Title: Needs
By: Teddy
Rating: Slash. Adult, NC17, R, FRAO.
Fandom(s): Torchwood/Doctor Who
Pairing/Characters: Capt'n Jack/Doctor, Martha.
Warnings: Sex, tissue scene for Martha.
Summary: The scene some of us would like to have seen between the Doctor and Jack.
Notes: Well, maybe not seen. It is television after all. Are we that perverted? Yeah!!!
Permission to archive: Anywhere
Acknowledgments: Not mine, just drooling.The Doctor wandered the halls of the Tardis. He didn't need to sleep. Time gave him the ability to stay awake forever if he wanted to. Of course, sometimes he would sleep just to dream.
He wandered past the open door of one of the guest rooms and stopped. Capt'n Jack seemed to be in the middle of changing clothes. He stood there naked.
"You should be resting," the Doctor said.
"I don't sleep. Not anymore," Jack replied.
They stared at each other for a moment, looking each other up and down.
"Where's Martha?" Jack asked.
"Asleep," the Doctor replied.
Jack held out his hand and the Doctor moved into the room. Even before their hands met the Doctor said, "This can't be more..."
"Than tonight?" Jack asked. "I know."
Their lips met with need, each trying to control, each wanting to lose control. The Doctor broke the kiss. Each so serious. "Jack..."
Jack silenced him with a kiss. "Whatever you want," Jack told him as his lips moved to the Doctor's ear.
The Doctor knew what he wanted. Sex. No ties. No romance. No complications. No future. A simple instinct of every organism. Sentient beings complicated things so much.
Timelord. The last of his kind. Galafrey. The civilization that slipped between the ticks of a clock. Both existing and not existing at any point in time. But lost to him. He could not go back on his own sequence of events.
The Doctor looked at Jack and saw his every possible future. He could be safe and dangerous. He was the next best thing to a Timelord. The Doctor looked at Jack and saw the present.
51st century. The 1960's of Earth. Sexual revolution. More technology. More knowledge. More experience. 51st century humans understood, channelled and used instinct.
Jack was the poster boy of that time. And he had slipped between the ticks of the clock. And Jack would never know how close his people came to being timelords. Out of all the species in the universe, humans had developed the same insatiable curiosity about time as the Timelords.
Jack was on the verge of taking the Doctor's introspection as rejection. "I understand," Jack said.
"Do you?" the Doctor asked. "We both need this," he continued reaching out to touch Jack's chest. "Even Timelords are flesh."
Jack undid the button of the Doctor's jacket and slid it off his shoulders. Then he reached for the buttons on the Doctor's shirt. He didn't hurry. There was no rush. Martha would sleep for hours, even within the time suspension of the Tardis. Her need for sleep had not changed. And this was the Tardis. They could stay here like this for as long as they needed. Between the ticks of the clock.
Jack shivered and for a moment drew his hands away from the Doctor. "Do you want me to...?" the Doctor asked.
Jack shook his head and continued to undress the Doctor. When they were both naked, Jack said, "Well, human on the outside, Galafreyian on the inside."
The Doctor nodded. "Disappointed?"
Jack smiled. "You're a bit scrawny, but you'll do," he joked.
"You on the other hand, product of genetic engineering?"
"A dangerous preoccupation of my anscestors," Jack replied. "All my own work. Genetics keeps me healthy. I keep me fit."
"Not lacking in ego," the Doctor laughed.
Jack smiled a wicked, teasing, tempting smile.
The Doctor stepped closer and lowered his lips to Jack's chest, relishing the long needed flesh against flesh. "You smell different, you know."
"I have been told," Jack replied, letting his hands rest on the Doctor's shoulders.
The doctor's hands and lips explored, avoiding the most sensative areas as Jack stood giving himself over to whatever the Doctor wanted to do with him. It seemed like there were few areas of his body that the Doctor had not explored when he finished his circle of Jack. Then the Doctor knelt and cupped Jack's balls before his lips brushed along the underside of Jack's erect penis. Jack's head tilted up and he moaned and then caught his breath as the Doctor took him into his mouth.
