Title: Moth To A Flame
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 3, letter100
Prompt: 22, Flying
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones, the Tenth Doctor, or Jack Harkness. Please do not sue.***
Dear Jack,
These last few weeks with you have been some of the best days of my entire life. There have been few times when I can remember ever having been so happy, and so contented. And it's mainly because you're here with me, sharing every day of my life.
No one else has ever made me feel that way. There have been people who I've enjoyed being with, but no one who's ever touched my hearts in the way that you have. I suppose that's what most people would call love, but I think it's more than that.
No mere four-letter, one-syllable word could begin to describe how much I feel for you, Jack. "Love" would be putting it mildly. I know that it might sound strange coming from me, but you're the most important person in my life. You always will be.
I think you always have been, from the first moment we met. Of course, I was in a different body then, and I don't think that the attraction between us was as strong as it is now. But you're a visual man, and the body that I was in before didn't appeal to you as much as this one does.
That makes me worry, you know. I'm sure that there will come a time in the future when I'll be forced to regenerate to stay alive -- and I may end up with a body that you can't love. Does that mean that you'll leave me again, and that this time we may be parted forever?
I don't want to think of us in those terms. I want to believe that you'll always love me, and that you and I will last for the rest of eternity. The fact that you came back to me of your own free will, without coercion on my part, makes me hopeful that we'll stay together.
You make me feel .... I don't know the proper word for it. Invincible? Omnipotent? Neither of those quite fit; I don't know how to put all the feelings that you give me into one word, or even a few. There are no words for the enormity of the emotions I have for you.
The first time you kissed me in this body, I felt as though I was flying -- speeding through the air with the wind whistling all around me, not knowing where or when I would land. But I knew that no matter where I ended up, you would be there to catch me.
That's how you've always made me feel, Jack. You don't even have to touch me or kiss me; all you have to do is look at me, flash that smile that I've grown to love so much, and I feel like I'm flying. I feel like I can do anything, be anything, that I'm on top of the world.
There's no one else in the universe, past, present or future, who could make me feel the way you do. If anyone else had ever been able to do that, then I don't believe I would have fallen so hard for you -- at first sight, as it were, even when I wasn't yet in this body.
Attraction is a strange thing; you never know who you'll feel attracted to, really. There's just a certain chemistry between people, something that you can't define, something that draws you to them like a moth to a flame. That's how I felt with you, right from the first.
There was something about you that captured me from the moment our gazes met -- and that was why I wanted to come along with me as a companion. We might not have seemed to get along at the beginning, but that was because I was fighting what I felt.
I think you were, too, though you'd never have admitted it. You're not the kind of man who finds it easy to fall for someone; I've always known that about you, Jack. It's easy for you to be attracted, but not to feel that you want to have a relationship with someone.
I told myself so many times after you left me that it was inevitable, that you would never be the kind of man who wanted to be with just one person, and that I had been lucky to have you for as long as I had. I told myself that I'd learn to live without that feeling of flying.
But I couldn't dismiss that feeling so easily, Jack. It kept coming back to me in my dreams, or when I would lie sleepless in bed at night and ache for you. I kept trying to bring that feeling back, and the more elusive it became, the more I needed it.
I never thought that I could become so attached to a feeling, and I berated myself for it. But it wasn't just the way you made me feel that I needed, Jack. It was you yourself -- your touch, your kiss, your smile, your very presence.
If you hadn't come back to me, I wouldn't have been able to hold myself back much longer from coming to you. I would have shown up at the Hub, late at night, after I knew that the rest of the team would be gone -- and I would have gone down on my knees and begged you for another chance.
Maybe that would have seemed to some people as though I was shaming myself, or settling for some sort of relationship that would never be committed on more than one side. But I didn't care. I needed you. I needed that feeling of flying, of being in your arms.
It wasn't just that feeling that made me want to come back to you. I needed to be in your arms, to feel your touch, to kiss you and hold you and feel you inside me. I needed to be with you, to immerse myself in you. And I needed to let you know how much I loved you.
I'll always be drawn to you like a moth to a flame, love. I'd never be able to keep away from you, no matter how hard I might try. You're my hearts and soul, Jack. You always will be. And I hope that I'll always be the same to you. I'd like to think that I am.
Just thinking about you choosing to be with me is enough to bring back that feeling of flying. All I have to do is close my eyes, and I can feel your arms around me, the wind whistling by me, the feeling of being invincible coming over me in a way that it never has before.
When I'm in your arms, the rest of the world disappears. I have the feeling that I'm completely safe, in a world where only the two of us exist. No one else has ever made me feel that way before, Jack. No one has ever given me that safety and security.
And no one else has ever sent me flying above the clouds, into the stratosphere, in the way that you do. I doubt that anyone else ever could. You're the only one who could ever do that, my love -- and the only one who I ever want to have making me fly that high.
Always your
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