Title: Safe Haven
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: NC-17
Table: 5
Prompt: 62, Blowjob
Author's Note: Continuation of Something Borrowed.
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor or Jack Harkness. Please do not sue.***
Jack swallowed hard, his thoughts racing in a hundred different directions at once. He could only sit there staring for a few moments, his mind and body frozen. For a few panicked seconds, he couldn't think of what he was supposed to do, how to ease the Doctor's obvious pain. It was the first time in his long life that he'd ever been struck with that kind of indecision, and it shocked him to his core.
But fortunately, it only lasted for a few seconds. His mind snapped back into place, his thoughts falling into an orderly line. He had no doubt of what he had to do, though he hated the feeling of more or less being forced into such an action. He'd much rather do this without that backdrop of pain and fear, but at the moment, he had no choice in the matter.
Both hands moved down the Doctor's body, one hand resting between the Time Lord's legs, slender fingers stroking over his soft skin. The Doctor's cock was heavy and full against his belly; he whimpered when Jack's cool fingers curled around his length, almost as though the touch was painful. It very well could be, Jack told himself -- being denied an orgasm for so long was a painful experience, as he himself already knew.
His fingers circled around the cock ring, hoping that he could manage to get it off the Doctor without causing him any undue discomfort. The Time Lord whimpered again, arching his back and flexing his hips, indicating without words that what Jack was about to do was right. He nodded and grasped the ring, gently working it down the length of the Doctor's rigid penis, hoping that it wasn't too tight.
He could see the color drain out of the Doctor's face, and he wanted to stop and try to find another way to get the damned thing off. But he couldn't; he'd already started this, and the best thing to do was to slip it off as quickly as he could, and then go on from there. If he could manage to get the ring over the Doctor's balls, then he'd be all right -- from there, it would slip off fairly easily, he was sure.
Jack closed his eyes for a moment, praying to whatever deity he could bring to mind that any swift movement wouldn't hurt the fragile man underneath him. He glanced down at the Doctor's face; the Time Lord's eyes were closed, his lips parted, his breathing shallow and gasping. He was obviously waiting, tensed, trusting Jack to do whatever he had to.
Moving swiftly, he managed to move the ring down, over the Time Lord's swollen balls, hearing the Doctor cry out softly as he did so but not looking up. He hated the idea that he was causing the Gallifreyan any pain, and his angered mind put it down to the Master's account -- just one more debt that twisted monster owed the two of them.
Finally, he had the cock ring off; Jack tossed it away, raising his eyes to the Doctor's face. He reached up to smooth his palm down one cheek, almost wanting to cry himself when his skin brushed the wetness there. Raising himself up, he pressed his lips against the Doctor's cheek, tasting the saltiness of his tears before covering the Time Lord's mouth with his own, kissing him gently and murmuring against his lips.
"Shhhh .... I won't hurt you, I promise .... just relax, Doctor," he whispered, his hands stroking down the Doctor's sides in an attempt to soothe and relax the other man. His mouth began the downward trek from the Doctor's mouth, down his throat, then to his chest, nibbling at one erect nipple, then moving to the other.
"I know you won't," the Time Lord gasped, his back arching again. "Jack .... please ...." His voice was almost a sob, his small, delicate hands clutching at the tumbled sheets of the bed. Jack could feel the tension coiled in his body; he knew that physically teasing the Gallifreyan much longer wouldn't be an option. Besides, he didn't want to keep up the teasing. He wanted the Doctor, wanted him more than he could say.
Jack focused his attention between the Doctor's legs, leaning down to press a kiss to the tender skin of one inner thigh. His lips moved lower, tongue flicking over the Time Lord's balls, making the other man moan and clutch at Jack's hair. The Doctor moaned his name, those long fingers tangling in his hair, pulling his head upward.
The immortal let his lover dictate what he needed; he would do whatever the Doctor wanted, whatever it took to give him some relief. After what the Master had put him through, he deserved some pleasure, Jack thought, anger sizzling through him again. He'd find that monster one day, he vowed, find him when he was alone and vulnerable and make him pay for all the times he'd hurt the Doctor.
He pushed those thoughts away, turning his attention to what he was doing. One hand moved between the Doctor's thighs, cupping his balls; his lips brushed against the sensitive tip of the Time Lord's cock, making him shiver with anticipation. He could feel the answering quiver run through the Doctor's body, hear the soft intake of breath above him.
