Title: Saying Hello
By: anne-wolfe
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: G
Warnings: Um...none I can think of.
A/N: Thanks goes to mercilynn for being my beta.***
"You have to talk to me sometime." Jack said to his companion. Silence. The Captain fought the urge to roll his eyes. Looked like he was going to have to turn up the old charm."Look, I said I was sorry. You can't stay quiet forever."His companion sent him a glare which clearly said ‘Probably not, but I'm willing to test the theory.'Jack sighed. "I really am sorry. How was I supposed to know what ‘hello' translated to in their language?""Oh, don't you pull that, Jack Harkness. What did I say before we left the TARDIS? I specifically told you not to say hello."Having said his piece, the Doctor returned to his stony silence.‘Well, at least he said something to me' Jack thought. A few moments of silence passed between the two."In my defense, you always say that and I just thought you were jealous.""Well, it's thanks to your lack of ability not to flirt we're in this situation."The ‘situation' being both Jack and the Doctor being stripped of weapons, including a beloved sonic screwdriver that the Doctor unsuccessfully tried to convince their captors wasn't a weapon, and tossed into a holding cell awaiting trail."It could be worse, you know." Jack stated.The Doctor simply raised an eyebrow."At least we're together. They could have separated us and denied me your beautiful company." Jack smiled charmingly.The Doctor failed to hide the small smile which came from his friend's words. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Captain."The tension in the cell seemed to soften slightly."Well, I suppose since it's over and done with, and because you can't really help your flirting nature, we should focus on getting out of here."A beat of silence. "Hey Doc, you think if we start making out, our guard will become so distracted we could escape?"A low groan and an eye roll was his only response.***
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