Title: Pain For Pleasure
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 30_sex_scenes
Prompt: 17, Nipple Clamps
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"I know what these are used for, but it still feels strange to have them on and not feel any kind of pain," the Doctor told Ianto, frowning slightly as he looked down at himself. "I'm just glad they don't show through my shirt. I wouldn't want anyone to know."
"I know, and so do you. And we're the only ones who matter, in this case," Ianto told his lover, his voice soft and a little husky. Moving to the side of the console that the Doctor was standing at, he slipped his arms around the Time Lord from behind, drawing the other man close.
The Doctor closed his eyes as he leaned back into Ianto's arms with a contented sigh, turning his head to nuzzle his cheek against his young lover's. "I wouldn't have known when I first met you that you could be so incredibly sensual, Ianto Jones."
"Or so kinky, either," Ianto told him with a smirk. "What did you expect, Doctor? I was involved with Jack Harkness for quite a while -- as were you. Youl should know that being with Jack for any length of time can bring out just about anyone's strange side."
"So I take it that you consider using nipple clamps to be strange?" the Doctor asked, his tone mocking. "I'm a little surprised at that, Ianto. I don't think they're strange -- just a little kinky. I'm surprised that I've never been tempted to play around with them before."
"I'm surprised that Jack never talked you into it," Ianto told him, sounding amused. "It was one of the first things that Jack introduced me to in his little arsenal. I can't say that I was much into wearing them myself, but I like them on you."
"You can put them on me any time you like, love," the Doctor said softly, squirming slightly in Ianto's embrace as the young man moved his hand up the front of his body. He knew what was coming, his body tensing in anticipation.
Ianto's fingers began to deftly unbutton the Doctor's shirt, wanting to feel the other man's soft skin against his own. The Doctor's breath was already coming faster; Ianto could feel those dual hearts beating under his fingertips, pounding harder in anticipation.
He moved the edges of the Doctor's shirt aside, feeling too impatient to remove the Time Lord's clothing all the way. But the Doctor shook his head, disentangling himself from Ianto's embrace and stepping away from him, turning to smirk at the young man.
"Now, Ianto, you know that we should be taking our time about this," he said, slowly unbuttoning his shirt the rest of the way and shrugging it over one shoulder, then the other. Ianto watched as the discarded item of clothing fell to the floor, waiting for whatever his lover would do.
He expected the Time Lord to start unbuttoning his pants, but he didn't. Instead, he moved back into his lover's arms, turning to press his back against the younger man's chest. "There," he whispered, turning his head to nuzzle Ianto's cheek. "You have better access now that I'm shirtless."
Ianto couldn't help laughing softly and nodding; the Doctor was right. He should have taken the other man's shirt off first, instead of being so impatient to feel that soft skin against his own -- and to feel the Doctor's hardened nipples against his palm.
He raised a hand to toy with one stiffened nipple, almost stopping when he heard the Time Lord's indrawn gasp. He knew that this was only the beginning; the sensation would be much more intense for the Doctor when the silver nipple clamps were removed.
"Let's make our way to the bedroom, shall we?" Ianto whispered into the Doctor's ear, knowing that his words would get a nod of acquiescence. When the two of them headed for the corridor leading to their bedroom, their footsteps were both quick and eager.
It didn't take either of them long to be out of the rest of their clothes when they reached the bedroom; as one, they fell onto the bed, their bodies a tangle of arms, legs, mouths. For several long moments, Ianto didn't know where he ended and the Time Lord began.
Within a few moments, his fingers had found the silver clamps that he'd fastened onto the Doctor's nipples a few hours before; he hoped that the pain wouldn't be too much for his lover to deal with, but he didn't think that it would. After all, the Doctor had agreed to this.
They hadn't spent much time playing with sex toys, but now, they had all the time in the world to find out what they liked and what they didn't, to experiment with anything that caught their fancy. And the Doctor had expressed a desire about what nipple clamps felt like.
The sensation when the clamps were removed was supposed to be somewhere between pleasure and pain; Ianto wasn't sure that he wanted to know which one was the more intense. He was sure that the Time Lord would express those feelings verbally.
The only sound that the Doctor made when Ianto released the clamp on his left nipple was a soft gasp, then a stifled cry. Ianto could only imagine what it must feel like to have the blood rush to an area that had been tightly clamped for a few hours.
He couldn't resist raising a hand to brush his fingertips across the Doctor's nipple, knowing that it would intensify what the Time Lord was feeling. The Doctor cried out again, his body arching up against Ianto's, his dark eyes squeezing shut and his fists clenching.
Ianto almost stopped what he was doing, feeling that he was causing the Doctor too much pain by keeping this up. But as though the Time Lord anticipated what he was thinking, he opened his dark eyes to stare up at Ianto, his words coming out haltingly.
"Don't stop, Ianto .... yes, it hurts .... but .... it's pleasure .... mixed with pain," the Doctor gasped, one hand reaching out to grasp Ianto's fingers in his own. "Take the other clamp off. I'll be all right .... I promise. I'm not in pain. Not too much .... for me to take."
Slowly, Ianto nodded, knowing that he would do whatever the Doctor told him that he should. But if he felt that his lover was in too much pain to deal with, he wanted to stop this -- even though he had no idea how to do so. Once the clamps were off, they were past the point of no return.
He loosened the clamp on the Doctor's right nipple, expecting to hear another gasp and a soft cry from the Time Lord. Instead, he only heard a hiss of indrawn breath; when he focused on his lover's face, the other man's cheeks were flushed, his lips parted, his breath coming faster.
Ianto bent his head to lave his tongue gently across the Doctor's right nipple, then the left. Now that the clamps were off, he knew that the Time Lord was feeling the sensation of blood rushing back to the area -- and he was sure that it wasn't entirely pleasant.
But the Doctor didn't seem to mind the pain; he was obviously caught somewhere between that pain and a wave of pleasure, moving back and forth between both extremes at the same time. Ianto wondered how it felt, then decided just as quickly that he'd rather not know.
It took the Doctor a few moments to start breathing normally again; when he did, Ianto dared to take one nipple between his thumb and forefinger. The Time Lord's body immediately tensed again, his closed eyes flying open, his gaze fixed on Ianto's face.
"They're still far too sensitive to touch," the Doctor whispered, his eyes locking with Ianto's. "Unless you want to see just how far you can push me towards the edge. Though honestly .... I wish you wouldn't. I think I've had enough of the pain for pleasure experiment for one day."
Ianto nodded, feeling much the same way. He wasn't sure that he'd liked seeing the Doctor caught between ecstasy and pain; the pain had seemed to be winning out, and he wasn't overly fond of anything that might hurt the man he loved in any way.
"Is it going to hurt you if I hold you for the rest of the night?" he asked, wanting to take the Time Lord into his arms and settle down against the soft pillows with his lover clasped in his embrace. But he wasn't going to do that if it would cause the Doctor any kind of pain.
"Of course it won't, love," the Time Lord answered, his voice soft. "The sensation is already starting to fade -- though I think we might have left those things on my nipples a little too long. They're a bit sore. But I'm sure they'll be back to normal in the morning."
"That's good to know," Ianto told him, closing his eyes and leaning back against the pillows with the Time Lord in his arms. Within just a few minutes, both men were asleep, their bodies recumbent and relaxed, their dreams taking them both to places that were more similar than they could know.***
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