Title: Oasis
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 3, letter100
Prompt: 54, Moonlight
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Dear Doctor,
I'm sitting here in a hotel room, watching the moonlight flood through the window and illuminate your face on the pillow. It feels a bit strange to stay in a hotel with you, but it's probably something that I should be getting used to by now.
You don't usually stay in hotels, I know. But even though it might be more familiar for you to operate out of the Tardis all the time, it felt right to be here on this visit to Earth. She's our home, yes, but we need a bit of time to ourselves as well.
Nothing against the Tardis! I've gotten used to being around her, and I feel that she's my home as well as yours. Maybe it's only my bond with you that makes me feel that way, but the bond is there nonetheless, and I'm grateful for it.
But I like being able to stay in places like this. I like seeing the appreciative looks on people's faces when I walk into the lobby with you next to me -- looks that are part envy of me for being with such a beautiful man, and part appreciation of you.
It's terribly vain of me to feel that way, I know. But I've always been the guy who couldn't get anyone -- and it's gratifying to know that I have someone who loves me.
Not that I haven't had relationships before, but I won't go into that. I suppose I'm making up for lost time by being a bit of a show-off with you. It's probably terrible of me, but I can't help indulging in it a little whenever we're in a place like this.
Looking over at your sleeping form in our bed, I can remember the first time I ever saw you by the light of the moon. It was in a bed very similar to this -- though it was in my flat in Cardiff. I still remember that place with fondness, though it never seemed like a real home to me.
Before you came into my life, that flat was just a place where I ate and slept, and spent a few hours to myself when I wasn't working at Torchwood. I never wanted to make it feel like home; it was never meant to be anything other than transitory.
Then you came barreling into my life, and I began to feel as though the flat was a home for both of us. I wanted to spend the rest of my life there with you, even though I knew that you weren't the sort of man who would be able to stay in one place.
Of course, we could have made that flat our base -- but with all the tensions concerning Jack and my former job, you were right when you said we needed to leave Cardiff behind except for occasional visits. That was a hard decision to make, but it was the right one.
Do I miss it? Yes, of course. I grew up in Cardiff; it's been my home all of my life. Of course I'm going to feel rather nostalgic about it at times.
But the Tardis is my home now, and I'm comfortable with that. Actually, my home is wherever you are -- whether it be the Tardis, or any other place that you decide you want to stay in. Wherever it is, I'll stay there gladly, as long as I have you by my side.
The moonlight is sneaking further into the room now, shining full into your face. I'm surprised that it doesn't wake you up, but then, I think you can sleep through nearly anything when you're really tired. And you've needed your rest lately.
That was one reason I wanted to bring you here, to this quiet hotel in the middle of a teeming, busy city. I know how you like to be around people -- but you need an oasis of calm, a place to relax, and I thought this might fill that need, if only for a few nights.
Looking over at you in bed brings the memories of our first night together flooding back -- your bed on the Tardis, making love over and over again until we were both exhausted. That will always be the best memory of my entire life.
Sometimes, it's still hard for me to believe that you've actually chosen me to be your companion -- and that I'm the man who destiny has made your soul mate. Me, the man who couldn't have anyone, now has the most incredible person in the universe.
I know that you don't see yourself in that light, Doctor. But it's how I'll always see you, and that will never change.
It's been a time of changes for both of us, hasn't it? Over a year now since we first found each other, and we've been through a lot. That would have seemed like a rather long time to me in the past, but now -- a year seems like only the blink of an eye.
Things have gone so fast for us, and yet, a good deal of time has passed. This has been a year of ups and downs for us both -- but I wouldn't trade any of the moments in time that I've spent with you for a lifetime with anyone else.
The moonlight coming into the window seems to be beckoning me to join you in the oasis of our bed. I think I will, even at the risk of waking you up. And if I do -- then I believe that we can both think of at least a few ways to pass the time until sleep claims us again.
Yours always,
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