Title: Pictures of You
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 10
Prompt: 38, Porn
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"I just don't understand why humans feel the need to look at pornography," the Doctor told Ianto, a frown on his face. He pointed to one of the magazines that Ianto had in a box, ready to throw out when they were next on Earth.
"What good do those do you? You just look at the pictures and see someone that you can't have, a man you'll never meet and never know. That can't make you feel good about yourself," the Time Lord pointed out, his tone as much of a question as a statement.
Ianto shook his head, smiling a little. "It's not meant to make me feel good about who I am, Doctor. It's just .... a visual stimulation, that's all. Those magazines helped when you were away from me. I had something to focus on when I coudn't be with you."
"You were looking at another man?" The Doctor's voice was trembling a bit now, the look on his face going from incredulous to worried in a flash.
The younger man shook his head again, moving to the Doctor and taking the Time Lord into his arms. "Of course not," he whispered into his lover's ear, smoothing back the Doctor's hair from his face. "I'd never want anyone else but you. It's .... hard to explain."
"I don't understand why you'd be looking at pictures of someone else," the Doctor sighed, closing his eyes and leaning against Ianto. "I understand it in an aesthetic way, I suppose -- though I personally don't find any of those men attractive."
"It's not a matter of finding them attractive personally," Ianto said, wishing that he had words to explain his feelings. "I look at them, but it's just for the visual stimulation when I can't be with you. I don't see them in my mind's eye, Doctor. I see you."
That was nothing less than the truth. He might be looking at pictures of other men, but the Doctor was the man on his mind and in his heart.
But how did he explain that to the Time Lord? It was obvious that he was wounded by the fact that Ianto would feel he had to look at strange men to be aroused; and in some ways, Ianto couldn't blame him. He was beginning to feel terribly guilty.
The Time Lord sighed and shook his head, another sigh coming from his lips. "I suppose I just don't understand why you'd need that kind of stimulation. But then, humans are more visual than my race. We have the tendency to live inside our minds."
"Even when it comes to sex?" Ianto blurted out before he could stop himself. He blushed, wishing that he could take the question back. It sounded insensitive, as though sex was all that was on his mind when he thought of the Doctor.
The other man nodded, a rueful smile crossing his features. "Yes -- even though we enjoy the physical side of sex, it's never been a priority with Gallifreyans."
"So visual stimulation isn't something you need?" Ianto couldn't help but feel a bit deflated -- after all, it was flattering to think that the Doctor considered him a handsome man and was attracted to him in a physical way. He didn't want ot think that wasn't at all important.
"It's not something I absolutely must have, no," the Doctor admitted, pulling back slightly and fixing his gaze on Ianto. "But it's not that I don't find you attractive, Ianto. I love looking at you. And I've thought you were a beautiful man from the first moment I saw you."
Ianto couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief, his muscles relaxing. It surprised him to realize that he'd tensed up when he had thought for a few fleeting moments that the Doctor didn't find him physically attractive; he'd thought that he was past that.
But he wasn't, he told himself, his inner voice sounding a bit disappointed. Even if it was shallow, he'd always want his lover to enjoy him visually.
"Thank goodness for that," he murmured, wishing that he could keep the somewhat deflated tone out of his voice. Well, the Doctor felt hurt that he'd looked at porn magazines when his love wasn't with him; now he was having that hurt deflected back on him.
"Ianto ...." The Time Lord's voice was soft and husky, the touch of his fingers against Ianto's cheek as gentle as a brush of silk. "Don't ever think that I'm not physically attracted to you. It's because of you that the more physical -- and visual -- side of me has come out."
"I don't look at other men in magazines and want them," Ianto said, desperately wanting to explain his feelings to his lover. "I just need some sort of visual stimulation to get me started. I don't think of making love to them -- I think of making love to you."
"I know, Ianto," the Doctor told him, those long, cool fingers stroking his cheek. "It's just .... hard for me to fathom the use of pornography."
"You're the only man I want -- the only man I'll ever want," Ianto told him, wrapping his arms around the Doctor's slim waist and pulling him close. "Don't ever think that those men could mean anything to me, even if I met them. None of them can hold a candle to you."
"I don't mind you looking at those magazines, you know." The Doctor's voice was a little stronger now, as though he'd made up his mind about something. "It's just a bit disconcerting to know that you do. After all, they don't have you. I do."
An idea began to form in Ianto's mind, one that brought a smile to his face. "What do you say to giving me pictures of the man I love to look at, so I don't have to resort to porn?" he inquired, raising his brows in question as his smile grew larger.
The Doctor looked surprised, his eyes widening as what Ianto was saying sank in. "Are you serious, Ianto? You want nude pictures of me?"
"Why shouldn't I?" Ianto murmured, brushing a soft kiss across the Time Lord's cheek. "You're much more beautiful than any man I've ever seen in a porn magazine. And since I'm throwing all of those out when we get back to Earth ...."
He let the sentence hang in the air, raising his brows again and then grinning wickedly at the other man. The Doctor finished his sentence with a laugh. ".... You'll need something to replace what you're throwing away, hmmm? I see."
"I'd much rather look at my beautiful lover than at some men I don't know and who aren't nearly as gorgeous as the man I'm in love with," Ianto said, pulling him closer and sliding one hand down to cup the Doctor's ass. "Visual stimulation is always a good thing."
"Oh?" Now it was the Doctor's turn to raise his brows, a smile playing around the corners of his mouth. "I may just have to find out if that's true."
"Does this mean that I get to pose you in any compromising position I want?" Ianto teased, wondering what the Doctor would say to that. "After all, I'm the one who gets to look at those pictures of you -- so it's only fair that I get to pose them."
"Your wish is my command," the Doctor said, laughing softly as he leaned forward into his young lover's embrace. Ianto couldn't help smiling as the two of them headed for the bedroom, his mind's eye already forming images that he couldn't wait to bring to life.***
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