Title: Never Be the Same
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 3, 50ficlets
Prompt: 12, Sex
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto looked down at the man under him, the man who was his soul mate, the other half of his heart. The Doctor gazed back up at him, those dark eyes so deep and fathomless that he was almost afraid he would fall into them and lose himself forever.
But he need have no fear of that, the young man told himself as he thrust his hips forward again, hearing the Doctor's soft moan of pleasure as he did so. The Doctor would never let him fall; his lover would always be there to pick him up if he did.
His own gasp of pleasure mingled with the Time Lord's moan; the Doctor's nails dug into the flesh of his back, almost making him wince. He didn't usually scratch like this, but their lovemaking had been particularly intense lately.
Ianto moaned as the Doctor's thighs tightened around him; he loved taking the other man like this, with the Doctor's legs wrapped around his waist as he buried himself deep inside the Time Lord. It was the greatest pleasure he could possibly imagine.
This wasn't imagination, he told himself as he thrust forward again, another moan leaving his lips as he did so. This was reality, this was the life he had chosen for himself, to be with the Doctor and to give himself to the other man in every way.
Sex with the Doctor was always intense; he couldn't imagine any of their couplings without the deep emotions that went along with the physical pleasure. No one else had ever made him feel this way; he'd never loved as deeply as he did with the Doctor.
This man was meant for him from the moment of his birth. Even though their ages were disparate by hundreds of years, they had still been destined to belong together, their souls finding each other through all of the centuries that separated them.
The Doctor's arms tightened around his neck, drawing him down for a kiss; the Time Lord's mouth seemed to sear his with a heat that he hadn't thought could be possible. He was melting, dissolving in that kiss, falling into the man in his arms.
Such heat was unexpected from a man like the Doctor; he was usually so calm and cool, and most people would probably think that he wasn't capable of the passion that Ianto could rouse in him. But they would be wrong, Ianto thought, more wrong than they knew.
The Time Lord was capable of the most fiery passion that Ianto had ever known. He was a man who loved fiercely and possessively; Ianto could almost feel the heat of the Doctor's passion wrap around him whenever they touched.
And at times like this, it was as though he was falling into a fiery pit, giving himself up to a heat that engulfed him, consumed him, but would never burn him to a cinder. Instead, it rejuvenated him, transforming him into a phoenix from those flames.
Sex with the Doctor was unlike any encounter he'd ever had before. Never in his life had he known such a complete and utter surrender; he'd never dreamed that he could give himself over to another person, become a part of them in every way.
This wasn't just a physical union, but a spiritual one. Every thrust into the Doctor's body brought them closer on every level, not just a joining of bodies but of hearts and souls. His very soul was entwined with the Doctor's, his heart and mind as well as his body.
Ianto barely knew where his consciousness ended and the Doctor's began; they were so closely entwined with each other that he could swear he felt exactly what the other man was experiencing. Each movement brought them closer; every breath sealed their union.
Their passion for each other would only grow with each time they made love, Ianto thought, another moan coming to his lips. This kind of passion would never fade away; it would only burn all the more hotly and brightly as time went on.
He had been a different person before he fell in love with the Doctor, calm and placid, rarely roused to the heights of passion that he felt with this man. He would never be the same now that he'd discovered what this kind of love could be like.
It wasn't just sex, he told himself, it was the physical pleasure of desire, transformed into an emotion that was stronger than love, stronger than anything he'd ever known. And he had been lucky enough to find that emotion and hold it close to his heart.
His arms tightened around the Doctor as he felt the beginnings of the ultimate wave of pleasure start to course through his body. This was far more than just sex, more than just love, he thought as his orgasm began to build. And whatever name it bore, for him, this was perfection.***
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