Title: Possession
By: Consternatio
Pairing: Nine/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: All Characters belong to BBC, Russell T. Davies and various others. I make no money from this.
Summary: Jack learns that disturbing brooding Time Lords is something best done with caution. Trouble is, Jack's never really got the hang of being cautious.***
The Doctor has developed a habit of brooding in the control room. Jack isn't sure how long he's been doing it, but he thinks it's a recent thing. Jack himself has developed the habit of watching him. There is something poignant, dangerous and sexy about the whole scene, and tonight is no exception.
The first time Jack stumbled across the Doctor, sitting there with only the low from the central console for light, he'd been caught off guard by the scene. For once he'd been apprehensive, unsure of what to do. Part of him wanted to stay right where he was, admiring the striking tableau; part of him to approach the Doctor, to find a way to lighten the mood, to draw out that daft grin; yet another part wanted nothing more than to walk into the room and pounce. But the larger part was, unusually, urging caution, making him decide to walk away, to not intrude. That first time he'd actually listened to the voice of caution, and had left the Doctor to his brooding, though it was a long time before he could get the image out of his head.
There had been a few other times since then, and every time, Jack had walked away, although it was getting more and more difficult to do so. Jack had never been the cautious sort, and even worse at resisting dangerous temptation. The Doctor was about the most dangerous temptation Jack had ever met. The voice of caution was being slowly and surely stifled.
Jack was pretty damned sure that no-one, should be able to look so damned sexy, sitting there, lit by a strange green glow, but as usual, the Doctor didn't seem to obey the same rules as the rest of the universe. Jack still can't quite make up his mind about which one of the Doctor's sometimes freakily disparate personalities is sexier; dark and brooding Doctor, or manic and frantic Doctor.
Jack's moving across the room before he even realises it, the lure too strong to resist this time. The Doctor doesn't react, but Jack knows the Time Lord is aware of him, just as he was almost certainly aware of him every time Jack had stood at the door.
Jack doesn't let the lack of response put him off; he's used to playing the pursuer, and it's not like the Doctor has shown much inclination to resist his advances in the past. Jack saunters up to the console; rests his hip against the edge, his body turned towards to Doctor, right next to the booted feet that rest on the control panel. Jack's close enough that there is barely an inch between them, yet he doesn't touch the Doctor.
There's a few moments, then the Doctor finally moves, head turning, those piercing eyes finally meeting Jack's. The Time Lord is giving off so many 'stay away' signals that Jack is beginning to wonder whether this was a smart thing to do, but he'll be damned if he's going to back off now, not when he's finally seeing more signs of that dark anger that the Doctor usually hides so well behind the childlike glee and a veneer of civilisation.
There is also the fact that whilst the Doctor isn't exactly welcoming Jack, he hasn't thrown him out yet either, so Jack decides that he can risk pushing his luck a little further. He pulls one of the Doctor's feet from the console, and steps forward, so he's standing between the Doctor's legs. The Doctor watches him, expression bland and eyes cool. He doesn't stop Jack, but there's still nothing encouraging in his expression or body language. In all the time Jack's been aboard the TARDIS, he's never been so acutely aware of how dangerous this man is; of how much Jack depends on his beneficence. Jack can't quit now though — he has to see this through.
Jack rests his hands on the Doctor's knees, then slowly runs his hands along the Doctor's legs, the denim of his jeans rough against Jack's fingers. The muscles below the fabric are tense. Just as his hands are about to skim over the Doctor's groin, the Time Lord finally reacted, hands grabbing Jack's wrists. Jack freezes. He has no problem with things getting a bit rough, hell, most times, he really likes it, but he's slightly unnerved by the Doctor's continuing coldness and detachment.
"What are you doing Jack?"
The tone is chilly, and a small shiver travels down Jack's spine that he feels he should be ashamed to say is only partly nerves. Jack's seen brief glimpses of the darker side of the Doctor, but now he's apparently got a ring side seat. He probably should be backing off now, should be listening to the voice of reason that's telling him to get the hell out of that room, to come back when the Doctor is more like his usual self, but he's too damned aroused, too damned fascinated to leave now, no matter the consequences. Jack's never been good with worrying about consequences anyway.
"Seducing you?" Jack grins, full wattage; just a guy looking for a good time, though he's sure the Doctor isn't buying it.
