Title: Need You Tonight
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 3, 50ficlets
Prompt: 30, Need
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"I need you," the Doctor panted as he looked up at Ianto with a pleading gaze, his desire evident in his dark eyes as well as in every taut line of his slender body. "Please, Ianto. Don't tease me -- you know how much I want you."
"Yes, I do," Ianto murmured, moving a hand down the Doctor's chest, pausing in his downward trek to tweak one small nipple, then the other, winding each tender pink bud between his thumb and forefinger. "But I like teasing you."
"Normally, I like being teased," the Time Lord gasped, a shudder running through his body as his hips arched upwards. "But you've been at this for what feels like hours, Ianto! I can't take much more -- unless you wan this to be over much sooner than you might have planned!"
With those words, Ianto knew that it was time to stop the teasing foreplay and move on; he could hear the slight edge in the Doctor's voice that told him the other man was fast approaching the point of no return more quickly than he'd thought.
Usually, he didn't spend so much time on foreplay, though the Doctor had never complained of his prowess in that area. But tonight, he'd wanted to enjoy the Time Lord's body, to satisfy himself just as much as his lover, and foreplay was always something he liked.
But he might have taken it a bit too far, expecting the Doctor to hold himself back for much longer than he normally did. It was time to make sure that his lover was satisfied, to bring them both to completion, to enjoy the sensation of lying sated and happy next to his lover.
Ianto pushed the Time Lord's legs up to his chest; this was something else he didn't usually do, but for some reason, he wanted to have the Doctor's legs over his shoulders tonight. It just felt right, though he couldn't have exactly why that was so.
The Doctor made no objection, letting Ianto drape those long legs over his shoulders, raising his arms to grasp the railing at the head of their bed as he looked up at his young lover. "I need you," he whispered again, his voice almost cracking on the words.
"And you'll have me, sweetheart," Ianto murmured, pressing his hips forward, gasping as he slid inside the Doctor in one quick, fluid motion. The slick, tight heat that surrounded him seemed to draw him in, inviting him to press deeper, to make this man completely his.
Ianto grasped one of the Doctor's hands with his own, twining their fingers together as his hips pulled back and he looked down at the Time Lord. His lips were parted, his cheeks flushed, his gaze unfocused; to Ianto, he'd never looked so beautiful.
He thrust smoothly into the Doctor again, dimly hearing the other man's gasp, joined a moment later by his own. This wasn't going to last long; after all the buildup, the resolution would be fast and furious, neither of them wanting to hold back any longer.
Another thrust, and another -- and then Ianto could feel himself dangling breathlessly over the edge of a chasm that he was more than ready to jump into, the Doctor's body pulling him into a vortex of sensation that he would gladly lose himself in.
He couldn't control the movement of his body as he thrust into the other man again, the rush of his climax almost taking his breath away. A few more thrusts of his hips as his body spasmed, and he could feel the Doctor's muscles tightening around him as his lover, too, reached completion.
Ianto braced himself with one hand, the other still clasping the Doctor's; it took him a few moments before he could pull out of the other man, gently lowering the Time Lord's legs and leaning down to press a gentle kiss to those slightly swollen lips.
"I think we both needed that," he murmured, sliding both arms around the Time Lord's waist as he shifted their postions so that they both lay on their sides, pulling the other man close against him. "It's not often that we're that .... passionate."
"Oh, nonsense, Ianto," the Doctor laughed, smiling and shaking his head. "We're always that passionate. This time, you just took it to a different level with all that teasing. It was wonderful, love. I think the extended foreplay made things all the more intense."
"Hearing you say how much you needed me was what took me to the edge," Ianto said softly, bowing his head to kiss the Doctor again. "Do you know how much I love hearing those words come from you? It's incredible to know that someone like you can actually need me."
"You'll hear those words again and again, love -- because I do need you --and I always will," the Doctor told him, closing his eyes as his young lover's lips claimed his, snuggling close against the other man's warm body with a sigh of replete contentment.***
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