Title: Never A Silent Night
Author: bookwrm89
Rating: NC -17
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Series: 1) Never Say Never
Spoilers: Anything from TW S1 & 2 and DW S1-4 is fair game.
Warnings: Slash; M/M sex; angst, fluff
Disclaimer: I don't own TW, or any of it's characters. Also have no claim to any of the movie scenes used in this fic. It's just a little bit of fun - no money is being made.
A/N: This is a sequel to Never Say Never. Strongly recommend reading that first, otherwise some things in this may not make sense.
Summary: All Jack & Ianto want is to spend a quiet Christmas with their daughter, but the rift has other ideas!


Ianto carefully placed the photo in the album and smiled to himself.  It was a week until Christmas. Their first Christmas together as a family.  He hadn't celebrated a real family Christmas since before Canary Wharf. As soon as Jack was done giving Essie her bath, they were going to decorate the tree. It was already set up in the bay window and the aroma of pine needles was permeating the house.


A squeal from Essie accompanied by Jack's deep chuckle drew Ianto up the stairs. He entered the nursery to see his partner and daughter lying on their stomachs on the floor. Jack had Essie's favorite teddy bear and was dancing it across the floor, making kissing noises as he tickled her face with the plush toy before pulling it back and starting the process over again.


Laughing, Ianto asked, "Is this a two person game or is there room for one more?"


Essie turned her head at the sound of her tad's voice and started flailing her hands and feet. While she was wiggling she managed to roll herself over onto her back. The surprised look on her face at the new position caused both of her fathers to dissolve into laughter.


Jack rolled onto his side, propping his head up on his hand and patted the floor next to him. "There's always room for one more, Tad."


Settling on the floor next to Jack, Ianto scooped their daughter up and sat her down on his stomach. Jack had dressed her in her red, fuzzy sleeper in preparation for putting her to bed.


"You look so pretty in the Christmas jammies that Auntie Gwen got for you," Ianto said, tickling Essie's tummy.


Jack chuckled. "Red is her color, just like her tad."


They continued playing until Essie's face scrunched up in a big yawn. Settling their daughter in her cot, Ianto wound up the mobile above her head. Jack turned on the baby monitor and they quietly left the room, leaving Essie blinking sleepily up at the stars turning above.


Setting the monitor down on the coffee table, Jack put some soft Christmas music on the stereo. Ianto poured them both a glass of wine, handing one to Jack.


"So, are we ready to start decorating, Mr. Jones?" Jack asked, sipping his wine.


"Ready when you are, Captain," Ianto replied. He opened the bag of Christmas decorations they'd bought earlier that day and pulled out the lights. "Lights go on first, then ornaments, then tinsel."


"Always so organized," Jack teased.


Ianto snorted. "Someone in this family has to be," he pointed out.


They worked together putting the lights on the tree, Ianto making sure that they were evenly spaced. Jack had been surprised when they were shopping for decorations and Ianto had picked out multi-coloured lights for the tree. He'd thought his lover would prefer all one colour to make it uniform.


Once the lights were in place, they began hanging the bulbs. Noticing a worn box sitting to the side, Jack opened it, gasping at the contents.


"Ianto, what are these?" Jack asked, looking quizzically at the young man.


A soft smile crossed Ianto's face as he replied. "Those are my ornaments." He crouched next to the box and gently removed a hand painted, wooden nutcracker prince. "My tad gave this to me when I was six years old. We had a tradition. Every year he got me a special ornament and put it in my Christmas stocking. When I opened it on Christmas morning, I'd hang my new ornament on the tree."


Ianto carefully hung the prince on a branch before reaching for another ornament. This one was ceramic, with a green wreath painted in the middle and the words "Nadolig Llawen – Aberstwyth, 1994" written around the edge.


"Whenever we went somewhere for a vacation, we always bought a family ornament for the tree so we would remember the fun times we'd had."


Jack watched as Ianto's fingers gently stroked over the face of the ornament in his hand before hanging it on a sturdy branch. He could see the nostalgic look in his lover's blue eyes and knew that Ianto was remembering the trip when the ornament had been purchased.


"That's a beautiful tradition, Ianto," Jack said softly. "We should continue it for Essie."


Ianto's attention focused back on the present and the amazing man sitting next to him.


"I'd like that," he replied, eyes shining softly and reflecting the lights from the tree.


Jack picked up another ornament and held it out.  "Tell me about this one."


Ianto chuckled and began telling the associated story as he hung the ornament on the tree.


Jack continued handing Ianto ornaments and listening to the young man's stories. Ianto was ready for the next one when Jack picked up a ceramic teacup with holly around the rim and the words "Joyeux Noel".


"What about this one?" Jack grinned, looking up at his partner. The smile fell from his face when he saw the sheen of tears in Ianto's eyes.


"No, that one doesn't go on the tree," Ianto whispered, shaking his head.

"Ianto, are you okay?" Jack placed his palm against a pale cheek, using his thumb to brush away the tear that trembled on Ianto's lashes. "Talk to me, love. Why doesn't this one go on the tree?"


"It's from a camping trip to Brittany," was the subdued reply. "I bought it for Lisa, to put in her stocking…"


Jack folded Ianto into his arms, holding him close and rubbing soothing strokes up and down his partner's back.


Ianto rested his head on Jack's shoulder, slightly embarrassed at the unexpected emotion seeing the ornament had produced. He'd made his peace with Lisa's death and had rebuilt his life, with Jack. 


"I'm sorry. I…"


Jack put a finger against Ianto's lips. "No, don't apologise, Ianto. Never apologize for loving Lisa or being sad that she's gone. She was an important part of your life and I know you'll never forget her. I wouldn't want you to. In fact…" He stood up, holding the delicate ornament and carefully placed it on the tree. "There, perfect."


