Title: Rhythm of Love
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: R
Table: 10
Prompt: 40, Dance
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"Ianto, what are you doing?" the Doctor inquired as the young man pressed a button on his cd player that made music begin to fill the air of the Tardis' library.
The soft strains of a romantic love song surrounded them as Ianto moved to where the Doctor was sitting, grasping his love's hand and pulling the Time Lord to his feet. He smiled at the other man as his arms moved around that slender waist, his tone husky when he spoke.
"What, is there some law against slow dancing with the man I love?" he asked, his voice soft and smooth in the Doctor's ear. The Time Lord relaxed in his arms, resting his head against the young man's shoulder and they began to sway.
"Of course not," he answered, the words sounding a bit breathless. "I just .... didn't expect this. I've never known you to be one for dancing. Not that we haven't, of course -- but this is rather on the unexpected side."
"But very romantic," Ianto countered with a smile. His arms tightened around the Doctor's waist, pulling the other man closer against him as their bodies moved to the slow rhythm, the soft music swirling them in the otherwise quiet room.
"Yes, I'll agree with that," the Doctor said softly as Ianto's hands moved up his back and he allowed himself to be moded against his boyfriend's body. "Very romantic indeed."
The Time Lord gasped when Ianto grasped the hem of his shirt and began to pull it up, making it obvious that his intention was to undress his lover -- while they were moving. "Ianto, what ...." he began to ask, then closed his mouth as soon as he'd opened it.
The young man laughed softly, leaning forward to press his lips against the started Time Lord's. "It should be obvious what I'm doing, my love," he murmured, tugging at the Doctor's shirt. "I'm taking your clothes off."
The Time Lord raised his arms over his head so that Ianto could pull his shirt off; he was obviously trying to hold back laughter, his dark eyes sparkling. Once his shirt was pulled off, he relaxed in his young lover's arms, draping his own arms around Ianto's shoulders.
"I don't know what sparked this, but I think it's quite a good idea," he whispered, leaning forward to brush his lips against the shell of Ianto's ear. "And you know, I expect you to be undressed, as well. Turnabout is fair play."
"That's what I was intending, Doctor," Ianto answered, raising his own arms so that the Doctor could slip his shirt off over his head and toss it aside.
Ianto slipped his arms around the Time Lord's waist again, pulling the other man against him and feeling a tingle race through his body. This was how he most enjoyed being with the Doctor -- skin on skin, no barriers between their bodies.
Of course, they were still wearing trousers, he told himself, smiling inwardly. But he had a feeling that those wouldn't be there for too much longer; he could already feel the desire rising in himself, and he was sure that the Doctor felt the same way.
He'd never tried to undress the Time Lord while they were moving around; this would be a challenge to hid dexterity, Ianto thought, moving his hands down the Doctor's bare back. But for the moment, he was just going to enjoy having the man he loved in his arms.
The Doctor sighed softly, relaxing against Ianto and resting his forehead against the younger man's shoulder. "We've never done anything like this before," he murmured, a blush rising in his pale cheeks. "Is there some special occasion that I don't know about?"
Ianto shook his head, surprised that the Time Lord would ask that question. "No, there isn't -- unless you call me wanting to do something different a 'special occasion.'"
The other man laughed, shaking his head slightly and tightening his arms around Ianto's waist. "No, I don't," he said softly, raising his head to look into Ianto's dark eyes. "But you know how I can be about remembering dates sometimes."
"Indeed I do!" Ianto laughed, pulling the Doctor closer to him. His hands moved down the Time Lord's back to cup his bottom, bringing a soft gasp to the other man's lips; he couldn't keep back a smile when the Doctor squirmed slightly in his arms.
He'd have to get the rest of their clothes off fairly quickly, he was sure. The Doctor was already acting as if he was ready for Ianto to strip him naked and take him right here on the floor in the library, which certainly wasn't his intention.
No, he wanted them to be in the large, comfortable bed in the bedroom they shared on the Tardis, and he had no problem with carrying the Doctor there. In fact, he'd planned on it; he actually rather enjoyed lifting that thin body in his arms and carrying him.
"I like the rhythm of this song," the Doctor whispered, his hips grinding against Ianto's and making the young man gasp with the sudden movement.
"I'd call it the rhythm of love, if that didn't sound so unbelievably romantic," Ianto whispered back, his senses reeling. He couldn't go on like this much longer; he was already trying to think of a way to remove the Doctor's trousers and then his own.
"Romantic isn't necessarily a bad thing," the Doctor told him, leaning forward to trace the outline of Ianto's upper lip with the tip of his tongue. "What are you waiting for, love? I know you want to take my pants off -- you have carte blanche, you know."
Ianto almost laughed at the Doctor's words; as usual, the Time Lord knew exactly what was on his mind without him having to put it into words. There were definite advantages to having a relationship with a telepath.
Or was that just because they were so close, their bond so strong, that the Doctor could tell what he was thinking without having to use that particular ability? Ianto didn't know, and it really didn't matter to him -- at least, not at the moment.
It only took him a moment longer to begin working at the button and zipper on the Doctor's jeans; in a few seconds, they were pooled on the floor around the Time Lord's ankles.
The Doctor stepped out of his jeans, kicking them aside and reaching for the zipper of Ianto's pants. "I suddenly think you're wearing far too many clothes," he said, his voice husky with desire, his warm hands undoing the button and pulling down the zipper.
Ianto closed his eyes, not bothering to hold back a moan as the Doctor pushed his jeans down his legs and smoothed those soft hands down his hips. His own hands moved down to cup the Time Lord's ass again, molding the other man's body close against his.
If he didn't get them down the corridor and into the bedroom soon, he wouldn't be able to hold back -- and he would indeed take the Doctor here on the floor, he told himself. Or on the couch .... or he'd bend the other man over that chair ....
No, he wasn't going to do any of those things. He was going to take the Doctor to bed and make love to him slowly and leisurely -- and make sure that they both thoroughly enjoyed themselves as much as they possibly could.
Bending down, he slid one arm behind the Doctor's knees as his other arm tightened around his lover's waist, lifting the Time Lord into his arms and heading out of the room.
Ianto could feel those dual heartbeats pounding against his own single one as he made his way down the hall, and the sensation made him smile. That was indeed the rhythm of love, and he was sure that rhythm would keep going strong for the rest of the evening.***
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