Title: When in Rome
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 11
Prompt: 42, Rome
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto walked along the street with the Doctor, unable to stop himself from trying to look at everything around him at once. He obviously wasn't going to fit in if he looked overly inquisitive, but he couldn't help it. It was all so .... different.
Ancient Rome! It was one of those places he'd always read about, and wondered what it would be like to actually go there. And now he knew. He'd listened to an oration, seen temples that were only ruins in his own time, and gone to a real Roman marketplace.
The two of them were even wearing togas, to insure that they'd blend in with the populace. Ianto glanced over at the Doctor, letting his eyes roam over that slender body. He loved looking at his lover in a toga; the drape of the cloth suited that thin body to perfection.
It also looked as though that toga could very easily be removed from the Time Lord's body. Ianto just hoped that no one else took it into their minds to do so; he didn't want to have to turn into a ninja and attack anyone here.
But that's just what he would do if anyone touched the Doctor in a sexual sort of way, Ianto told himself, movng closer to the Time Lord and taking the other man's arm. The Doctor looked over at him with a smile, as though he could read his lover's thoughts.
As they moved into the cool dimness of the rooms they were staying in, Ianto heaved a sigh of relief at getting off the street. It was hot out there, even in a toga, and he really wasn't comfortable with all of those people crowding around the two of them.
The Doctor sat down on one of the low divans, stretching his lean body out and turning his head to look at Ianto. "Well, what do you think of ancient Rome so far, love?" he asked with a grin. "I've always enjoyed coming here."
"You sound as though it's somewhere you can just go for a short vacation!" Ianto laughed, shaking his head. "I'm enjoying it, Doctor. It's .... different from what I expected, but I'm not surprised at that. Nothing is ever the way you think it will be."
The Doctor reclined back against the divan, stretching his lean body; Ianto couldn't take his eyes from the other man. The toga fell back slightly, revealing the taut peak of one rosy nipple, but the Time Lord didn't bother to readjust his clothing.
Ianto could feel his breath coming faster, a tingle going through his body. All he could think of was how easily the Doctor's toga could be removed; and he knew from watching the other man drape the fabric around himself that morning that he wore nothing underneath.
The Time Lord turned over on his side, propping himself up with one elbow. Ianto's eyes were riveted on the other man; he couldn't have looked away if he wanted to. To him, the Doctor made the most entrancing picture he'd ever seen.
Ianto had never seen anything as erotically charged as the curve of the Doctor's hip under the thin fabric of that toga. His eyes roamed over the Time Lord's body, imagining how he would look once the clinging white toga was removed to reveal his smooth flesh.
He didn't have to imagine, he told himself with an inward smile, moving to kneel in front of the divan. He could simply begin to remove the toga, his hands moving excruciatingly slowly over that gorgeous body, making them both wait for what they wanted.
One hand moved to the clasp at the shoulder of the toga, fingers fumbling slightly as he unfastened it. The white cloth fell away from the Doctor's chest; Ianto lowered his head to nibble at first one tender nipple, then the other.
Dimly, the Doctor's soft moan registered in his consciousness; the sound came to him as though from some faraway place that his mind couldn't quite reach. He was lost in a realm of the senses, one that he didn't want to come back from.
Ianto raised his head to look at his lover, his blue-grey eyes meeting the Doctor's dark gaze. He couldn't mistake the desire in those eyes; the Doctor's thoughts were moving along the same path that his own were, there was no doubt of that.
If the Doctor wanted him even half as much as he wanted the Time Lord, then their thoughts were most definitely in sync, Ianto thought with an inward smile as he leaned forward to press a kiss to the other man's parted lips, a soft moan escaping his throat.
The belt around the Doctor's waist was a bit of a problem, but his fingers were working at it diligently. It only took a few moments for the knot to be loosened; Ianto pulled it free, letting the thin fabric fall open and then pushing it aside.
His eyes took in every inch of the Doctor's slim body; the flat stomach, the tiny waist, the slight swell of his curvy hips, the slender pale thighs. He loved looking at this man, Ianto thought, one hand moving down the Time Lord's body to curl around his cock.
The Doctor was a work of art, more beautiful than anything he'd ever seen in any museum. No matter what wonders he might see in the universe, in the past, present or future, he would never see anything that awed him as much as the sight of his lover naked.
His own toga was suddenly getting too warm; he needed to get the fabric off his body. The Doctor was already reaching for the clasp that held the fabric to his shoulder, his fingers unfastening it and letting the folds of material fall around Ianto's waist.
Ianto fumbled with the belt of his toga, needing to remove the fabric and be skin to skin with the Doctor. His breath was coming quickly, almost in gasps; his eyes were still riveted on his lover's face, watching the play of emotions across those expressive features.
There. The fabric fell from his body, sliding to the ground; in one quick movement, Ianto moved to the low divan, swinging one leg over the Doctor's body and straddling him, one hand moving between the Time Lord's thighs.
He slid one finger inside the Time Lord, then another, closing his eyes as he heard the Doctor moan his name breathlessly. "Does that feel good, love?" he whispered, knowing what the answer would be even as he voiced the soft words.
"You know it does," the Doctor gasped, his back arching as Ianto's fingers probed more deeply inside him. "Take me, Ianto," he moaned, spreading his legs further. "It might be a bit uncomfortable at first with no lube, but I can deal with that."
"Was it ancient Rome where they believed in love between men?" Ianto murmured, as he pushed the Doctor's legs up to his chest, preparing to enter the other man. "Or was that ancient Greece?" He paused, looking down at his lover questioningly.
He hoped that the question would take the Doctor's mind off the inevitable pain of being entered without lube, though he held out slight hope for that. For the thousandth time since they'd come here, he wished that he'd remembered to bring a tube of lubricant with them.
"I don't know," the Doctor said. "And I really don't care." His thin arms wound around Ianto's neck, pulling the young man down for a heated kiss. "Just make love to me, Ianto. I don't care if it hurts a bit at first. I need you."
"I need you, too," Ianto murmured, leaning down to kiss the Doctor again. The question of whether or not this was the culture that had freely approved of love between two men was still with him, but he wasn't going to bring it up to the Doctor again until later. Much later.
Ah well .... when in Rome, do as they do -- or as you think they would do, he told himself, sliding into the Doctor with a soft sigh of contentment. Within moments, their soft moans were mingling in the still air, their hearts and souls entwined as closely as their bodies.***
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