Title: Pleasantly Surprised
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 3
Prompt: 6, Books
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
The Doctor yawned as he came into the bedroom, vigorously toweling his damp hair dry. He'd headed for the shower as soon as he'd awakened and found Ianto's note telling him that his young lover had gone out to run a few errands and would be back as soon as he could. He wasn't sure exactly what Ianto had planned for the day, if anything, but he wanted to be ready when the young man came back to the apartment.
He let the towel fall to the back of a chair, turning to go to the closet and pull out clothes to wear for the day when he caught sight of himself in the full-length mirror on the back of the door. He couldn't help but look at himself curiously, studying his body critically, wondering just what it was that Ianto saw in him that attracted him so much.
He certainly wasn't bad-looking, he reflected, tilting his head to the side and studying his features. Too many freckles, but Ianto seemed to like them. Taken singularly, his features weren't anything special -- but his boyfriend insisted that put together, they added up to the most beautiful man he'd ever seen.
The Doctor blushed at the memory of Ianto's words, a smile curving his lips. There was something to be said for having a lover who steadfastly ignored his myriad physical flaws, he said to himself, running a hand through his hair and sighing. Too bad it wasn't ginger. He'd always had such a fondness for red hair.
Sighing softly, he turned away from the mirror towards the closet again. Clothes were such a bother, he thought, his smile replaced by a somewhat petulant frown. There really wasn't any use for them that he could see; it was a shame that the human race was so repressed that they felt they had to constantly keep their bodies covered. They would be much happier without the physical restriction of clothes, he was sure.
As he turned, his bare foot struck the edge of something contained in a large shopping bag, something hard and unyielding. The Doctor yelped, resisting the urge to grab his foot and hop around the room muttering alien curses under his breath. What in the world could be in that bag that had practically attacked his foot?
Bending to study the object, his brows rose in surprise, and he picked up the bag to shuffle through the contents. It was a book -- a rather large one. Lifting it out of the bag to study the cover, his brows rose even further, almost all the way to his hairline. Well. He certainly hadn't expected Ianto to be interested in something like this.
The cover of the book said it all. The title The Gay Kama Sutra jumped out at him as if the words were trumpeting out a fanfare for the world to hear.
Forgetting all about his intentions of getting dressed, the Doctor took the book to the bed, sitting down and rolling over onto his side. Making himself comfortable, he opened the front cover and began to page through the book, his eyes widening in surprise at some of the pictures. No, he definitely wouldn't have expected Ianto to be the type of person who'd have this particular book in his library.
Some of the pictures in the book were .... quite revealing, he told himself, his cheeks coloring at the idea of himself and Ianto actually doing some of the things depicted in the photographs. He was astounded that the human body could be so flexible, and very doubtful that he himself would be able to contort his body into some of those positions.
Ianto never failed to surprise him. His lover was the last person he would have expected to be interested in exotic sex -- since they had first become involved, Ianto had always seemed more the type to prefer his lovemaking uncomplicated. But if this was what he was interested in exploring, the Doctor was all too willing to go along with him.
Hmmm .... maybe that one would be doable. The Doctor sat up, frowning as he tried to position his body like that of the model in the photograph. He let out another yelp when his muscles protested him trying to lift his ankle over his head; there was absolutely no way that his body was going to contort that much.
How in the world could they manage that, anyway? There was no way it could be arousing -- or comfortable -- for Ianto to be inside him when he had one leg literally behind his head. He turned a few pages, his eyes growing wider with each new illustration. Was it possible for him to bend his legs that far? He didn't think so.
"What on earth are you doing?"
The Doctor gasped, eyes widening as his head jerked towards the door. Ianto was standing there, watching him with a bemused smile on his face. The Doctor could feel his cheeks coloring as he stammered out a reply, the words sounding foolish even to his own ears.
"I was .... errr .... ahhhh .... that is .... I ...." He gave up trying to explain, instead sweeping a hand over the open pages of the book. It was Ianto's turn to raise his eyebrows, a faint smile on his lips as his eyes took in the photograph that the Doctor had been attempting to imitate. He didn't look embarrassed in the slightest.
"Ah. I wondered how long it would take you to find that book." His tone was light, almost teasing, his eyes leaving the book and roaming over the Doctor's nude body. "Actually, I like being greeted this way when I get home. It certainly saves me the trouble of stripping your clothes off, doesn't it?"
"That it does." The Doctor couldn't help smiling at Ianto's words, leaning back on the bed on his elbows and looking up at his young lover. "I suppose that I should find out just what you have planned for the day before I decide to get dressed. With any luck, I may not need to put any clothes on at all."
