Title: Midnight Blue
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG
Table: 2, letter100
Prompt: 15, Midnight
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
My beloved Ianto,
I've always felt that the night has two sides. One, a dark, menacing side that makes me cautious, as though the darkness could swallow me up and never let me see the light again. That's the side of it that I've never liked, the dark, frightening side.
And then, there's the side of the night that can be velvety soft and comforting, wrapping me in a blanket of warmth and security. The side that hides me from my enemies, the side that makes it easy for me to slip from place to place with stealth.
And midnight has always seemed like a special sort of hour -- one that is full of promise, the beginning of a new day, where there are millions of possibilities and anything can happen. At midnight, anything seems possible, and the world is open.
I know that in human parlance, midnight is considered "the witching hour," the time when it's easiest for evil to be afoot. But I've never quite believed that. To me, it's always been much more of a time of promise than of menace and fear.
Of course, it's always best to be cautious of the night. You never know what could jump out at you from dark corners if you're not prepared.
Tonight, the sky above us is dotted with stars, and it feels as though there's a velvet banner unrolled over the Earth. Maybe it's strange for me to want to sleep out here under the stars, but I find it wonderfully soothing.
It isn't easy for you to do this, I know, not after what happened to you when you were with Torchwood. I'm still a bit uneasy about that myself; I wouldn't take you anywhere near that place where you had such a bad experience with cannibals.
That thought makes me shudder, even though I didn't know you at the time. Just the idea that you could have been taken away from me before I even had a chance to know you sends a shudder down my spine and grips my hearts with a cold chill.
But I won't dwell on that. It didn't happen, it's over and done and in the past, and now you're safe with me. And you know that I would never take you to a place that makes you uncomfortable. I may not be able to protect you from danger, but I can protect you from the past.
When I look up from the pen and paper in my hands at the sky, it feels as though there's a cover of indigo blue velvet stretching over us, a velvet that's dotted with tiny pinpricks of stars. It's peaceful and soothing, keeping us safe under a comforting blanket.
And looking at the watch on my wrist, I can see that it's just ticked over to midnight. The start of a new days in the lifetime that we'll spend together.
When I look over at you, I can't help but smile. You're resting peacefully under the blankets covering you, your face on the pillow looking angelic and innocent. You're far from innocent, my love, but there's something in your face that hearkens back to younger days.
I love watching you sleep, and seeing you like this, here under a midnight blue sky at the hour in the day of greatest promise, I feel that our lives are somehow opening up before us, showing us a path that I can't wait us to travel down together.
There's a song that I've always liked, though I forget who the artist was. It's called "Midnight Blue," and the lyric that keeps going through my head isI think we can make it. It seems to apply to us, in so many ways.
I don't just "think" you and I are going to make it, Ianto. I know that we will. We've already been through too much together, survived too many bad times, for me to doubt that. Those times have only brought us closer together and made us much stronger.
I'd never have believed that a human could change my life so much -- or that a human would end up being my soul mate. I love humans, obviously, but there are so many differences to span that have always made me believe that a lasting relationship with one of them would be impossible.
You've proven me wrong in that respect, beloved. You've made me realise that nothing is impossible when you love someone enough.
Sometimes I wonder where I would be without you -- and then I push that thought away from my mind. Maybe there will come a day when I'll have to go on without your physical presence by my side -- that's inevitable -- but I'll never be without you in my hearts.
I've said this so many times, but I'll continue to say it -- and to believe it. You'll always be a part of me, Ianto. You've captured my hearts and my soul, and you hold them cradled in your hands. I trust you not to drop them, and to care for them as much as I care for yours.
Looking up at the midnight blue sky, I feel a sense of peace and tranquillity settle over me such as I've never known. I feel as if my life has slipped into place, revolving on an axis as the Earth does, after so many centuries of having it spin wildly in every direction.
You've brought about that peace and serenity in my life, Ianto, and I'll always be grateful to you for that. Though we might face adversity, I know that we'll be able to deal with it, as long as I have you by my side and in my hearts where you belong.
Your loving
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