As he stepped back from the tree, Jack felt Ianto's arms encircle him from behind.


"Thank you, Jack," Ianto whispered, pressing his lips to the spot just beneath Jack's ear. "What did I ever do to deserve being loved by you?"


Jack turned in his lover's arms and pulled the young man closer. Looking directly into the blue eyes he loved, Jack replied, "You were you. You deserve so much more than a former Time Agent-turned conman, ex-immortal leader of Torchwood. But I'm so thankful that you chose to spend your life with me, Ianto Jones."


Ianto closed the distance between them, capturing Jack's lips with his own. Jack opened his mouth letting Ianto‘s tongue slip inside. Ianto's hands tangled into Jack's hair as they continued kissing. Breaking apart to catch their breath, Ianto caressed Jack's cheek.


"I love you, Jack. Make love to me?" he breathed. 


"Yes," Jack replied. "You know you never have to ask."


Ianto shifted his bags of shopping to his other hand in order to answer the ringing mobile. Glancing at the caller ID, he grinned as he lifted the phone to his ear.


"Hello, gorgeous, miss me already?" He continued walking down the sidewalk, pushing Essie's pram in front of him.


Jack's soft chuckle sounded warm and intimate in his ear. "I always miss you when you're not here. Are you almost done with your shopping?"


Ianto rolled his eyes and laughed softly. "It's our shopping, Jack. And, yes, I'm almost done. Just need to get something for the Doctor. Any suggestions?"




"Preferably suggestions that don't include taking our daughter into an adult toy store," Ianto warned, knowing the way his partner's mind worked.


Jack frowned, pouting for a moment. Then he grinned, Ianto knew him too well.


"No adult toy stores, I promise," he reassured. "Actually, I was thinking about a book. Do you know anyplace where you could get a first edition of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol?"


"A first edition…" Jack could hear the disbelief in Ianto's voice. "Jack, I appreciate your confidence in my procurement skills, but…. When did you come up with this idea?"


Glad that Ianto couldn't see the blush on his face, Jack sheepishly replied, "Um, just now? I hadn't really thought about it before this."


"Oh, Jack, what am I going to do with you?" Ianto's voice was coloured with fond exasperation.


Jack grinned, "Well, I can think of a few things you could do with me," he said suggestively.


"Jack," Ianto's laughing voice was interrupted by the sound of Essie starting to cry.


A soft smile stole across Jack's face as he listened to Ianto attempting to soothe their daughter. It sometimes surprised him at how quickly his partner had taken to parenthood. But then, the young man had gotten plenty of practice when dealing with Owen, Gwen and Jack himself.


"Jack, I have to put the mobile down for a minute to get Essie calmed down. Back in a bit." Ianto's voice broke into Jack's reverie.


"I'll be here," Jack replied. He was a little concerned over Essie's fussing, but had confidence that Ianto would take care of the problem. He listened to the small sounds of Ianto unbuckling the baby from the pram and picking her up, shushing her and murmuring comforting nonsense.


Essie's crying suddenly increased in pitch and Jack heard Ianto shouting.


"Oh my god, Jack! Queen street…"


Then there was silence.


"Ianto?!" Jack called, worried. "Ianto, please talk to me. Let me hear those beautiful Welsh vowels, gorgeous."


No reply. Jack checked his mobile to make sure the call was still active as he sprinted out of his office.


"Mickey, run a trace on Ianto's mobile and feed me the coordinates," Jack shouted. "I'm taking the SUV."


Startled faces looked his way as he ran through the Hub.


"Jack, what…" Gwen began.


"No questions, just track him…please!" Jack rushed out the door towards the garage, knowing that his team would do what he asked.


Throwing himself into the SUV, Jack started the vehicle and tore out of the underground garage, heading towards the A4232. Ianto had said Queen Street so, unless directed otherwise, that's where Jack was going.


"C'mon, c'mon, Ianto, please talk to me," Jack begged into his mobile. He knew the connection was still active, he could hear traffic noises and people talking in the distance, but there was no response from the one person he needed to hear.


Jack tried to reason with himself, telling himself that if anything terrible had happened there would be screams or sirens or something. But he couldn't make himself believe it.


"Jack," Mickey's voice sounded through his comm. unit.


"Go ahead, Mick," Jack encouraged.


"We tracked his mobile signal to Queen Street, near the Arcade shopping centre."


The SUV tires squealed as he turned onto Newport Road.


"Thanks, Mickey," Jack said. "I'm almost there."


"Just let us know what's going on, yeah?"


"I will," Jack promised. He slammed on the brakes and jumped out of the SUV. Looking around, he spotted Essie's pram and rushed over. Ianto's mobile was sitting on top of it, bags of shopping sitting in the basket, but Ianto and Essie were nowhere to be seen.


Trying to keep his panic at bay, Jack flipped open his wrist strap and scanned for Ianto and Essie's DNA. Nothing. Not an echo or a blip. They were nowhere within the Cardiff area.


"No," Jack whispered, tears filling his eyes. "No, they can't be gone. It's just malfunctioning, that's all."


His comm. unit chirped in his ear and Gwen spoke. "Jack, did you find them?"


"No, just the pram and his mobile. I scanned, but," his voice broke.


"Jack, I," Gwen paused, "I checked the rift monitor once Mickey located Ianto's mobile. I…"


"What is it, Gwen?" Jack choked out. "Please, just tell me."


"There was a spike in rift activity at Ianto's location just a few minutes ago, Jack. It was a negative spike…"


Gwen's voice faded into a buzzing in the background as Jack processed what she'd just said.


Standing in the middle of the sidewalk, he gazed unseeingly at the holiday decorations and shoppers happily going about their preparations. Tears streamed silently down his face as the truth seeped into his consciousness.


