Title: Perfect Way
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 10
Prompt: 46, Erection
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
The Doctor lay in bed, turned away from Ianto, trying to keep himself still. He didn't want to wake Ianto, and he didn't particularly want to get out of bed, either. Getting up would do that, but so would lying here and squirming in discomfort.
Why in the world did the male body always decide that it had to start the day with a full-blown erection? He frowned, shifting his body slightly, wishing that there was a way for him to slip out of bed quietly without waking the young man sleeping peacefully beside him.
But there wasn't. Ianto was a notoriously light sleeper, and the Doctor knew that he'd had an exhausting last few days at Torchwood. Ianto needed his rest.
And he needed to find some relief, before he threw caution to the winds and decided to take care of himself here in bed with Ianto slumbering next to him. He gritted his teeth, ready to throw back the covers and try to slide out of bed.
At that precise moment, Ianto stirred, turning over onto his back. The Doctor stiffened, holding his breath, hoping that he hadn't woken his lover. When Ianto simply laid there without moving again, he let out his breath slowly, closing his eyes.
This was terribly uncomfortable. There was no way that he could lie here until Ianto woke up, not with his cock throbbing insistently and the tension in his body mounting. He'd either have to get up and wake Ianto in the process, or find a way to take care of it himself.
Trying to move slowly and carefully, he inched one hand under the covers, holding his breath and attempting to keep as still as he possibly could.
Ah, that was better. The Doctor closed his eyes, letting out a soft sigh of relief as his long fingers wrapped around his cock. He'd much prefer to have Ianto's hand doing this, but he wasn't going to wake his boyfriend up just for a hand job.
"What on Earth are you doing?"
Ianto's voice came from somewhere just beyond his ear; the Doctor let out a soft yelp of surprise, twisting his head around. Ianto was propped up on one elbow behind him, his blue-grey eyes still looking a bit dazed and sleepy, but definitely awake.
"I .... errr .... What does it look like I"m doing?" He really couldn't think of anything else to say, especially as it should be quite obvious to Ianto what was going on. He was lying here with his cock in his hand, after all.
"It looks like you're masturbating. Without waking me up and letting me watch -- or, better yet, asking me if I'll do the honours," Ianto murmured, his voice husky, almost a purr. He slid closer to the Doctor, one arm wrapping around the Time Lord's slender waist.
"I didn't want to wake you up," the Doctor said, feeling more than slightly embarrassed that Ianto had caught him out. "You were dead tired when we went to bed."
"Not so tired that I wouldn't appreciate the chance to touch the man I love," Ianto whispered, his lips brushing against the Doctor's ear. One hand moved between the Time Lord's thighs, fingers wrapping around the other man's erection.
The Doctor groaned softly as those fingers closed around his cock; he loved the way that Ianto touched him, and even though he hadn't wanted to awaken the young man, now that his attempt to be quiet had failed, he was going to enjoy every moment of what was happening.
He could feel Ianto's own erection pressing against the curve of his ass; he was surprised that Ianto wasn't trying to do more than this, but he wasn't going to complain. He wasn't really in the mood for anything more, though if Ianto wanted it, he would let himself be persuaded.
The warm hand moving up and down his shaft felt amazing; Ianto always knew exactly how to touch him, how to make him moan and squirm. No one else had been able to get the reaction from him that Ianto did -- not even Jack.
A gasp came from his throat when Ianto's cock pressed between his thighs, nudging his balls. It felt wonderful, the friction against his skin almost unbearably pleasurable.
The Doctor could feel his hearts galloping in his chest, his body tensing, a heat that he'd never felt with anyone else pouring from his skin. Incredible that he should discover this kind of passion with a human, that one man could bring out this side of him.
He wasn't going to last long, not if Ianto kept this up. The combination of his lover's hand on his erection, and the movement between his legs, was already making his body tense, anticipating the release that was shortly to come.
But he wanted to make it last as long as he could, to hold his body back and enjoy this to the fullest. He closed his eyes, pushing his hips back against Ianto's body, giving himself up to the sensations that were starting to take him over.
It was useless; he wasn't going to be able to force himself to hold back. With a groan, the Doctor clutched a handful of the sheets, feeling his body tighten at the edge of a burst of pleasure that he knew would flood over him in just a few seconds.
When his orgasm came, it tore a cry from him; Ianto's name. The only word that he could bring to his lips, the only word that reverberated in his mind.
He let himself go limp, feeling Ianto's arm wrap more securely around his waist. It didn't surprise him to note that his young lover had spent himself as well; it seemed that their bodies were just as in sync as their hearts.
Ianto raised his head, brushing a kiss against the Doctor's cheek and murmuring into his ear. "That was much more satisfying than trying to wank quietly and not wake me up, wasn't it?" His tone was gentle, teasing,
"It certainly was," the Doctor agreed, his voice soft and husky from disuse. He cleared his throat before he spoke again, his own voice taking on a teasing note. "Do you think you might be up for something like that again -- but with a few refinements?"
The other man propped himself up on one elbow, smiling down at his lover. "Exactly what kind of 'refinements' are you talking about?"
"These." The Doctor rolled over onto his back, reaching up to pull Ianto down to him and twining his long legs with the other man's. "I want you to make love to me. This time, where I can watch you and see the look on your face."
"I don't think that will be a problem at all," Ianto murmured, lowering his head to press another kiss to the Doctor's cheek, then his lips. Those strong arms slid around him, pulling him close and moving down his back to cup his ass, sending a shiver of anticipation down his spine.
"We just might have discovered the perfect way to start the day," the Doctor managed to whisper before those hands moving over his body took away any need he might have felt to speak.***
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