Title: Rules of Love
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 3, 50ficlets
Prompt: 45, Rules
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"Are there rules for making love to a Time Lord?" Ianto asked softly as he pulled the Doctor closer against his body, moving his hands down the other man's back to cup his ass. "If there are, I think you might need to tell me about them."
"You seem to have done a good job so far," the Doctor told him, his voice soft and husky. "You certainly haven't had any problems with knowing what to do." His dark eyes widened as Ianto shifted their positions, rolling him onto his back.
The young man leaned over the Time Lord, smiling down at him and quirking an eyebrow. "Yes, I know we haven't had any difficulties yet .... but aren't there some things that Time Lords particularly like that I should know about?" he asked, his blue-grey eyes sparkling.
The Doctor couldn't help smiling, laughter bubbling up inside him. "Well, let me see ...." He raised one hand to his mouth, pretending to think as he nibbled at his fingertip, watching Ianto from under his long lashes as he did so.
Ianto couldn't take his eyes from that finger; it always drove him wild to see the Doctor put anything into his mouth. Especially a body part .... he wrenched his thoughts away from where they were heading, trying to concentrate on his words.
"For instance, do Time Lords like it when their lovers do .... this?" he asked, tweaking one rosy, taut nipple between his thumb and forefinger. "Or this?" His hand moved downward, slipping between the Doctor's thighs, cupping the Time Lord's balls in his palm.
The Doctor's hips jerked forward, his dark eyes widening, a gasp coming from his throat. "I think you're doing a very good job of making love to this particular Time Lord without having to know any specifics," he managed to say, his voice shaky and breathless.
"What do you want me to do to you?" Ianto whispered, leaning down until his lips were brushing against the other man's. "I'll do whatever you tell me, Doctor. I'll follow any rules of love that you set down. Just tell me what you want. What you need."
"I want you to make love to me," the Time Lord gasped, his fingers clutching at Ianto's shoulders. "I want you inside me, Ianto. Now." His voice had taken on a tone of command, one that Ianto wasn't used to hearing.
He was surprised at that tone, but he had no problem with complying to it. Moving his hand lower, he slipped a finger inside the Doctor, quickly followed by a second, stretching his lover and preparing him for what was to come.
"Are there rules for how you want to be made love to?" he whispered, a smile curving his lips, his eyes on the Doctor's face. "If there are, you should tell me now. Once I've started, I don't think I'm going to be able to stop and start over in a different way."
"The only rule is that you have to take me now," the Doctor gasped, his fingers tightening on Ianto's shoulders. "I can't wait, Ianto. I don't want you to be sweet and gentle. I want you to take me. No more teasing."
"Then your wish is my command, if you're sure that's the rule I should follow," Ianto murmured, leaning down to capture the Time Lord's lips in a kiss that took the other man's breath away. His hands moved down the Doctor's body, sliding under his ass and lifting his hips.
The Doctor was staring up at him, his dark eyes limpid pools of darkness that Ianto was sure he would fall into if he allowed himself to gaze into them for too long. The Doctor wanted him now, and he meant to give his lover what he desired.
Any rules of what he should be doing wouldn't be adhered to, Ianto thought, positioning himself between the Time Lord's spread thighs and looking down at his lover's face. It was past time for that; from here on out, he was going to do what his heart -- and his body -- told him to.
Sliding into the Doctor brought a gasp to his lips; the slick, tight heat that enveloped him was almost a shock to his system, but a welcome one. It was a heat that he wanted to sink into forever, to lose himself in until his body melded with the man in his arms.
Ianto moaned softly as he pulled back slowly and then thrust into the Doctor again, feeling the other man's long, slender legs wrap around his waist. It felt as though he was being pulled into a vortex that he had no wish to escape from, starting to ascend to a dizzying height.
To hell with whatever rules might exist for making love to a Time Lord, Ianto thought as his lips met the Doctor's again. He knew how to make love to his own personal Time Lord -- and for him, knowing that he pleased this particular man was the only thing that mattered.***
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