"You may need to do that later." Ianto advanced into the room, a slight smile on his face as he approached the bed. "But most definitely not now."
"Oh?" The Doctor raised his head off the pillows just as Ianto sank to his knees, closing his eyes and letting his head fall back as his young lover pushed his thighs apart. Ianto's hands slid under the Doctor's firm, rounded ass, lifting the Gallifreyan's hips as a finger slipped between his cheeks.
The Doctor gasped as Ianto's finger slid inside him, probing deeply, making him squirm and writhe under his lover's capable hands. His slender body arched up off the bed, a soft cry torn from his throat when a second finger joined the first, twisting slightly and scissoring inside his body to stretch and open him.
Ianto was spreading his thighs further, pushing his legs up, those gentle fingers probing deeper inside him .... the Doctor moaned Ianto's name, his senses reeling, his hips arching up again when his boyfriend's warm, wet tongue licked over his entrance -- once, twice, before pushing inside him where those fingers had been only moments before.
The Doctor cried out, his long, tapering fingers clutching at the tumbled covers of the bed, gripping them so tightly that his knuckles went white. The muscles of his thighs flexed, then relaxed, his hips rocking with each thrust of Ianto's long, strong tongue into his body. His boyfriend's hand was wrapped around his cock, stroking him in a slow, steady rhythm, coaxing his orgasm to the surface, waiting for it to burst forth.
He could feel his hearts pounding in his chest, his climax spiralling up from somewhere deep inside his body. He couldn't hold it back; he barely had time to cry out again before it was crashing over him, his body shuddering, his breath coming in harsh, ragged gasps. His hands finally unclenched, releasing the crumpled sheets and relaxing at his sides.
Ianto was leaning over him, those deep, dark eyes searching into his, holding his gaze and not letting him look away. The Doctor was shaken by how much his body still craved Ianto, how brightly the physical passion flared between the two of them. The powerful attraction they had for each other never failed to amaze him.
It took him a moment to realize that Ianto was unzipping his trousers, stepping out of them, lifting his shirt over his head and pulling it off. Within moments, his young lover was stretched out on the bed beside him, his hands roving over the Doctor's body again. Ianto turned the Time Lord towards him, one hand moving between his thighs to push them apart again, fingers stroking over the Doctor's entrance until the other man moaned softly, squirming under the gentle touch.
He let out a soft gasp when Ianto's fingers slid inside him again, his hips arching against that hand, muscles tightening around the intrusion. There was something incredibly sensual about the feel of Ianto's fingers probing inside his body, knowing that his lover had the power to make him come with nothing more than a slight twist of his wrist.
"Do you think we should try some of the positions in that book?" Ianto whispered into his ear, sharp teeth nibbling gently at his earlobe.
The Doctor smiled and shook his head, wrapping his arms around Ianto's shoulders and pulling his lover down against his body. "I think we have more important things to take care of at the moment," he murmured, closing his eyes and giving himself up to the pleasure of Ianto's hands and mouth.
"That's what I thought you would say," the younger man answered, making the Doctor gasp and squirm when his fingers probed deeper, snatching the Time Lord's breath from his throat. Ianto smiled and lowered his head to the Doctor's chest, wrapping his lips around one small nipple, adding another layer to the Time Lord's pleasure.
At the rate they were going, the Doctor thought, it would be a long time before they ever got around to trying anything in that book. Which was a good thing, as far as he was concerned. He was quite happy with what he had, without adding all the strange bells and whistles to it.
"There were some quite interesting things in that book," he managed to murmur, before the movement of Ianto's fingers inside him made his breath catch in his throat again.
"And we'll try them all," Ianto said softly, bending over him and watching the Doctor's face intently as he began to thrust his fingers in and out of the Time Lord. The Doctor gasped out Ianto's name again, reaching for the young man and twining long fingers through his hair.
"All of them?" he whispered, a hint of laughter in his voice. "I don't know if that would be safe, love. Some of those positions look fairly complicated."
"Oh, I don't think you'll have any trouble with them at all," Ianto chuckled, his free hand trailing down the Time Lord's body to wrap around his cock again. "We'll just have to try a few and see what might develop."
The Doctor nodded his acquiescence, letting himself sink into the warmth of the sensations flooding over his body. There was time enough to think about what they could do with the things he'd seen in that book; it was something for the future. And he really wasn't sure if he was prepared to be quite that adventurous. At least .... not yet.***
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