It was three days before Christmas and he was alone again. The rift had stolen his partner and his daughter.


Ianto clutched Essie to his chest and closed his eyes, waiting for the vertigo to pass. Essie's sobs started to subside though her little hands still clutched tightly to his coat.


Afraid of what he would see, Ianto slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He breathed a small sigh of relief when he saw they were still on Queen Street. He turned around, reaching for his mobile to let Jack know they were okay, but it wasn't there. In fact, the pram wasn't there either.


Looking anxiously for where it could've gone, other differences were seeping into Ianto's awareness. Stores that were there moments ago were gone, new ones taking their place.


No, that wasn't correct. Not new stores, old ones. Familiar ones. Stores that had been here when his father's shop was…. Looking across the street and along the way – there it was. Just like he remembered. The small store front with the mannequin in the window, displaying a finely tailored suit of high quality wool. The gold lettering on the door proclaiming Jones Brother's Tailoring – est. 1952.


"This can't be good," Ianto said slowly. He looked down into his daughter's blue eyes and shifted her to his hip. "Well, Sprout, let's see if we can figure out when we are. Then we'll see about getting back to your daddy."


His eyes scanned the street for the closest newspaper display stand, finally seeing one close to his father's shop. He crossed to the other side and walked down to the display stand, peering at the date on the newspapers it contained.


"22nd December, 2000," he exclaimed. "Oh, shit."


Hearing brakes squeal in the distance, Ianto looked up to see an early model, black SUV come to a halt and a figure in a grey coat jump out and start running up the street.


"This is going to bugger up the timelines," he muttered to himself, wondering which was the lesser of two evils. Running into Captain Jack Harkness before they'd ever met or ducking into his father's shop and having to explain why he was older and carrying a baby in his arms.


Opting for the person that knew about time-travel, the rift and the benefits of self-administered Retcon, Ianto stood his ground.  He watched as the Captain made his way closer, clearly using his wrist strap to scan for residual rift energy.


After scanning the area where Ianto and Essie had come through the rift, Ianto could see the Captain looking around and stepped forward. 


The movement caught Jack's attention and his sharp blue eyes connected with Ianto's steady gaze. Inclining his head, Jack sauntered across the street.


Never losing eye contact, Ianto could see the rising interest as the Captain perused his form. Mentally rolling his eyes, he spoke just as Jack took a breath to introduce himself.


"Save it, Captain," Ianto instructed. "I already know who you are."


Ianto smirked at the shocked surprise on the other's face and steeled himself for the inquisition when the bright blue eyes narrowed in suspicion.


"How do you know me?" Jack challenged.


"I work for Torchwood. For you. In the future," Ianto replied calmly. He glanced down at Essie as she lifted her head from his shoulder at the sound of Jack's voice. Mentally thanking the deities that she couldn't talk yet, Ianto shifted her to his other hip and ran a soothing hand down her back.


"The future," Jack said flatly. "And you are?" Jack's sharp gaze flicked over Essie before returning to Ianto.


"Ianto Jones. Archivist," he answered, wondering just how much information he should give. He sighed inwardly. Convincing Jack that he was who he said he was would likely take awhile, and it was cold. "Look, I'll answer whatever questions you ask me, but could we go someplace where we can sit down and have coffee? Get warm?"


Glancing up and down the street, Jack spotted a nearby coffee shop. 


"Fine, c'mon then." He turned and stalked towards the shop, his coat swirling dramatically behind him.


Ianto took a moment to savor the sight before following after his captain.


Jack looked back and raised his eyebrow at the gleam of appreciation he saw in Ianto's eyes.


Ianto shrugged nonchalantly. "What? I've always liked that coat."


Smirking knowingly, Jack continued walking towards the coffee shop, holding the door open for Ianto to enter first. Finding a secluded corner, they settled into the plush chairs.


Rummaging through Essie's bag, Ianto grabbed the prepared bottle of formula and started feeding her. He was extremely glad that he'd had the bag over his shoulder when they were sucked through the rift. It would've been difficult to purchase anything when his money and bank cards were from 2008.


Looking up, he saw the Captain observing his interactions with Essie and studying her closely. 


"What do you want to know?" Ianto asked, bracing himself.


"Convince me that you know me and we'll go from there," Jack said, leaning back in the chair and crossing his arms.


"Okay," Ianto began, undaunted. "You are Captain Jack Harkness, leader of Torchwood 3 since the beginning of this year. You're a former Time Agent from the 51st century, who traveled with the Doctor until you were killed by Dalek's on the Game Station in 200,100 and resurrected. You used your vortex manipulator to travel back to Earth in the hopes of catching up to the Doctor again, but miscalculated and ended up in 1869. The time travel circuits on your manipulator burned out and you have been stuck here, waiting for a version of the Doctor that knows you, ever since."


Ianto had watched the Captain carefully during his recitation, gauging the other man's reactions to what he was revealing. They were minute, but they were there. Shock, pain, anger, betrayal…loneliness. 


Jack absently played with his bottom lip while looking speculatively at the young man holding a baby in front of him.


"You're not just my archivist are you?" he questioned.


Ianto blinked and wondered how he should answer that. His mouth twisted up at the corner as he replied, "Spoilers, Sir."


Jack's laugh rang out through the shop, his blue eyes sparkling merrily.


"Right then, Ianto Jones. Let's get you back to the Hub and see if we can't find a way to get the two of you home."


Essie had fallen asleep while they were talking so Ianto put the bottle back in her bag. He removed a soft towel and put it over his shoulder, shifting so her head rested on the towel. When he reached for the bag in preparation to leave, he was surprised to see that Jack had already picked it up.


"She's beautiful," Jack whispered, a soft light shining in his eyes. "What's her name?"