"Seducing me?" He lets go of Jack's wrists, almost pushing him away "Go back to bed Jack"
There's something about the almost contemptuous way the Doctor seeks to dismiss him that adds a hint of anger to Jack's lust.
"What if I don't want to?" He knows that his smile is somewhat dimmer now, and rather brittle at the edges, but he doesn't care.
"Go to bed, Jack"
"No thanks. I'm good here"
The sudden, unexpected spark of anger in those blue eyes makes Jack's cock twitch. He's well aware that in addition to being a slut, he's something of a masochist too.
"Jack" The tone was clearly meant as a warning, and a brush off, but having finally forced a reaction, Jack is damned if he'll go now, especially not when he's being ordered around like a small child.
He cranks the smile back up to full volume, puts his hands back on the Doctor's thighs and leans forward slightly.
"Doctor", putting as much seduction as he can those two syllables.
Later, he is never too sure what happens, all he knows is that there are hands holding his wrists again, and some how he's on his knees in front of the Doctor, the back of his head bouncing off the console.
The Doctor leans forward, his grip on Jack's wrists spreading Jack's arms wide. Jack is caged between the Doctor and the central console. The grip on his wrists is bruising, and his back is already aching a little from the awkward position.
"Is this what you want Jack? You like to play rough don't you? Maybe I should give you what you obviously came here for"
Jack knows he doesn't need to answer that. He knows that it's obvious that he's aroused and loving every minute.
The Doctor drops one of Jack's wrists, using the hand to open the fly of his trousers and draw out his cock. Jack swallows. The Doctor sits back suddenly, thighs spread wide, his grasp on Jack's wrist pulling the former Time Agent with him. Jack shifts, spreading his legs to ease the pressure on his own cock, as he eyes the Doctor's lap. A hand threading through his hair is momentarily gentle, then the grip tightens, and with a yank, his head is pulled backwards, until he's looking up, into dangerous eyes. The hand is pulling his hair so hard now that it's bringing tears to Jack's eyes, even as it's increasing his lust.
"Suck me, Captain"
Even in Jack's wildest fantasies, and he's had plenty, he never imagined the Doctor quite this, full of cold rage and barely suppressed malevolence, and it's more arousing than Jack could possibly have imagined. He's always had a thing for danger, for taking insane risks — it's while he became a Time Agent after all, but he's starting to wonder what he's got himself into this time. He's courted this darker Doctor, seen snatches of that dominance, but he realises now that he didn't truly appreciate the reality; didn't honestly understand just how deep that anger and anguish and guilt really went, and just how very unpredictable it makes this alien that he's kneeling in front of.
Jack knows he's in real trouble now though, because the thought just makes the Time Lord seem even sexier as far as Jack is concerned.
The hand holding Jack's hair shifts, and when it presses his face down towards the Doctor's Jack resists, just to feel the strength. He wonders just how far the Doctor would go, if pushed. But then the Time Lord already knows that Jack is easy, has probably already worked out that Jack has no problem with things getting a little rough, or with being the sub. It's been a long time since Jack's met anyone he trusts enough to let them dominate him like this, and he's determined that they are both going to enjoy every single minute of it.
It wasn't the first time he'd gone down on the Doctor, and for a moment the sense memory of falling water and steam distracts him, but the hand on the back of his head is insistent, and Jack refocuses, and opens his mouth to welcome the Doctor's cock.
There is something undeniably erotic about this act at the best of times, and here, in the control of the TARDIS, with the Doctor's hand resting heavily on his head, Jack is even more aware of that then ever. He loves this, this down and dirty kind of sex. The risk of discovery adds spice too. They might both be virtually fully dressed, but if Rose walks in now, there's no way she could mistake what they're doing. Jack doesn't want to hurt her (and he knows discovering them like this would, for several reasons), but there's nothing he can do about the surge of lust that the thought of her seeing them like this causes.
It's clear that the Doctor is as turned on by this scenario as Jack is, because there's little of the Time Lord's normal control. From virtually the moment Jack gets his mouth on the Doctor's cock, he's fucking Jack's mouth, the hand on the back of his head keeping Jack in place, and the rush of fear at the vulnerability of his position is tempered with pleasure at being handled with such dominance.