Should he do this slowly, draw it out, let the Doctor get as much pleasure as possible out of it? Or would it be better to let him come quickly? The Doctor's cock was painfully hard, his balls heavy in Jack's palm. His body was straining upwards off the mattress, obviously in need; Jack didn't want to make him wait any longer than he had to. He knew all too well how that kind of anticipation could quickly turn into pain.
With one quick motion, he lowered his head, taking the Doctor's cock into his mouth. The fingers of one hand curled around the base of the Time Lord's penis, his other hand massaging the Doctor's balls. He wanted to bring the Doctor to orgasm without drawing out the waiting any further, wanted to feel the Gallifreyan's body convulsing in his arms, hear the other man cry out his name in that tone of voice that was reserved for him.
The Doctor's slender hips flexed against his face, a soft cry coming from the Gallifreyan's throat. Jack bobbed his head up and down, tightening his lips at the head of the Doctor's cock, opening his throat when his mouth slid back down to the base. He was starting to get into this; but then, giving the Doctor oral sex was something he'd always enjoyed.
He sucked harder, pulling back slowly, then sinking down and letting the Doctor's cock fill his mouth again. He could feel the Time Lord's muscles tightening, a sure sign that the Doctor was close; he himself was more aroused than he wanted to admit, but his pleasure wasn't important right now. This was about the Doctor, not about him.
Jack was determined to make the Doctor come, to give him as much pleasure as he possibly could before he carried the tall, slender man out of here. He was fairly sure that the Doctor wasn't in any shape to walk, after all -- and he was also certain that his legs would be wobbly after what Jack was doing to him. He was contemplating trying to make this last, to draw it out as long as he could, when the Doctor's hips flexed again, an inarticulate cry coming from him.
"Jack ...." That was all he heard, before the Doctor's fingers laced through his hair, almost pulling his head up. It was all the warning he had before the Time Lord was coming; Jack had no choice but to swallow convulsively, dimly hearing the Doctor's soft moans, sounding as though they were coming from far away.
He had to lay there for a few moments, sprawled across the bed, his head resting on the Doctor's belly. He could barely catch his breath, but after what felt like an eternity, he raised his head to look at the Time Lord. The Doctor's eyes were closed, his chest rising and falling rapidly, a thin sheen of sweat covering his face. Jack couldn't tear his eyes away.
Jack raised a hand to trace one fingertip over the Doctor's lips, smiling tiredly when the Time Lord opened his eyes. The Doctor didn't smile back; he tried, but the smile turned into a pained grimace. Jack sat up, concern replacing the smile on his face. He'd nearly forgotten what the Doctor had so recently been through; he had to get the Gallifreyan back to the Tardis and get them out of this place.
The Doctor's thoughts must have been going in the same direction; he swallowed audibly, opening his eyes and taking a deep breath before looking at Jack. "We should get out of here," he said, his voice sounding weak and ravaged. "He may come back, you know. Just because he left us here for a while doesn't mean he's going to let us stay that way."
"You're right." Jack nodded, reluctantly sitting up. He wished that he could stay here, lying comfortably with his head resting on the Doctor's stomach, but the Time Lord's more immediate needs took precedence. He needed to get back to the Tardis, into a hot bath, and then into a comfortable bed. And Jack needed to make sure that he could rest and recuperate.
He stood up, looking around for the Doctor's clothes. There they were, thrown carelessly into a corner by the bed. Jack picked them up, glad that they weren't too ripped, though there were some buttons missing from the shirt. He helped the Doctor to sit up, noticing that the other man winced and rolled to the side when movement put pressure on his ass.
"You're not going to walk," Jack told him, shaking his head as though he dared the Doctor to protest his words. "I'm carrying you back to the Tardis, whether you want me to or not. There's no way I'm going to risk you hurting yourself any more, not after that." He didn't want to say the word "rape," though that was what it had been. Just the thought of what the Master had done to his beloved Doctor made him want to be sick.
And he'd stood there and watched it happen, a little voice in the back of his mind screamed. He'd done nothing, he hadn't even tried. It didn't matter that he'd been chained and helpless; he should have at least looked for a way to help the Doctor. But no, he hadn't. He'd even been aroused by what he'd witnessed, in a strange way.