"Eswen," Ianto replied. "Eswen Elizabeth…" He stopped before he said Harkness-Jones. Jack had probably guessed that she was their daughter, but the less Ianto said about Jack's future, the better.


"How old is she?" Jack again held the door open, ushering Ianto out of the small shop. They started walking up the sidewalk towards the SUV.


"Almost three months," Ianto answered the captain's question.


Jack nodded, falling silent as they continued walking. They were almost to the SUV when Jack stopped short.


"Jack? What is it?" Ianto enquired.


"Well, I'm sure it's not a problem in your time, but right now, the SUV doesn't come equipped with a car seat."


"Ah, right." Ianto paused, transferring Essie to his other shoulder.


"Come on," Jack urged him towards the SUV, "You and Eswen can sit in the SUV," he said, opening the passenger door. "I'll be right back."


Ianto slid into the seat and watched Jack hurry towards the Capitol Shopping Centre. He leaned back and closed his eyes. A tear slid slowly down his cheek as the events of the day caught up with him. 


This morning he'd woken up in his partner's arms, planning to finish the shopping and go home for a quiet evening. In three days they were going to spend their first Christmas together as a family. 


Now he and Essie were stuck eight years in the past with a Jack that wasn't his Jack. No idea if they'd be able to ever get home, much less in time for Christmas.


Tears fell faster down his face as he held his daughter close. He just wanted to go home.


"Please, let me go home."


The invisible lift slowly descended into the Hub.  Jack stepped off, ignoring the rest of the team.  Eyes red and shoulders slumped, he made his way to his office, waving off Gwen when she moved as if to follow.


Gwen, Mickey, Martha, Andy and Sian looked at each other.


"Is there anything we…"  Andy began, falling silent as Gwen shook her head.


"The best thing we can do is leave him alone for a while," Martha stated, exchanging glances with Gwen.


Gwen turned back to her computer and started searching for information on Queen Street.  She was looking for unexplained appearances, disappearances, anything out of the ordinary.  Hoping against hope that she could find some type of information about what had happened to Ianto and Essie.


Martha looked towards Jack's office, heart breaking at the sight of her friend and captain sitting listlessly in his chair, his head buried in his hands.  Tapping her cheek thoughtfully, she walked down to the autopsy bay.  Pulling out her mobile she dialed a familiar number.


Jack sat in his office, fingers absently playing with his cufflinks.  He was grateful that everyone was leaving him alone, even Gwen.  He just needed some time for the initial shock to wear off then he'd start working on a plan to find his family and bring them home.


An hour passed.  Mickey, Andy and Sian had been called out to deal with a rogue weevil.  Martha had disappeared into the autopsy bay, presumably working on some research.  Gwen was sitting at her computer, her movements showing her increasing level of frustration. 


Jack hadn't moved.  He now held a picture that Martha had snapped it during a recent outing to the Winter Fair.  Ianto was sitting on a carousel horse with Essie in his lap, laughing up at Jack, who was standing next to them with his arm around Ianto's shoulders.  Jack's attention was drawn away from his brooding when a well-known grinding sound echoed through the Hub.

As the TARDIS materialized in the middle of the Hub, Martha ran up the stairs from autopsy and stood next to Gwen.  She glanced towards the captain's office.  Jack rubbed his hands over his face wearily, stood up and slowly made his way down to the main floor.


The door to the TARDIS opened and the Doctor stepped out, walking straight to Jack and pulling the captain into a tight embrace.


"I'm so sorry, Jack," he murmured.  "I've already got the TARDIS searching for Ianto and Essie's DNA.  She'll find them.  We'll go pick them up and be home in time for Christmas."


"Thank you, Doctor." Jack could feel some of his tension melt away.  Pulling back, Jack squared his shoulders, feeling hope for the first time since his family disappeared.


Martha and Gwen breathed a sigh of relief as the look of icy despair left Jack's eyes.


"Doctor, how long will it take to find them?"  Martha asked.


Giving his former Companion a hug, the Doctor replied, "Well, it's a lot of information for the old girl to sift through.  It could take as little as ten minutes or as long as ten days."


Gwen had a puzzled look on her face.


"Why can't Ianto just call one of our enhanced mobiles?  They reach anywhere in the Universe, right?" she asked.


"Gwen, they could be anywhere or anytime," Jack replied.  His voice broke as he thought of some of the places his partner and young daughter could've ended up.  "Most places in the Universe don't use what they would consider primitive technology."


"But what if they only travelled in time but are still on Earth?  Wouldn't he be able to call then?  Martha said her mum was able to call her when she was travelling with you."


Jack grinned slightly at Gwen's persistence.  He could always count on her to ask question after question until she found out exactly what she was looking for.


"It's a wee bit more complicated than that, Ms. Cooper," the Doctor explained.  "Francine could call Martha because Martha's mobile number already existed in Francine's timeline."


"But wouldn't our numbers exist in Ianto's timeline, even if he's travelled to a different time?"  Gwen was like terrier, refusing to let the idea go.


"If he's travelled into the future, yes.  Well, possibly," the Doctor theorized.  "It would be more likely that he would connect to the person who has that number in whatever time he ended up."


"So he'd end up contacting either a past or future version of us?" Gwen asked, crossing her arms.


Jack shook his head.  "No, Ianto wouldn't risk that.  He and the Doctor had an extended conversation about time travel, crossing your own time line and paradoxes while we were on Tehrantos four."


A huge grin crossed the Doctor's face as he almost seemed to bounce on the balls of his feet.


"Ah yes, your Mr. Jones has quite the keen intellect," the Doctor said enthusiastically.  "He was one of the most able students I've ever had on that subject.  And that includes a certain former Time Agent I know!"


