Title: Mirror
By: karaokegal
Wordcount: 180
Rating: PG13
A/N: Written for the Drabble Meme
Summary: Jack/Nine first time fic.
No one had ever looked at Jack the way the Doctor did, as if they knew all the bad and the good that lay within him and still trusted him to do the right thing.Right now Jack had no idea what that was. The Doctor had come to his room, and was standing there, waiting, eyes like cold steel, offering everything or nothing and Jack had to decide exactly what to do about it.
His last partner at the Time Agency would laugh at the sight of him so confused when faced with something he wanted so badly, when together they’d walked over morals and doubts like so many paper flowers. None of those choices matter as much as this. He no longer had the luxury of being a screw-up.
The Doctor was still waiting, still looking, and Jack felt the weight of time passing both too slowly and too fast. He saw that the Doctor was no longer looking at him, but at their reflected images in the mirror by Jack’s bed.
And he suddenly knew the answer.
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