Jack had never felt so ashamed of himself, and he almost wanted to sink to his knees and beg the Doctor's forgiveness. He knew that the Time Lord wouldn't blame him; no, the Doctor would more than likely tell him that he was being ridiculous, and that there was nothing to forgive. And Jack would never tell him that the sight of that violation had turned him on. That was one thing he could never share with this man -- not if he wanted to keep him.
"All right," the Doctor agreed, his voice still sounding weak and strained. "I'll be all right, Jack. It's not the first time he's done this to me, you know." He turned his face away from the immortal, but not before Jack saw his teeth sink into his lower lip, probably holding back a groan. Jack finished pulling on the Time Lord's shirt, starting to pull up his trousers.
"Shhh, don't talk. Just let me get you dressed, okay?" Jack said softly, glancing with concern at the Doctor's face. He was so pale; Jack was almost positive that he would pass out before they made it back to the Tardis, which made him worry. He knew the general direction to go in, but it would be the Doctor's bond with his ship that guided them there safely.
The Doctor nodded, letting Jack help him to his feet and balancing himself by leaning against the other man. Jack slipped an arm around the Time Lord's waist, then bent slightly to hook his other arm behind the Doctor's knees and lifting the slender man into his arms. The Doctor's arms were around his neck, his head resting against Jack's shoulder; to the immortal, it felt strangely comfortable to carry the Doctor like this.
"Let's get out of here," he whispered, heading for the door and kicking it wide open. He was surprised that the Master had left them here alone, but maybe the Doctor was right and he'd intended to come back. But there was no sight of him, no sense of menace in the air. Maybe he had gone .... but he'd come back, Jack thought, hurrying through the large room they found themselves in, then pushing open another door to the outside world.
"Turn right," the Doctor murmured hoarsely, his arms tightening around Jack's neck. "The end of this street is where we left her, I think." The Time Lord was almost clinging to him, and Jack looked at him worriedly. Maybe it was only his imagination, but the Doctor seemed to be getting weaker. Hopefully, he'd recover once he was safely in the Tardis.
There she was -- where the Doctor said she would be, at the end of the street. Jack almost broke into a run, but stopped himself from doing so. As anxious as he was to get the Doctor to the Tardis, he didn't want to jolt the Time Lord by running; and besides, it was hard to run when he was carrying someone. He settled for walking as fast as he could.
Jack let the Doctor slide to the ground, keeping one arm wrapped around the Time Lord's waist to support him. The other man reached into his trouser pocket -- but Jack was surprised when the door of the Tardis opened, as though the ship was ushering them inside. He lifted the Doctor into his arms again, almost sighing with relief when the door closed behind them. They were here. They were safe.
First things first, he thought, moving towards the hallway that led to the Doctor's bedroom -- the bedroom he'd been sharing with Jack for several weeks now. It only took him a few seconds to get there; then he was laying the Doctor down on their bed, starting to work at the buttons on his shirt, undressing him even more carefully than he'd pulled the Time Lord's clothes onto his body only a short while ago.
The Doctor didn't speak; he only laid there, his body pliant under Jack's hands. When Jack had the other man completely naked, he laid down beside him, taking the Doctor into his arms and feeling gratified when the Gallifreyan turned towards him, wrapping thin arms around Jack's waist and burying his face against the immortal's shoulder. In spite of what had happened, the Doctor still wanted him, still wanted to be held and taken care of.
He'd been so afraid that the Time Lord would turn away from him, the shame of Jack having witnessed that brutal rape overcoming his need for a companion. But it hadn't -- or at least, he hoped so, Jack thought, closing his eyes and pressing his lips against the softness of the Doctor's hair. He couldn't bear the thought of the Doctor pushing him away.
They lay there for several long minutes, before the Doctor sighed and finally spoke. "That wasn't the first time he's taken me like that, Jack," he murmured, not raising his head or looking at the other man. "It's far from the first time. You didn't see anything that others haven't seen before, as well."
Jack didn't know what to say; he wanted to ask questions, but he didn't want to cause the Doctor any emotional pain to add to the physical pain he was obviously feeling. Finally, words came to him, almost unbidden. "How long? How long has he been following you around the universe and doing this to you?"
"It started long before I became what I am," the Doctor said, still not looking up at Jack. "He .... he was the first, Jack. I suppose that's what makes him think that he has some sort of right to have me. He can't bear the fact that I turned away from him, that I ran from him and wouldn't accept his insane need to own me. He keeps trying to force me to admit that I want him -- but I don't. I never have."
