Title: The Passion of Lovers
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 1, 50ficlets
Prompt: 9, Passion
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Had he ever felt like this with anyone else? the Doctor asked himself as Ianto's soft, warm lips trailed fire down his throat, gasping at the sensation. He didn't think so. No one had ever had the effect on him that Ianto did.
He clutched at his young lover's shoulders as Ianto thrust inside him, his back arching, a moan leaving his lips. Not only had no one ever made him feel like this, he'd never responded to anyone with this kind of fervor before, either.
He'd never thought of himself as a sexual man before. Oh, he had his needs -- needs that had always been fulfilled somehow. He'd made sure of that. He hadn't neglected himself, though there had been times when he'd pushed those needs aside.
But since he'd met Ianto, he'd begun to form a whole new opinion of himself and who he was. He was indeed a sexual being -- his relationship with this young man proved that.
Maybe he'd only thought that he wasn't overly sexual because he hadn't met his mate yet, the person who would be the other other half of his soul. But he'd met them now, he thought, his long legs tightening around Ianto's waist.
Ianto had proved him wrong; the two of them had been more sexual in the short time they'd been together than he had been with others in the past who he'd been with for much longer. Ianto had brought out something in him that no one else had ever found.
No one else had ever searched for who he was under the surface, the inner person who needed this kind of love as well as companionship. No one had ever wanted to know all of the tangled emotions that roiled behind the mask he presented to the world.
With Ianto, all of those emotions were out in the open, front and center. And for once, he wasn't afraid to display them for the world to see.
This man had freed him from a constraint that he'd held to all his life, from bonds that he didn't even know were wrapped around him, holding him prisoner. Ianto had set him free in so many ways, made him unafraid to open his heart.
Another sharp thrust into him made him gasp again, squeezing his eyes shut and concentrating on the pleasure that was coursing through his body. No one had ever given him this kind of pleasure, not in all the centuries of his long life.
Ianto had been meant for him; their bodies had been made for each other, though this young man had been born so much later than he had been. He would never have thought that a human would be his one and only, but miracles apparently did happen.
How had this come to pass? How had such a passion sprung up between them? He might never know the answer to that question.
It had been there from their first meeting, from the first moment he'd looked into those blue-grey eyes and felt something stir within him that he'd thought was long dead. He'd known then that this was the man he was meant to be with, his soul mate, his destiny.
Oh, he'd tried to deny it. He'd tried to make himself believe that he couldn't possibly be meant to take a human for his life mate, that this was some sort of intense physical attraction that would burn itself out with time.
But he'd been so wrong. The passion between them had only flared more and more brightly each time they'd met, until it had come to this -- sharing their bodies in the most intimate, most primitive rhythm possible. This had been ordained from the moment of their births.
He'd had to wait so long for this -- but the wait had been worth it. He wouldn't trade this for anything in the world; this was where he had always been meant to be.
The Doctor cried out as Ianto thrust into him once more, his orgasm washing over his body in a tumultuous wave of pleasure that enveloped him from head to toe, setting his senses tingling and whirling into a vortex that engulfed him completely.
This was the kind of passion that people only dreamed about; they read about it in books, saw it depicted on film screens, but never managed to achieve it in their lives -- unless they were very, very lucky indeed.
He'd been one of the lucky ones. He'd found his love, found the passion that was always meant to be his. And he would hold onto that love for the rest of his life -- hopefully in this body. However long it might last, he knew that he would spend that life by Ianto's side.
The Time Lord let himself relax in his lover's arms in the aftermath of their passion, closing his eyes and drifting into contented dreams with a smile curving his lips.***
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