Jack rolled his eyes at the Time Lord's gentle teasing and the resulting laughter from the two women.


"Go ahead, rub it in," he sighed theatrically.  "Ianto is the brains and I'm just along for decoration."


Martha giggled and cuffed him on the shoulder.  "Oh, go on, you.  You know we keep you around for more than your looks, no matter how pretty you may be."


Clapping his hands together, the Doctor smiled widely.  "All righty then, let's go have a nice cuppa while we wait for the TARDIS to find our missing Welshman."


Jack was sitting in the control room, head leaned back against the wall, letting the calming presence of the TARDIS sooth him.  He opened his eyes when he felt someone sit down next to him.


"How are you doing, Jack?" Gwen asked, bumping against his shoulder gently.


"If anyone can find them it will be the Doctor and the TARDIS.  I'm just afraid that they ended up someplace where we may be too late to save them.  You've been to Flat Holm, Gwen.  You know the kinds of things that could happen to them."


"You can't think like that, Jack," Gwen said reassuringly.  "Ianto is going to do everything he can to keep them safe until you sweep in to save them."


Jack smiled softly.  "Ianto calls me his big, damn hero."


Gwen laughed.  "See, he trusts that you'll do everything you can to find them and bring them home.  Trust him to stay safe until you can."


"Thank you, Gwen.  I needed that pep talk."  Jack leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.


Gwen's placed her hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly in comfort.  The quiet of the control room was suddenly broken by the sound of an insistent beeping coming from Jack's wrist strap.


"Bollocks," Gwen cursed.  "What does that bloody git, John, want now?  Could his timing be any worse?"


Jack sighed deeply and pressed the button on his wrist strap to access the incoming message.


"Buggering fuck," Ianto snarled, slamming the handset of the telephone onto the cradle.  "I know it was a long shot, but I was really hoping I'd be able to get through to one of their mobiles."


The captain looked up from silencing the ringing of his mobile for the fifth time.  Ianto was standing with one hand on his hip and the other at the back of his neck.  Jack's eyes traced the line of muscle along the younger man's forearms where his shirt sleeves were rolled up. 


Even though Ianto wouldn't confirm what their relationship was in the future, Jack knew they were involved.  Christ, they had a kid together.   It was obvious just by looking at Eswen that she was fathered by both of them.  He'd promised himself he'd never go through that again, so Ianto Jones must be a pretty special person.  He was certainly easy on the eyes, Jack mused, allowing his gaze to wander over the well-built body in front of him.




Jack looked up into slightly amused blue eyes and grinned unrepentantly.


"Can't blame a guy for appreciating a gorgeous man such as yourself now can you?" he asked, winking.


Ianto rolled his eyes.  "Could you get your mind back on the problem at hand instead of thinking about putting your hands on my backside?"


"Wow, you really do know me well," Jack commented.  "Why don't we try going back to Queen Street and scanning to see if the rift is still active from where you came through?  Maybe we could send a message through or something."


Remembering the time Hart showed up after the diamond, Ianto decided that might not be a bad idea.  The rift had still been active hours after the ex-Time Agent had come through.  Maybe it would be this time, too.


Bundling Essie up to go back out in the cold, he looked around the Hub.  It was so empty and cold.  How had Jack survived the time between Alex killing the old team and when he'd started to recruit his own people?  Ianto couldn't imagine living such a lonely life.  He wondered how many times Jack had died and come back to life all alone.


When they reached their destination, Jack got out of the SUV and started rummaging in the boot while Ianto opened the back door to unbuckle Essie from the car seat the captain had bought.


"I, um, I got this for her when I bought the seat," Jack explained hesitantly.  He was holding out a tangle of black fabric and straps.


Ianto took it and straightened it out, finally recognizing a sturdy baby sling.  He looked up with a soft smile.


"Thank you, Jack."


The captain acknowledged the thanks with a nod, his lips quirking into a smirk.


"Need any help putting it on?" he inquired.  "I could tighten the straps."


Ianto rolled his eyes and sighed.  "Behave, Captain," he admonished, shrugging out of his overcoat.


Jack chuckled and turned to get Essie out of the car seat.  Ianto slipped the sling over his shoulders and started adjusting the straps.  Putting his coat back on, he looked over to let Jack know he was ready to take Essie, but paused at what he saw.


Essie was cradled in the captain's arms, waving her fists and smiling up at the man she recognized as daddy.  Jack was looking down at her with wonder in his face and hope warming the icy blue of his eyes.


Clearing his throat, Ianto watched the flirtatious mask drop back over the captain's face.  But the immortal didn't lose the tiny look of brightness in his eyes.


Ianto took Essie when Jack handed her over and settled her into the sling, making sure she was well covered from the cold.  Tugging her hat down snugly on her head, he laughed as she giggled up at him.  He tapped her gently on the nose before hugging her close to his chest.  Feeling her body snuggle against him, he looked up at Jack.


"Ready to look for the breach, Sir?" Ianto asked, ignoring the wistful look that crossed the captain's face.


"Yep, let's go," Jack responded.  "Where exactly where you when you came through the rift?"


"It was just down here, Sir," Ianto indicated.  "Almost exactly across from where you first saw us."


They walked silently down the sidewalk, each lost in their own thoughts.  Jack was scanning the area with his wrist strap, but Ianto's gaze was drawn to his father's shop on the other side of the street.


He hadn't seen his father in almost ten years.  Bryce Jones had died in 2001, just a year after Ianto left for London.   Ianto had left and never looked back.  He hadn't even come home for his father's funeral, just met the solicitor in London to settle the estate.  His father had died thinking his son wanted nothing to do with him. 


Ianto bitterly regretted the actions of his younger self and had frequently wished that he could have the chance to make things right.  Now here he was older and hopefully wiser, right across the street from his father and he didn't dare risk speaking to him.