It has to rate as one of the shortest, but most intense blow jobs that Jack has ever given, because it surely can't be more than 5 minutes before the Doctor's groaning and Jack's struggling to deal with the worst part of pleasing a man this way; a mouth full of semen. Fortunately, the Doctor's hand eases up and Jack pulls back, sitting up again, but he's still left with a problem. He doesn't want to swallow, but there's no where to spit.
A tissue suddenly appears in front of Jack's eyes, but Jack just looks at it blankly; he's too busy trying not to gag.
"You look like you want to spit that out. I don't mind."
The Doctor's voice sounds more familiar, the albeit breathless amused and ever-so-slightly-condescending tone is back, softening the lingering harshness.
Jack grabs the tissue gratefully, and spits the contents of his mouth into it, knowing that he's grimacing slightly.
He wipes his mouth, then looks up at the Doctor, who is watching him with that unreadable expression again. Then the Doctor lets go of the wrist he's been holding all this time, and lets his fingers trace gently along Jack's jaw. Jack sits perfectly still, suddenly uncertain again, watching emotions flit across the Doctor's eyes.
When the Doctor sighs, Jack holds his breath, expecting a first show of regret, and feeling the first hint of anger at that thought. If it is regret, then Jack's gone, for good, despite the fun he'd had on board this ship, despite this being the first place he's felt comfortable and secure in for more years than he wants to think about, despite the fact that he's still desperately, pathetically aroused.
It comes as a complete surprise then, that when the Doctor moves, he doesn't try to walk away, but instead slides off the seat, and ends up in Jack's lap, those long legs straddling Jack's thighs easily.
The Doctor is grinning, and though it's far more like his usual smirk, there's still more than a hint of aggression in it. Jack groans a little when a hand reaches down and cups his groin, the heat of the Doctor's palm maddening, even through Jack's trousers. The gentle squeeze makes Jack's hips twitch. This is just another form of torture, Jack is sure, that knowing hand touching with just enough force, and a lap full of Time Lord.
It isn't comfortable, it certainly isn't sophisticated, but Jack is a long way past caring, just so long as that hand keeps stroking him that way, as long as the Doctor stays where he was, as long as he can come *now* damnit....
Several things seem to happen at once; a hand slides into his hair, tugging his head to one side again, though with less force this time, and a mouth begins to move over his neck. The hand that was cupping his groin now appears to have found it's way into his pants, and the warm touch makes Jack groan and press his hips upwards.
Jack is gasping now; his muscles feel as though they've been tense for hours; his balls are beginning to ache, but Jack can feel it; the first signs that he's going come, soon, and hard.
When the Doctor suddenly bites down on Jack's neck; hard enough that, even now, Jack knows it'll bruise; the pain, and the knowledge that the Doctor's just marked him sends a jolt of lust through Jack that is enough to having him coming before he quite realises it.
When the room stops spinning, and Jack can finally think coherent thoughts again, he's almost surprised to find that the Doctor hasn't moved from Jack's lap. The Time Lord is leaning back, a lazy smile on hip lips, watching Jack. Jack can see the faintest hint of cruelty bleeding into the edges of that smile, but he loses his train of thought when the Doctor reaches a hand out and strokes what is obviously the bite mark on Jack's neck. Jack shivers. There's something going on here, something that Jack clearly isn't getting. He knows he should be trying to figure what it means, that the Doctor has left so visible a mark on Jack, but right now, Jack's too happy and sated to give that question the attention it needs.
The Doctor leans forward, as if he's intending to kiss Jack, which is, of course, the moment that they hear footsteps heading towards the control room.
There's a brief moment of panic, admittedly mostly on Jack's part, that involves tangled limbs, frantic scrambling, the sound of heads cracking into machinery, and very briefly, zips being re-zipped.
Somehow, by the time Rose walks into the control room, the Doctor's standing over the console, twiddling various dials, and Jack is crouching by an open panel, trying to look as though he is actually doing something important, rather than merely looking as well fucked as he feels.
When Rose comments, some time later on the bite mark, and teases Jack about letting his 'conquests' get too rough, Jack simply laughs and smiles; jokes about how he can't help being irresistible. Until he catches the Doctor's eye. The look from the Time Lord is both smug, and predatory. Jack hasn't got a clue what's brought this new, darker Doctor to the surface, but he has the distinct feeling that things are about to get really interesting on board the TARDIS....***
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