Title: Peep Show
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 10
Prompt: 28, Voyeur
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto sat up and stretched, yawning as he looked towards the clock. It was nearly eight in the morning, not a bad hour to get up on a weekend when he didn't have to be back in the office for two blessed days.
Two days. Two days to spend uninterrupted with the Doctor, basking in his presence, taking him out and about Cardiff, letting him get used to the neighborhood, helping him to feel more comfortable in Ianto's world. The young Welshman smiled as he thought of the possibilities. First, a trip to that lovely little coffee shop just around the corner; then, just walking around the streets near his home ....
Where in the world was the Doctor? Ianto frowned, realizing that the Time Lord wasn't there beside him, or even in the room. It was strange that his lover had gotten out of bed before he had; Ianto was usually the first one up.
A moment later, he heard the shower being turned on, the water making enough noise to be heard across the hallway in the bedroom. So, the Doctor had decided to take a morning shower. That would give him the perfect chance to join his love under the warm spray.
Ianto pulled back the covers, getting out of bed and padding naked across the bedroom. The door across the hall leading into the bathroom was still half-opened; the Doctor never could seem to get the knack of closing it all the way when he was in the shower. Ianto had always respected his privacy before, but today, there seemed to be a devil whispering to him to peek through the door and take a look.
Steam was already rising; the Doctor must have the hot water turned on full force, Ianto thought, pushing the door open a bit wider. He'd have to let his eyes adjust to the steam, the clouds of it already starting to rise and drift out of the door into the hallway.
He leaned against the door frame, keeping his eyes fastened on the shower. The curtain was transparent; he'd be able to see directly into the shower once the steam dissipated a little. The open door was making it fade away more quickly than usual, the warmth of the small room seeming to envelop him in an early-morning embrace.
The steam cleared in one quick breeze, and Ianto breathed in a sudden intake of air, his stomach muscles clenching in a rush of desire. He'd seen the Doctor naked before, of course; the sight was nothing new. However, seeing his love under the onslaught of the shower water was quite another. There was something very sensual about watching the Doctor shower, even more sensual than having the Time Lord naked under him in bed.
His eyes trailed over every inch of that perfect body; the long, slender legs, the flat stomach, the silky-soft inner thighs, the perfectly rounded ass, the curve of his back. The way he raised his face to the spray, closing his eyes as the water beat down on his skin. Ianto had never seen anyone look so unbelievably sexual without even trying.
Or maybe that was only because he was so completely and utterly besotted with the Doctor, he told himself, a small smile curving his lips. He felt like a schoolboy with a crush, idolizing his beloved to the point where he could see nothing wrong in his own private vision.
But that wasn't entirely true, he thought, still studying the Doctor's nude form behind the shower curtain. He knew that his lover had faults, just as every living being did. The Doctor wasn't perfect. There were things about him that drove Ianto insane, things that made him have to bite his lip and grit his teeth to look past.
Those were little things, though, things that didn't matter in the long run. Ianto's smile grew broader, thinking of all the small irriations that were forgotten at the end of the day, when he had the Time Lord in his arms and their bodies were joined. Nothing mattered then but the fact that he was in love -- and that his emotion was returned just as strongly.
Ianto's eyes followed the lines of suds created by the shower gel that were trickling slowly down the Doctor's body, his hands itching to move over that smooth, velvety skin themselves. To hell with standing here and looking. He had to take a shower too, after all. And it would conserve water if they both did it at the same time ....
Closing the door silently, he moved forward, pulling back the shower curtain and stepping in behind the Doctor.
The Time Lord looked around, eyes widening, lips curving in a smile. "Oh, hello," he murmured, not at all embarrassed about being joined in the shower by his lover.
Ianto wrapped his arms around the Time Lord's waist, pulling the slender man back against his own body and moving his hands down over his belly, one hand moving between his legs to curl long, gentle fingers around his half-hardened cock.
The Doctor leaned back against him, eyes closing, a soft sigh leaving his lips as Ianto's hands moved authoritatively over his body. His legs weakened, his body shivering in response to what those hands were doing to him.
"This is a lovely way to start the day," he whispered, oblivious to the spray of the shower water throwing droplets of moisture into his face.
"Oh, definitely," Ianto replied, starting to move his hand along the Time Lord's shaft, feeling him swell in response. "I could do with starting every day like this in future."
"That's something we'll have to consider," the Doctor whispered, abandoning himself to the pleasure of Ianto's caresses, not caring that the water was starting to get colder.
"But not now." Ianto's lips descended on the Doctor's, cutting off all speech.
Neither of them noticed when the water turned cold.***
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