With his gaze fixed across the street and his thoughts on his past, which had suddenly become his present, Ianto wasn't really watching where he was going.  Until he ran into someone.  Cradling Essie protectively, he looked up to apologize and found himself staring into his father's deep blue eyes.


"Ianto," his father breathed, joy suffusing his face.  "You came home.  My son has come home."


Ianto's eyes blurred with tears as the familiar scents of wool, pipe tobacco and peppermint surrounded him.  He closed his eyes to keep the tears from falling.


"I'm sorry; you must've mistaken me for someone else."  Ianto felt like his throat was closing up around the lies, but he knew it was for the best.  "My name isn't Ianto, its James.  James Harper."


Jack's head snapped up and he moved to stand beside Ianto, hand on the younger man's shoulder.


"Is there a problem, James?" He asked, playing along with the deception.


Bryce peered closely at Ianto and then Jack.  "No, Sir, just a case of mistaken identity.  James looks a lot like my Ianto, but he's much too old to be my son."  He walked away, muttering "Bloody Torchwood" as he crossed the street.


Ianto let out the breath he'd been holding and wrapped his arms around his daughter.  Resting his head against hers, he choked back the sobs that wanted to break free.


Jack slipped his arms around Ianto and ran a comforting hand up and down the young man's arm.


"Your father?" he asked gently.


Ianto nodded, straightening up and stepping back from the captain's embrace.  "Yes, the me in this time left home a year ago.  I said some horrible things to him and took off for London.  He's going to die of a heart-attack in a couple of months and I never got the chance to say I was sorry."


Knowing that he couldn't take away that pain, Jack concentrated on finding a way to get Ianto back to his own time.  As they worked together, he saw Ianto stealing glances across the street and said the first thing on his mind in an attempt to distract him.


"Why did you use the name James Harper when you introduced yourself to your father?"


"It's a name you used once on a mission," Ianto admitted.  "This situation kind of reminds me of that one."


"Do you know why I chose the name?" Jack asked, a curious intent to his voice.


Ianto thought for a moment.  "I guess I just figured it was a Time Agent thing.  Using the same initials..J.H.  Jack Harkness, James Harper, John…"


Ianto didn't finish saying the last name.  John Hart appearing was still in the captain's future and saying the name could leave a trigger.  He was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of Jack's voice.


"JH has nothing to do with the Time Agency," Jack explained hesitatingly.  "It's a personal thing.  I prefer to use my own initials, even for a fake name."


Ianto watched the captain silently, waiting for him to complete his thoughts.


"James Harper is my real name.  I'd almost forgotten," Jack mused, a far-away look in his eyes.  He focused back on Ianto's face.  "You should go talk to him.  Even if you don't tell him who you are, take this opportunity to make peace in your own head.  No one should have to regret not saying goodbye to their dad."


Before Ianto could say anything, Jack's mobile rang.  Recognizing the face the captain made when having to deal with the Cardiff PD, he was struck anew with the fact that this wasn't his Jack.  When the captain had lifted the mobile to his ear, Ianto had noticed the plain cuff-links he was wearing.  His Jack was rarely seen without the silver airplane cuff-links he invariably wore. 


Shoving the mobile back into his pocket, the captain growled in annoyance. 


"There's been a weevil sighting," he explained.  "I have to go check it out."


"Go, we'll be fine here," Ianto encouraged, his gaze darting across the street.  "I think I'll listen to the advice a very wise man once gave me."


The captain grinned and pulled a comm. device out of his pocket.


"Here," he tossed the unit to Ianto, "keep this with you and I'll contact you when I'm on my way back.  The sighting wasn't too far away."


"Thank you," Ianto said, watching as the captain turned, coat flaring dramatically, and sprinted back to the SUV.  Shaking his head over how some things never changed, Ianto made his way to his father's shop.


A bell tinkled as Ianto walked through the door.  The warmth of the shop enveloped him and he quickly removed Essie's hat to keep her from getting overheated.


"May I help…" Ianto's father came into the front of the shop.  "Oh, it's you."


"I noticed you came into this shop and, since my friend was called away, decided to come over and apologize again for running into you earlier."  Ianto mentally kicked himself.  He was babbling.


"Oh, well, I apologize again for mistaking you for my son," his father replied dubiously.


"So, you're a tailor then?" Ianto asked, feeling awkward, but wanting to keep the conversation going.


Bryce Jones' eyes brightened in amusement.  "Yes, my father and uncle started the shop in 1952 and I followed in their footsteps."  His eyes darkened.  "I was hoping my Ianto would follow me into the business, but it looks like I'll be the last Jones tailor in the family."


Ianto turned away to hide the pain in his eyes.  "I'm sorry," he murmured sincerely.


"I suppose it's not a very exciting life for a young man in this day and age," his father said sadly.  Shaking off his melancholy, he spoke again.  "You look like a young man that appreciates a well-cut suit, do you see anything you like?"


"I'm not going to be in town long enough to have a suit made for me," Ianto began, stepping over to a display case and looking down.  His eyes widened at the sight of a pair of silver, airplane cuff-links.  He'd once asked Jack where they came from.  Jack had said they were a gift that was given to him at a time he'd desperately needed some hope, but he'd never known who gave them to him.  "I am looking for a Christmas gift for a friend, though.  How much are these cuff-links?"


"Ah, those are a nice choice, Mr. Harper," his father replied.  "The silver airplanes are £65.  Would you like me to wrap them up for you?"


His shoulders slumped as he remembered that he had no money from this time.  Ianto patted his pockets in semi-fake frustration. "I wish I could, but I seem to have forgotten my wallet today."


