Title: Peace of Mind
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG
Table: 100moods
Prompt: 71, Peaceful
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
The Doctor stretched out on the blanket that Ianto had brought from the Tardis, lacing his fingers together behind his head and looking up at the blue sky above him. It was a beautiful sight, the cloudless blue sky, one that he was getting used to.
It didn't look like the skies of Gallifrey, of course. Those beautiful burnt-orange skies that he missed so much, and would never see again. Nothing could ever bring them back, or replace his love for them that would always linger in his hearts.
But nevertheless, it was still lovely, with the fluffy white clouds scudding across the bluest sky he'd ever seen. And it was the sky that Ianto loved, so that made it even more special to him -- something that he could share with his lover.
He'd come to appreciate so many things about Earth since he'd been with Ianto. He had always liked the planet, but now, he looked at it as a second home, really.
What was it about Earth that had always drawn him to the planet? Maybe it was because humans had so much potential -- to go either way, into the dark side of the natures, or the better side. They were such a fascinating race, one that he never got tired of observing.
Of course, he'd seen the dark side of human nature far too many times. That wasn't something he enjoyed looking at, but there were always two sides to every coin. Humans weren't the only race who had that dichotomy.
Still, this planet was a place where he was feeling more and more at home the longer he was here. It would never replace Gallifrey -- no place could -- but it felt as though he was carving himself a niche here, a place where he could feel comfortable.
He'd never really belong on Earth, obviously. He would always have to be cautious, and he'd never be able to tell people outside of his "circle" who and what he really was. But he could at least feel that Earth was a place he could go to ground if he had to.
And it was so peaceful here at times like this. The Doctor sighed, closing his eyes and letting himself relax as he waited for Ianto.
When they'd come here, he had looked out of the door and smiled, feeling the peacefulness of the quiet glade the Tardis had materialized in sweep over him. He loved places like this; and he needed them from time to time, to help him unwind.
There was something about the cool, quiet greenery all around them, the silence of the glade, the blue of the sky above them, that made him feel calm and tranquil. He would have to remember this place, so they could come back here when they needed a retreat.
Usually, he and Ianto spent time either in Cardiff or London when they were on Earth. But this sort of place was what they'd been needing lately, somewhere to relax and enjoy some time alone with each other, away from the bustle of cities.
They needed that quiet time together, after some of the things they went through out there amongst the stars. It was good to have these moments of peacefulness.
Ianto was still in the Tardis; the Doctor wasn't sure exactly what he was doing, but he was almost sure that his young lover was making some sort of a picnic lunch for them. Ianto had mentioned that, and he'd smiled and nodded at the words.
It seemed like such a mundane thing to do, but it meant a lot. Few of his other companions did little thoughtful things like that; those small gestures proved Ianto's devotion to him. It wasn't something he expected, but he treasured those small actions.
He smiled up at the clouds as they moved slowly through the sky, his thoughts resting on his lover. He'd never expected to have anyone like Ianto in his life; by the time they'd met, he had given up on even having another companion, much less a lover.
But Ianto Jones had changed everything for him. That young man had taken his perceptions of the world, visions that were becoming jaded, and given him back his faith in love and his belief that there would always be something good just around the next corner.
Ianto had also restored some measure of peacefulness to his soul, a peace that had long eluded him, and he'd always be grateful for that.
He'd thought that there was a good possibility he'd never find peace again after the destruction of his home and his people, but being with Ianto had proven that untrue. Times like this brought him a peace that he'd never found even before Gallifrey was gone.
And it was mainly due to the man he loved. The Doctor smiled again without realizing it, his thoughts mirrored on his features. It had been a long time since he'd felt this peaceful -- his surroundings were contributing to that relaxation, as well as Ianto's steadying influence.
They hadn't even tried to find this place particularly, he mused, glancing around him at the lush expanse of greenery. The Tardis had simply landed here, without the two of them knowing where she was headed. That was the best way to find some places.
This one was certainly lovely, the Doctor thought appreciatively, sitting up and looking at his ship. He couldn't help but wonder sometimes if she knew that he needed just such a place to renew his spirit, and deliberately brought him to one.
Whether she did or not, the peaceful feeling this glade exuded was undeniable, and he wanted to spend a bit of time here with the man he loved, away from the world.
A slight frown creased his forehead as he looked at the Tardis, wondering where Ianto was. Surely it didn't take very long to make a couple of sandwiches -- what was he doing, making lunch for an entire crowd rather than just two people?
Ah, he needed to stop that, the Doctor chided himself silently. It hadn't been more than a few minutes that he'd been lying here contemplating his life and enjoying some peace of mind; he didn't need to begin building up the stress again so soon.
The Doctor sighed with contentment, laying back down on the blanket and letting the tension drain out of him. They might only have a short time to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of this place, and he intended to make the most of every second they had here.***
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