Title: Reunion
By: karaokegal
Fandom: Dr. Who
Pairing: Jack/Eleventh Doctor
Wordcount: 100
Rating: G
Notes: Written for Drabble Meme. Prompt from secondsilk: Eleven/Jack, years and years in Jack's future. Unbeta-ed. No spoilers (aside from the Doctor's appearance.)
Summary: At last...He didn’t need to have a physical piece of the Doctor anymore. Jack’s Doctor Detector was now as much a part of him as his own heartbeat.
“Well this is different,” he said, taking in the shaggy hair, assymetrical, yet oddly beautiful face, and new attire.
“I used to be different; now I’m the same.”
“For some reason, that makes sense.”
“It’s good to see you, Jack.”
He seemed to mean it this time, or maybe Jack was just more willing to believe. So many lost; but only one truly missed. Perhaps now was finally their time.
“Love the bow-tie.”
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