Noting the dejected stance of the young man that reminded him so much of his son, Bryce reached out and placed a hand on Ianto's arm.  "That's okay, son, take them.  It's Christmas and you've given me the gift of seeing what I hope my son will be in a few years.  Let me give you a gift in return."


Bryce opened the case and removed the box with the silver airplanes, offering it to Ianto.


Nodding his acceptance, Ianto reached for the small box with a shaking hand, hoping that he'd get back to see the airplanes once again nestled on Jack's wrists, next to the leather wrist strap. 


"Thank you, Mr. Jones," he said, gratitude shining in his eyes.  "Hope is a wonderful thing, isn't it?"


"It is indeed, Mr. Harper," his father agreed. 


Ianto put the small box into the pocket of his overcoat and settled Essie's hat back on her head.  He turned to exit the store.


"Happy Christmas, Mr. Harper," his father called after him.


"Happy Christmas, Da.  I love you," Ianto whispered as the door shut behind him.  Taking a deep breath, he slipped the comm. unit into his ear and activated it to speak to Jack.


"Captain, I have an idea on how to get a message to you in the future…"


Jack sighed deeply and pressed the button on his wrist strap to access the incoming message.


Gwen gasped as a hologram of Ianto holding Essie appeared in front of them.


"Jack, if this worked, you should be receiving this message just a few hours after the rift took us.  We're fine, both of us.  We only traveled in time.  If he's not there already, call the Doctor and meet us on the Plass at eight in the evening, 22 December 2000.  I'll explain everything when I see you, which I hope will be soon."


Jack's excited whoops brought the Doctor and Martha running to the control room.  They found Jack and Gwen hugging each other, tears running down their cheeks, huge grins on their faces.


"What happened?" Martha exclaimed.


"Doctor, fire up the engines and get this girl moving, we have a Welshman and a baby to pick up!"  Jack pulled away from Gwen's embrace and unashamedly wiped the tears from his face.


"How?" the Doctor began, his confusion giving way to a grin at the captain's unrestrained joy.


Jack's thousand-watt smile lit his face.  "Ianto is as brilliant as he is gorgeous," he explained, ignoring Gwen and Martha's murmurs of agreement.  "The rift took them to Cardiff in the year 2000.  He obviously ran into the past me and used my vortex manipulator to send a message to me now."


"Brilliant," the Doctor exclaimed.  "Now give me the time and place and let's go pick up your family, Jack.  It's almost Christmas."




Ianto watched as the captain erased the internal CCTV footage from the past few hours.  He'd already turned off the feed from the Plass and put the internal cameras into a maintenance cycle.  Checking his watch, he realized there was less than an hour before the Doctor and his Jack should arrive.


"Captain, it's time," Ianto said.  He watched as Jack's shoulders slumped just a bit.


"All right," Jack sighed.  "Let's do it in my office.  Could I…"


"Could you what, Sir?" Ianto asked gently.


The captain's blue gaze rested forlornly on Essie and suddenly Ianto understood what the older man couldn't say. 


"If you take Essie for a minute, I'll get you some water."  Ianto smiled at the hint of relief on the other man's face as he handed Essie to the captain.


Ianto watched as Jack carried their daughter up to his office before he turned and walked towards the small kitchen area.  He fingered the velvet box in his pocket, wondering if he should leave a note with the cufflinks.  Would his handwriting trigger Jack's memories in the future?  What could he say to the man who would become his boss, friend, and lover – the father of his child?


Pouring a glass of water for the captain, Ianto's thoughts continued their worrying path.  What if his Jack hadn't received the message?  After retconning the captain, what would Ianto and Essie do if the Doctor and Jack didn't show up?  Could he risk going to his father for help?


Refusing to think negatively, Ianto picked up the glass and made his way to the captain's office.  He could hear Jack's voice speaking softly and paused just outside the door to listen.


"Even though he can't tell me for sure, timelines and all, I know that you're my daughter.  I don't know how it happened or what Ianto and my relationship is in the future, but I hope I'm a good dad."  Jack paused and Ianto could hear Essie babbling happily.  His eyes misted over as he listened to Jack's next words.  "I've been alone for a long time, little one, and lately I'd started to lose hope that I'd ever find what I'm looking for.  But meeting you and Ianto has given me that hope back.  Even though I won't remember you after tonight, I think that I'll remember the feeling of hope you being here has given me.  So, thank you, Eswen Elizabeth," he raised his voice a little louder, "and thank you, Ianto Jones."


Ianto walked into the office shaking his head.  "I never can sneak up on you, Sir."


"51st century hearing," Jack teased, quickly masking his emotions.  Handing Essie back to Ianto, he reached for the small box on his desk that held the retcon and tipped one pill into his hand.


"Will you try and find out what happened when you wake up missing several hours?" Ianto asked quietly.


"I've written myself a note," Jack explained, indicating the single sheet of paper in the middle of his desk.  "How long until I'm supposed to meet you on the Plass?"


Ianto checked his watch.  "Just over half an hour," he replied.


"Okay, then," Jack said, putting the small white pill in his mouth and picking up the glass of water.  "Bottom's up!"


He swallowed the pill, drinking the water until it was gone.  Placing the empty glass back on his desk, he looked up at Ianto and Essie.


"Good luck, Ianto Jones," he said, grinning.  "I'll see you in a few years."


Ianto could see the captain's eyelids already starting to get heavy.  "Thank you, Captain," he whispered.


Jack's head started to nod and he leaned forward towards his desk.  "Ianto," his voice was slurred, "just tell me one thing.  Am I happy?"


Ianto sank down next to the captain's chair and cupped the older man's cheek in his hand.  "Oh, yes, Jack.  Very happy." 


Leaning forward, he pressed a light kiss to the immortal's lips.  There was an answering pressure for just a moment before the drug took hold and Jack slipped into a deep sleep.  Ianto gently laid his captain's head down on the desk and caressed the soft hair. 


