time, wondering what he should do. Then he slowly raised his arms towards the younger man, a smile curving his lips as he moved over slightly to allow Ianto room to lay down beside him.
Ianto didn't hesitate, not for a moment. He reached for the hem of his shirt, lifting it over his head before he lowered himself to the bed, settling down next to the Time Lord.
The Doctor closed his eyes, letting himself sink into the comfort and warmth of Ianto's embrace. Was there any place where he'd ever felt so safe and loved? No, never. This was where he belonged -- where he'd always belonged, since the day he was born.
His eyes flew open as his boyfriend's hand moved down his back to rest on the curve of his ass, squeezing gently. Ianto was smiling faintly, a Cheshire-cat sort of smile. The Doctor couldn't keep himself from laughing at the look on the other man's face.
"I don't think I have to ask what you have in mind," he said softly, raising a hand to stroke gentle fingertips down Ianto's cheek.
"I don't think so, either," Ianto breathed into his ear, rolling over on top of the Time Lord until the thin man was pinned down under him. His hands moved down the Doctor's sides, sliding under his thighs; the Doctor arched his back, letting out a soft moan.
Then it dawned on him: Ianto was still half-clothed. Hmmm. Something would definitely have to be done about that, though he had no idea how he was going to accomplish undressing his lover the rest of the way when he could barely move.
"Ianto .... if you're planning on doin what I think you are, then you're a bit overdressed for it," he pointed out, unable to keep back a soft laugh. "I don't believe you're going to accomplish much if you're still wearing clothes."
The younger man stared down at him for a moment, blinking, as if he'd completely forgotten that he was still partially clothed. Then he lifted his hips, his own laugh joining the Doctor's. "Does that give you enough room to do the honours?"
Without saying a word, the Doctor tugged at the button and zipper of Ianto's jeans, managing to push them down and off within a matter of seconds.
"That takes care of that," Ianto smirked, looking down at the Doctor again. "And since you seem to be having such a hard time keeping still so I can draw you .... I think that maybe I should give you a good reason to squirm."
The Doctor arched his back again, pressing his thin body against Ianto's, gasping as he did so. "I think you should give me as many reasons for doing that as you possibly can," he murmured, the words coming out rather breathlessly.
"Oh, I certainly intend to," Ianto told him, wrapping his arms around the Time Lord and brushing a kiss across his mouth. "But I do mean to finish that drawing. And who knows -- maybe one day it will hang somewhere that it can be seen."
"But not the Louvre," the Doctor said, closing his eyes and moaning again as his lover's mouth began to move down his body. "It would be a bit too public for my taste."
His only answer was a soft laugh.***
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