Title: Moonlight Feels Right
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 5, 50episodes
Prompt: 33, Moonlight
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto awakened with a gasp, wondering for just a moment if the disturbing dreams were coming back to haunt his slumber again. He relaxed only a moment after the thought went through his head; no, there were no nightmares plaguing his mind.
He'd awakened because the Doctor wasn't beside him in bed, not because he'd been jerked out of sleep by some dream that threatened to destroy his peace of mind. Frowning, he sat up, rubbing his eyes and looking around the room.
They had decided to spend the Christmas holidays on a pleasure planet, and the Doctor had chosen one that Ianto had thoroughly enjoyed. It was much like Earth, the days and nights falling along the same pattern, and he'd been comfortable with the familiar surroundings.
The Time Lord seemed to enjoy it too, he thought with a smile, his mind going back over the peaceful solitude they'd enjoyed for the past few days. They'd immersed themselves in each other, pushing any cares and worries to the back of their minds for the time being.
There had been no nightmares, no uneasy feelings of being watched or pursued. There had only been the time they'd spent together, days spent walking along beautiful beaches or tropical gardens, nights lying in each other's arms when their passion was spent.
For just a moment, the dreadful thought had occurred to him that everything they'd been through over the last few weeks had been a dream; he wasn't immortal, and the Doctor wasn't immune to outward physical changes if he had to regenerate.
But no; that had only been a momentary thought, and the truth was far different. The profound changes that had taken place in their lives were real; there was no reason for either of them to doubt those changes in any way. They were obviously permanent.
Ianto sighed, blinking as he looked around the darkened hotel bedroom. The Doctor had obviously gone into the sitting room of their suite, though why he'd done so, Ianto couldn't imagine. Hopefully, there were no bad dreams or worries keeping the Time Lord awake.
Or maybe he had just woken and wanted to get out of bed and walk around. It was something the Time Lord often did when they were on the Tardis; he never wanted to wake Ianto or bother him if he was feeling restless, and the young man appreciated that thoughtfulness.
As a human, he needed more sleep than the Doctor did. But he was wide awake now -- and he intended to see just what was keeping his lover awake. He hoped that it was only restlessness or possibly a bout of insomnia, rather than more bad dreams.
Throwing back the covers, he got to his feet and reached for his robe, pulling it around his body as he went from the bedroom into the sitting room. He blinked again, his eyes adjusting to the brightness of the moonlight streaming through the sliding glass doors that led to the balcony.
The Doctor was standing there, looking out into the lushness of the gardens that surrounded the hotel. Ianto couldn't take his eyes from the picture that the Time Lord presented -- he was stark naked in front of the window, the moonlight turning his smooth skin to pale silver.
All he wanted to do was go to the Doctor and move his hands over that velvety skin -- slowly, sensuously, until the Doctor was gasping for breath and begging to be taken. He would make love to the Time Lord right here, on the carpet, in the moonlight ....
Ianto moved across the floor quietly, coming to stand behind the Doctor and wrapping his arms around the other man. The Time Lord gasped, turning his head to look at the man standing behind him, relaxing when he realized who it was.
"You startled me," he said softly, returning his gaze to the garden outside, the moonlight silvering the vista that was presented to them. "It's beautiful out there, isn't it? I almost want to go for a walk in the garden, in the dead of night while the moonlight is shining down on us."
"You'd have to put on some clothes first, wouldn't you?" Ianto teased, one hand moving down the front of the Time Lord's body to curl his fingers around the other man's cock and begin stroking up and down his shaft. "After all, I don't want anyone else to see this."
The Doctor moaned softly, pushing his hips forward as Ianto's hand moved on his cock, his slim body arching in his lover's arms. "Aren't you worried about someone seeing us here, in front of the window?" he breathed, his words punctuated by a gasp of pleasure.
"Ah, you should have thought of that before you decided to stand here in the moonlight naked and tempt me!" Ianto told him with a soft laugh, his other hand moving up the Doctor's chest to tweak gently at each nipple until they were both hardened and throbbing under his fingers.
"Make love to me," the Time Lord whispered as he leaned his head back against Ianto's shoulder, turning his head to the side so that his warm breath brushed the young man's skin. "Right here, on the floor, in front of the balcony. In the moonlight."
Ianto almost wanted to protest that the bed would be more comfortable -- until he realized that the Time Lord's thoughts had obviously taken the same path that his own had. And that somehow, making love to the Doctor here in the moonlight simply felt right.
There was no lube, but they had made love earlier in the night; he was sure that the Doctor was still opened enough from that first encounter for this not to be painful for him in the slightest. The trick was getting them both to the floor with no mishaps.
Slowly, carefully, Ianto sank to his knees, wondering if the Time Lord would fall on top of him. But no -- he was surprised when the Doctor bent his knees and sank to the floor along with him, though he had to relinquish his grip on the Time Lord's cock as they moved.
The Doctor rolled over onto his back, holding his arms out to his lover. "Take me, Ianto," he whispered, those dark eyes locking on his own and drawing him in with an intensity that took his breath away. "I want you. I need you. I love you."
"I love you too, sweetheart," Ianto murmured, settling himself between the Time Lord's spread thighs and pushing the other man's legs up to his chest. It only took a moment for him to position himself, then he was sliding into that tight, welcoming heat that he knew so well.
The Time Lord's long, slim legs were wrapped around him, the other man's breath against his skin; Ianto closed his eyes, feeling himself lifted into ecstasy almost immediately, as he always was when he and the Doctor joined their bodies in this most primal union.
Had there ever been such pleasure? He didn't think so; he was sure that he could never have felt this way with anyone else. Not only in the physical sense; he could never have loved anyone else this deeply, never been a part of another person in the way he was with the Doctor.
He had no idea how long the melding of their bodies lasted, but it only seemed like a few moments before he was cresting a wave of pleasure, his body shaking and spasming as he released into the Doctor, feeling his lover's climax follow his own only seconds later.
Rolling over onto his side, Ianto slowly and carefully pulled out of the Time Lord, propping himself up on one elbow to look at his lover. He'd often read that a man was at his most beautiful right after he came -- and the Doctor was certainly proof of that statement.
He reached out to touch the other man's passion-swollen lips, loving every expression that crossed that handsome face. He loved the Doctor's tousled hair, his flushed cheeks, the sparkle in his dark eyes when he turned that gaze towards Ianto.
"You're even more beautiful by moonlight than you are by candlelight," he murmured, bringing the image of the Doctor to his mind as he'd looked last night, recumbent on the pillows of their bed. "Though I think you're beautiful any time, in any situation."
"And so are you, beloved," the Doctor said softly, raising a hand to stroke Ianto's cheek. "Even more so after we've just made love and you're looking at me with your emotions shining in your eyes. I could look at you like this every day for the rest of eternity."
"And thanks to all that's happened to us lately, you'll be able to do that," Ianto told him, his voice light. He didn't want to cry, or to make this moment too laden with emotion. Not after the pleasure that they'd just given each other, with even more to come.
At least, that was his intention -- if he could get the Time Lord back to their bedroom. He got to his feet slowly, holding out a hand to his lover. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's go back to bed. Unless you want me to carry you," he added, his eyes sparkling with laughter.
The Doctor laughed along with him, taking Ianto's hand and levering himself to his feet in one graceful movement. Together, the two of them padded silently back into their bedroom, both anticipating what the rest of this moonlit night could bring.***
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