Reaching into his pocket, he set the velvet box containing the cufflinks onto the desk next to Jack's hand.  Grabbing a blank piece of paper and a pen, he wrote a quick note and slipped it under the box before turning away and walking out of the office.


Ianto placed Essie into the car seat the captain had bought, slipped his overcoat on and stuffed the baby sling into her bag.  Slinging the bag over his shoulder, he picked up the car seat, took a last look around the Hub and walked out of the cog door.




The TARDIS came to a shuddering stop and Jack was running out the door before the Doctor could say a word.  Looking around, he quickly spotted the familiar suited figure holding a baby carrier.


"Ianto," Jack murmured in relief, sweeping his partner into his arms and covering the beloved lips with his own.  "You are brilliant, and gorgeous, and never, ever leaving my side again."  He punctuated each statement with a kiss.


Chuckling softly, Ianto returned the kisses with fervor, wrapping one arm around his lover's waist and pressing close.


"I missed you," he whispered, resting his forehead against Jack's.


Not to be left out, Essie squealed to get her fathers' attention.  Laughing, Jack stepped back and leant down to unbuckle her from the carrier.  Lifting her to his shoulder, he pressed a gentle kiss to his daughter's cheek.


"Daddy missed you so much," Jack exclaimed, reveling in her clean baby scent.


Throwing an arm around Ianto's shoulders, Jack ushered his family towards the TARDIS and waiting Time Lord.


"It's good to see you and your daughter safe and sound, Mr. Jones," the Doctor said, smiling brightly.


Ianto returned the smile with a grin of his own.  "It's good to see you too, Doctor.  Thank you for coming to get us."


"Anytime, Ianto," the Doctor replied.  "Although it would probably be better for the captain's peace of mind if we don't have anymore of these unscheduled trips."


"I'll second that," Jack said fervently, clutching Ianto closer to his side.  "Doctor, let's go home."


The Doctor rubbed his hands together.  "Right, next stop Cardiff, 22 December 2008."


As the door closed and the TARDIS started the trip back to the future, Ianto turned to Jack, a grin on his face.


"You realize that now I know your wrist strap has a programmable reminder function, that you'll never be able to use the excuse ‘I forgot' to get out of calls with the Prime Minister again."


Jack laughed and dropped a quick kiss on Ianto's lips.  "You'll have to get it away from me to program it first."


Running his fingers over Jack's wrist, Ianto stopped when he felt the familiar silver airplane on the cuff.


"You'll never know how much those meant to me, Ianto," Jack murmured.  "Thank you."


"You're welcome, Jack.  Merry Christmas."



Captain Jack Harkness woke up the morning of December 23rd with the dry, cottony feeling of retcon in his mouth.  Lifting his head from where it rested on his desk, he saw a note in his own handwriting and picked it up to read.


'Don't worry, you took the retcon yourself.  It was a timeline issue, so don't try to find out why.  Just know it was something good for once.'


Setting the note back down, his hand bumped against a small velvet box.  Frowning in confusion, he picked it up and opened it slowly.  Gasping, he ran his fingers over the set of silver airplane cuff-links. 


Looking around, he saw another note sitting where the box had been.  The handwriting was unfamiliar and written in a block style that would make it difficult to recognize again.


Christmas is a time for hope, captain.  Don't let yours go.


Jack leaned back in his chair and ran his fingers over the note.  For the first time in almost a year, he felt like smiling. 


Hope.  He could do that.


Martha and Gwen held their breath as the TARDIS rematerialized in the Hub just minutes after it had left. The door opened and both women squealed in delight when they saw Jack emerge, holding Essie in one arm with the other around Ianto's waist.

Gwen rushed forward and threw herself into Ianto's arms, hugging him tightly.

"Oh thank god, Ianto," she gasped, tears of happiness running down her face. "I was so worried about you and Essie. That we wouldn't be able to find you or that you'd come back like Jonah, or worse."

"Shh, Gwen," Ianto murmured, kissing her forehead gently. "It's okay, we're okay. We're home."

Realizing that Gwen wasn't going to let him go anytime soon, Ianto held his arm out for Martha to join in the hug. She did, slapping him lightly on the back of the head.

"Oi! What was that for?" Ianto exclaimed. He glared at Jack and the Doctor, who were both laughing at his predicament.

"That was for putting down your mobile," Martha retorted. Then she kissed him full on the lips. "And that is for being bloody brilliant and finding a way to contact us without the phone."

"Hey, Missy, hands off the gorgeous Welshman," Jack pouted. "He's all mine."

"I don't know, Jack," the Doctor mused. "I think he could give you a run for your money. He's the one with two beautiful women in his arms after all."

Ianto held his two best friends closer to his sides and closed his eyes, relishing the teasing and laughter surrounding him. He thought of the silent Hub he'd just left, and the lonely man inhabiting it. Opening his eyes, he looked over at his partner. As their gazes connected, he saw that the deep blue eyes were filled with laughter and life and love...and hope.

It was good to be home.


The Doctor sat back in the armchair and sipped his tea. It had been a long time since he'd actually spent Christmas day doing something other than saving London from their annual invasion.

A squeal and masculine laughter brought his attention to the small family in front of the Christmas tree. Jack was sitting cross-legged on the floor, holding Essie up high in the air before bringing her back down and burying his face in her stomach, tickling her. Ianto was lying with his head on Jack's knee, laughing at his partner and their daughter's antics.

Marvelling at the resilience of the human spirit, the Doctor thought back to the first time he met Jack and the words he'd told Rose.

"Everybody lives. Just this once, everybody lives," he whispered to himself. "Yes, I definitely need more days like this one."