"So, so human," the Doctor muttered.
"True to my species," Jack replied. "Are you going to do something with that? It won't melt in your mouth."
"Then I will have to eat it," the Doctor replied.
For need of holding onto something, Jack's hands went to the Doctor's head. "Oh God!"
"Now that is not the exclaimation of a 51st century man," the Doctor said, drawing back enough to be understood.
"Corrupted by the past," Jack explained.
"A Time Agent with all your training?"
"Doctor! You want to get back to the matter at hand? We can discuss my corruptability later."
The Doctor laughed as he took Jack back into his mouth, sending waves of nerve shattering vibrations radiating out from his penis. It didn't take long before Jack was grabbing the Doctor's head and crying out in the ecstasy of climax.
To stop Jack from literally falling, the Doctor guided him back onto the bed. After a few moments Jack had recovered enough to want to return the pleasure, but the Doctor wasn't there. Jack sat up suddenly, to see the Doctor at a chest of drawers. He returned carrying a small jar. "Just what the doctor ordered," he smiled. The doctor rubbed some of the cream onto his hand.
Jack laid back and parted his legs. "Like this?"
The Doctor nodded. He wanted to see Jack's face. So expressive and yet he gave little away with his expression. But Jack was giving away everything he felt to the Doctor, a gift of himself. He caught his lower lip between his teeth, tense with expectation, as the Doctor slid one finger into him. Jack closed his eyes and took a deep breath, forcing himself to relax.
"Jack, we don't have to," the Doctor said.
"I want you," Jack replied. Then he smiled. "It's alright. Wanting it a bit too much, I tensed up."
The Doctor's finger was still moving in him. Jack drew in a sharp breath. "Is that hurting you?" the Doctor asked.
"No," Jack replied and reached up to draw the Doctor's lips to his. "More," Jack whispered and then they kissed again as the Doctor stretched him with two fingers. "Yes."
Jack was hard again. Muscles relaxed around the Doctor's fingers allowing him to slide yet another finger into him. "Yes," Jack moaned. Jack grabbed the jar that the Doctor had discarded and then reached for the Doctor.
This time it was the Doctor who caught his breath as Jack's fingers circled him. "Inside pocket of my coat," Jack told him. The Doctor moved reluctantly and easily found what Jack was after.
"Primative," the Doctor commented.
"Effective," Jack replied, tearing open the packet.
The Doctor presented himself to Jack, who kissed and licked him before rolling on the thin protection then covering him with cream. They both moaned their pleasure as the Doctor joined them together. He waited only a moment before the lift of Jack's hips encouraged him to move slowly, enjoying the feeling of flesh against flesh. Again Jack drew him into a kiss and for a long while they simply lost themselves in each other. Time had no real meaning to either of them but the demands of their bodies did and eventually their kisses became more passionate, their movement faster and more urgent until they neither could spare the air to kiss and they breathed in short sharp grunts in time to the thrust of hips rising and falling instinctually . The Doctor cried out as his release shot into Jack triggering Jack's own climax.
They lay in each others arms not wanting to release the other from this intimacy. Jack kissed the Doctor gently. "Now, I do need to rest. Stay with me." The Doctor nodded. The doctor moved and Jack's arms tightened around him.
"Just taking care of the necessaries," the Doctor commented and removed the condom. Not knowing what to do with it, he simply dropped it over the side of the bed. He decided it could wait. He needed Jack's arms more.
Martha yawned and stretched as she headed for the bathroom. She passed an open door and heard the soft sounds of movement. Jack lay on his back, the Doctor stretched over him. Both still naked. The used condom on the floor told her everything. She moved on to the bathroom and stood under the shower letting the water wash her tears away.
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