Title: One Or the Other
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 10
Prompt: 23, Masturbate
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
The Doctor sighed as he leaned back against the pillows of the bed he shared with Ianto on the Tardis, wondering what was taking his young lover so long. Ianto had said that he was going to take a shower, but the Doctor thought he was taking an inordinately long time about it.
Maybe he should have offered to share that shower with him, the Doctor thought, a smile curving his lips. Though he knew what the two of them in the shower together would inevitably lead to.
It was strange that he'd become such a sexual being since he'd met Ianto. Really, he'd never been like that before in any of his other bodies. Maybe it was because he himself hadn't found any of them very attractive.
All right, so the last two hadn't been bad -- but the one he had now was stunning. He loved this body, and he wanted to stay in it for as long as he possibly could. If only he could keep it forever, never have to worry about it regenerating .....
He pushed the thought of regeneration out of his head. It wasn't something he liked to think about; when it happened, it would change his life forever, and he dreaded that. He wanted the life he had with Ianto to stay as it was, with the two of them happy together, by each other's side through everything that the world threw at them.
The Doctor closed his eyes, swallowing hard. He of all people should know that forever wasn't a possibility. Ianto was human; he would inevitably age and die, and leave him alone again. That was another thing that he didn't want to think about.
And he wouldn't. He pushed the thoughts away, concentrating on a mental image of his young lover's face and focusing on it.
Ianto was the most beautiful man he'd ever seen, the Doctor thought dreamily, letting his mind's eye roam over that gorgeous body in his imagination. How could it be possible that someone so utterly desirable could be with him?
He was almost startled to realize that his hand had moved under the covers and between his legs; he was touching himself, his hand stroking his already half-hardened cock, his fingers tightening automatically around the shaft.
It had been quite a while since he'd felt the need to masturbate. In fact, he couldn't remember the last time -- though he was sure that he'd done it since he'd been with Ianto. But his young lover kept him so well-satisfied that it hadn't been a priority.
His breath caught in his throat as his fingers stroked over the tender tip of his penis, the sensation seeming to spread over his entire body. He really should do this more often, even though he did have a lover to satisfy his sexual needs; somehow, there was something about touching himself that was incredibly sensual.
The Doctor threw the covers back, spreading his legs and arching his back as his hand continued to move. He was lost in thoughts of Ianto, imagining that it was his boyfriend's hand moving on his cock, or better yet, that gentle, warm mouth.
He could picture the loving look in those blue-grey eyes; the way Ianto would glance up at him, their eyes meeting, the connection between their souls even stronger than the physical connection that they'd had from the first moment they'd met.
Those eyes .... his hearts quickened in his chest as he thought of how Ianto's eyes could convey so many emotions in just one gaze. The most beautiful eyes he'd ever seen.
And the rest of him .... he was magnificent. Though he'd had lovers before whom he'd certainly found very attractive, there was no one who'd managed to arouse the same depth of desire in him that Ianto did every time he looked at the young man.
The Doctor let out a soft moan as his hand began to move faster, rocking his hips in rhythm with his stroking. He'd forgotten where he was, forgotten everything around him; he was completely focused on his own body and the pleasure he was feeling.
He'd never been very attuned to any of his other bodies; not that they hadn't been serviceable, but this one had somehow made him feel more .... alive. He didn't want to lose it; he didn't want to go back to feeling as though his body was only a vessel and nothing more.
No. He wasn't going to think about that; he was in this body now, and he was going to keep it as long as he possibly could. There was no reason for him to let those thoughts cross his mind now, not when he should be concentrating on giving himself pleasure and enjoying how this body was feeling at the moment.
This wasn't the time to be thinking of anything but his own body. Not his relationship with Ianto, not what he'd felt -- or hadn't felt -- in the past, not anything that could happen in the future. He needed to focus on himself, inward, not outward.
Besides, it wasn't a matter of having one or the other, his own self-love or Ianto's touch, he told himself sternly. He could enjoy them both. It wasn't as though touching himself when he felt the need made him love his boyfriend any less, after all.
Closing his eyes, the Doctor pushed all other thoughts away, focusing on the movement of his hand between his legs, how it felt to grasp his own cock. It had been too long since he'd done this. indulged in a kind of primitive pleasure that even Ianto couldn't give him.
He let out a soft gasp as he inadvertently tightening his grip on his cock; a tremor went through his body, the beginnings of his climax starting to uncurl in his stomach. It was happening more quickly than he'd thought it would; he wouldn't be able to hold himself back for long.
One hand moved to his chest, fingers teasing first one nipple, then the other, imagining that it was Ianto's mouth and hands working his body rather than his own touch. It was pleasant to touch himself, of course -- but so much better when this was coming from the man he loved, so much more intense, more meaningful.
His breath was coming faster now, panting, gasping, as he stroked himself faster, harder. In a few moments he would be on the verge of crying out ....
If only this was Ianto touching him, making love to him. The image of his lover swam before his vision as his hips arched upwards again, a soft cry bursting from his throat, his eyes squeezing shut as he gave himself up to his climax.
The Doctor lay there for what seemed like a long time, panting, feeling his hearts slow from the rapid gallop they'd built up to into a more reasonable, calm rate. He opened his eyes slowly, his vision clearing as he took in the room around him.
His eyes widened as they fell on Ianto standing in the doorway, a smile curving his lips as he watched the Doctor, his arms folded over his chest. A slow smile spread over the young man's face, his low moan soft and husky.
The Doctor's eyes opened wide, another involuntary gasp coming from his throat as he sat up, wide-eyed, words tumbling out before he could hold them back.
"How long have you been standing there?" he asked breathlessly, feel the blush that had started to spread over his features heighten. He was sure that his cheeks were flaming red, and the look on Ianto's face only made his embarrassment grow.
Ianto laughed as he sat down on the bed beside the Time Lord, leaning over to place a hand on each side of the Doctor's body and gaze into his face. "Long enough to watch you, and to love seeing it. You're beautiful when you're aroused, did you know that?"
His blush was spreading, from his face down to his chest; he was caught somewhere between feeling terribly embarrassed and feeling gratified that Ianto had enjoyed what he'd witnessed. He'd never thought that watching him masturbate could possibly be anything Ianto would want to watch, but maybe he'd been wrong about that.
After all, it wasn't so bad to be admired, was it? "Thank you," he murmured, unable to meet his lover's gaze. "I'm glad you enjoyed watching."
"I did," Ianto said softly, leaning down to press his lips against one small nipple, teasing the tender pink bud with his teeth and tongue. "Though I have to admit that watching you like that only made me want you all the more. I was hoping you might want me, too."
The Doctor moaned as Ianto's hands moved down his body, that strong yet gentle touch spreading his legs as the young man moved to straddle him. His own arms moved up to loop around Ianto's neck, pulling him down for a heady, passionate kiss.
"Wanting you is never a problem for me," he whispered, looking up at the man above him with a smile on his lips. "It wouldn't be possible for me not to."
"Good," Ianto whispered, his hands resting on the Doctor's hips, stroking over the Time Lord's soft, sensitive skin. In a fraction of a second, those strong arms had wrapped around the other man's waist, pulling him close against his lover's body as if Ianto was trying to make the two of them physically meld into one being.
The Doctor closed his eyes, giving himself up to Ianto's embrace. Though there were times when self-love could certainly be gratifying, he most definitely preferred Ianto's touch, he thought, sighing contentedly as his lover's lips and hands began to work their magic on his body.***
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