The Doctor's words poured out, but Jack was caught on something he'd uttered that he hadn't expected to hear. "What do you mean -- he was the first? The first man who ever had sex with you?" He supposed that he shouldn't be surprised; after all, the Master had been following the Doctor around in time and space for centuries. But he would have thought that the Doctor had other lovers before that maniac had caught up to him.
The Doctor shook his head, sighing. "No, Jack. I mean that he was my first. The first person I ever had sex with, not just the first man. I won't say that it was willing, on my part -- but he was the first, and I suppose that he feels I owe him some allegiance for that, even though I've always thought differently."
Jack's vision clouded for a few moments; he could literally see a red haze in front of his eyes, and his fists clenched involuntarily. He would kill that monster the next time they came face to face. If he dared to touch the Doctor again -- no, even look at the Time Lord in a way that Jack didn't like -- he would die. Preferably very slowly and painfully, with Jack watching and laughing as he expired.
"No, please." The Doctor's voice was still hoarse and thready, but his words were forceful. "I don't want you to think like that. Those sorts of thoughts make you no better than him -- and you're too good for that. I don't want to see you go down that path -- and especially not because of me. Don't make me responsible for that, Jack."
Jack couldn't trust himself to speak, instead just settling for nodding and hoping that the Doctor understood his unwillingness to speak. When he could finally find his voice, it sounded distant to him, as though the words weren't coming from his own mouth. "I'd give anything to have been the first, instead of him. I'd have made sure you enjoyed your first time."
"I'd be lying if I said that I had enjoyed it," the Doctor whispered, his arms tightening around Jack's waist. "But it was a long, long time ago, Jack. I've been with many other people since then -- and believe me, I've long since learned that sex isn't something to be feared." He raised his face, looking up at Jack and smiling a little shakily. "You've taught me that, you know. It's one of the many debts I owe you."
Jack shook his head, brushing back a lock of tawny hair that had fallen into the Doctor's eyes. "No, you don't. You don't owe me anything, Doctor. I owe you a lot more than I'll ever be able to repay. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have all the gifts and abilities that I do. I might not understand all of them -- but I appreciate them."
The Doctor didn't answer, only resting his head against Jack's shoulder again and closing his eyes. After what seemed like a very long time, he sighed, moving away slightly and struggling to sit up. "Jack, I need to program the Tardis to take us out of here. You need to take me back to the control room."
"All right." Jack sat up, sliding off the bed and bending down to pick up the Doctor again. The Time Lord's arms wrapped around his neck as Jack settled the other man comfortably into his arms, heading for the door of their bedroom. "And then I'm putting you in a hot bath, and then to bed. You need to rest, and I'm going to make sure you stay there for a while."
The Doctor lowered his eyes, smiling a little before he looked back up at Jack, his dark eyes fastened on the immortal's face. "I think that might be a good idea. We've had enough adventure for the time being, haven't we? It would be nice to be able to stay in one place, at least for a while." He sounded wistful, melancholy.
"We'll do that," Jack promised, his voice soft. "I promise we will, as soon as we can get back to Earth. We'll find somewhere to stay ...." His voice trailed off, wondering just what was going to happen when they returned. He'd never known the Doctor to be able to stay out of trouble for long, especially with him around.
But maybe this time would be different, he told himself, desperately hoping that he was right. After what they'd both just been through, they each needed time to recuperate -- the Doctor from a physical experience, and Jack to deal with his own guilt. He wasn't sure just how long that would take -- but at least they would have some time alone while they wrestled with the path their lives had taken.
"I think Torchwood is calling you," the Doctor said softly, his eyes meeting Jack's. "As long as I know that I won't lose you to them .... then that's probably where we should go, Jack. At least we know that we'll have a safe place to stay, until we're ready to go out and face life amongst the stars again."
"I think you're right," he agreed, reaching the console and setting the Doctor on his feet again. Jack watched as the Time Lord set the controls, keeping his arms wrapped firmly around the Doctor. He didn't know just what their future was going to bring, but he had the feeling that they were headed in the right direction. Maybe with a trip back to Earth -- and Torchwood -- he could put everything else in his life into perspective. He certainly hoped so.***
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