Title: Prometheus
Author: ThetaSigma
Pairing: Doctor/Jack
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: I tried to ignore this comparison, but the darn thing kept biting at me and finally I just gave into it. I just kept seeing Jack as that poor Greek immortal chained to a rock getting his liver torn out by an eagle and then growing it back every day.
Summary: Jack is the Doctor's Prometheus.***
Jack is your Prometheus.
No matter how many times Ethon, disguised as Death, tears out Jack's heart, no matter how many times he's killed in your name and then returns again gasping and clutching at the air, Jack is still nearly the same flirting, hormone-driven, gun-toting...well, human you met in World War Two.
Prometheus was eventually freed from his eternal perch by Hercules. His continual torment came to an end. No such rescue comes for your Jack, at least not in the present. You can't really offer any comfort, not the kind he needs. You know that Jack has given up wishing he could die; that he's taking his extended stay in the universe at large as it comes.
You feel some pity for him-he fell out of the ordinary, everyday business of fleeting human survival into your world of revolving doors to life and death through no fault of his own.
You just don't want him to be like you, bitter and old and wanting any some sort of contact with someone who understands.
You fear what he's changing into, what he could become, how a life stretched far beyond its limitations will wound and scar Jack's loving human heart.
You wonder if and when Ethon stops tearing at your most precious Child of Time, will there be anything left to save?***
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