Title: Music To My Ears
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: slash_me_twice
Prompt: 93, Voice
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"Doctor! Where are you?"
The Doctor straightened up from where he was bending over the console of the Tardis when he heard Ianto's voice calling him, a smile on his lips. His lover's tone didn't sound urgent in any way; Ianto was just probably wondering where he was.
He hadn't told Ianto that he was coming to the control room of the ship, but somehow, his young lover always seemed to be able to tell where he was on the ship. The Doctor wasn't sure if that was the Tardis guiding Ianto to him, or if the younger man could just tell where he was.
It didn't really matter, he thought with a smile. As long as Ianto was by his side, the Doctor didn't care just how he knew where to find him -- as long as he did.
The sound of that voice calling to him could always send a thrill of anticipation down his spine, the Time Lord reflected, turning around and leaning against the console. There was something about that voice that always managed to reach to his hearts.
Maybe it was the soft Welsh accent, the way that Ianto's voice spoke his name. He loved hearing the word "Doctor" on Ianto's lips, whether it was spoken in laughter, admonition, love, or in the throes of passion. It always sounded meaningful to him.
Did everyone feel like that about the way their lover spoke their name? He had no idea, but he was fairly sure they did. After all, every person thought their lover was the most special person in the universe, even if no on else saw anything particularly outstanding about them.
But Ianto was special, he thought with a smile. He wasn't the only person who'd thought so -- Jack had been with him at one time, too, though he didn't think that had been any "great love" on the immortal's part -- just a passing fancy that quickly faded.
He and Ianto were different. The two of them had bonded almost from the moment they'd first met -- much to Jack's surpise, and his own. He hadn't thought that he could feel so strongly about a human -- or that a human would turn out to be his soul mate.
That opinion had changed rapidly the longer he'd been with Ianto. He'd know that their bond was special from the first few moments, but it had only grown stronger with the passing of time.
He hadn't answered Ianto's question about where he was, because he was sure that the young man's footsteps would lead him to the control room of the ship. He had no doubt that Ianto was headed in that direction, with his sense of where the Doctor was at all times.
True to his thoughts, Ianto emerged into the control room from the corridor that led to the bedroom they shared, looking slightly mussed but happy. He smiled when he saw the Doctor, coming over to the console to wrap his arms around the Time Lord.
The Doctor returned Ianto's smile as he nuzzled his cheek against his lover's, enjoying the feel of Ianto's razor stubble scratching his skin just the tiniest bit. "I was going to answer you, but I didn't think you'd have a hard time finding me."
"I never do, do I?" Ianto answered, laughing a little as he tightened his grip around the Time Lord's slender waist. "Somehow, I can always seem to find you. I'm like a homing pigeon when it comes to you -- I think I could always find you, no matter where you were."
"That talent may come in handy someday," the Doctor said, his tone sobering. "It's a good thing you have it -- if we get into a bad situation, you may need to use it."
Ianto nodded, the smile vanishing. "I hope that never has to happen -- but if it does, I'll find you no matter what," he whispered, one hand raising to stroke through the Doctor's hair. "I'd never leave you in danger, you know that."
"Of course I do," the Doctor said softly, leaning against Ianto and sliding his thin arms around his boyfriend's waist. "I've never had any doubts about your loyalty to me. I'd never leave you behind in any situation, either, you can be sure of that."
Not only the words, but the tone in which they were said, sent a shiver down the Doctor's spine. He loved hearing that voice, those beautiful mellifluous tones that were uniquely Ianto's. It was the most gorgeous voice he'd ever heard, he thought, the smile curving his lips again.
What was it about a voice that could make his knees go watery and his hearts beat faster? No other voice had ever managed to do that to him before. There were voices that had frightened him, but never a voice that had unleashed such a passionate response.
Maybe it was because he loved this young man so fiercely -- everything about him, from his eyes to his smile to his voice. Absolutely everything. There was nothing about Ianto that he'd change -- not one single thing. It was a perfect package.
Oh, all right, not perfect he admitted reluctantly. No one was perfect, and he wouldn't want a perfect man, anyway. That would be deadly dull. No, he wanted Ianto, with all his imperfections and faults. Exactly the way he was.
"What are you thinking?" Ianto asked him, pulling away slightly and looking into his lover's eyes. "I know there's something going on in that beautiful mind of yours."
"I'm thinking about you," he answered, his own voice soft and loving as he returned his lover's gaze without looking away. "About how much I love your voice, your eyes, your smile .... everything about you. How I wouldn't change any of it, not for any reason."
Ianto swallowed hard, blinking a bit as though he was driving back tears that had suddenly sprung into his eyes. "You know, I think that might be the most beautiful thing anyone's ever said to me," he murmured, his voice husky with emotion.
"It's true, you know," the Time Lord whispered, threading his fingers through Ianto's hair, then taking the young man's face between his hands and gazing into his eyes steadily. "You're wonderful just as you are. Maybe not perfect -- but perfect for me."
"And you know that I'll always feel the same about you." Ianto's voice was choked, but his words still came out clearly. "I've thought you were the most incredible man I'd ever known, from the first moment I met you. I couldn't ask for anything more."
That voice, even though it was hushed and a bit constrained, still sounded like the sweetest music to his ears. He loved hearing Ianto speak, especially when his lover was saying things like this. He could never tire of hearing that Ianto loved him.
"We're perfect for each other, then," the Doctor murmured, feeling tears rising behind his own eyes -- tears of happiness, of gratitude for having this kind of love in his life.
"Yes, we are," Ianto said, his voice sounding stronger and firmer now. "And I intend to remind you of it every chance that I get." He bent swiftly, hooking an arm behind the Doctor's knees and another behind his back. lifting the other man into his arms. "Starting right now."
The Doctor wrapped his arms around Ianto's neck, laughing as the young man headed for the hallway that led to their bedroom. He had a feeling that Ianto would indeed persuade him to believe his words -- and he was eager for that persuasion to start as soon as possible.***
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