Title: Time of the Season
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG
Table: 4
Prompt: 40, Snow
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto looked down at his feet, at the white snow that covered the ground, the pavement, everything around him. It was one of the things he loved about the Christmas season -- Cardiff usually got at least a good few inches of the white stuff.
There was something about snow that brought out the child in him; even when he was out with the Torchwood team, he always felt the urge to pack a snowball and chuck it at someone. And with them, it at least served to lighten the mood sometimes.
Of course, usually, he didn't do that, unless they were all in a relieved mood. Which wasn't often, not these days. Everyone seemed to drift off into their own little worlds when they were on their way back to the Hub from wherever they'd been called out to.
He loved Torchwood, he really did. But there were times when working for such an organization could be much more emotionally wearing than he'd bargained for ....
Ianto sighed, closing his eyes and giving himself a mental shake. He didn't need to think like this. Torchwood was his job, and he was lucky to have it. He was very fortunate that Jack had kept him on there, when he spent so much of time going away to places with the Doctor.
But Jack understood, as did the rest of the team. They all somehow seemed to instinctively know that his time with the Doctor was precious to him -- and none of them wanted to see a repeat of what had happened the one time he and the Doctor had broken apart.
He couldn't suppress a shudder at the thought. That had been the bleakest time of his life -- one that he wanted to push as far away from him as possible, and never have to repeat again. If it hadn't been for the pendant that the Doctor had given him ....
Ianto's hand went to his throat, his fingers closing protectively over the shard of crystal that glowed there. He would never take it off, never be parted from it. It was the physical symbol of his bond with the Doctor, more important to him than any other material possession could ever be.
Taking a deep breath, he shoved those thoughts into the back of his mind, refusing to turn them over in his mind any longer. He didn't need to think about disturbing things at the moment. The Time Lord was here with him, and their life together was going well.
Besides, it was nearly Christmas Eve. It was a time to enjoy their closeness, not to dwell on the one period of their lives when they'd been too far apart.
He glanced down at the snow-covered ground again, then back up at the Doctor, who was only a short distance away from him, ambling along the sidewalk and looking around him. He wouldn't be expecting to be hit by a snowball, not at all.
With a mischievous grin forming on his features, Ianto bent to scoop up a handful of snow, then another one. He packed the substance tightly, then hefted it, gauging the distance between himself and the Time Lord before he threw it at the other man.
He couldn't keep himself from laughing out loud when the snowball struck the Doctor on the shoulder, realizing that he'd missed his target. He'd meant for hit to go down the back of the other man's coat, but his aim hadn't been good enough.
The Doctor turned around, his dark eyes wide and searching, as though he was wondering where the phantom missile that had struck him had come from. His eyes rested on Ianto, who held up his hands, showing the other man the incriminating snow on his gloves.
The Time Lord raised an eyebrow, mock-scowling at his young lover. "So, you want to play rough, do you? I can do that ...."
More quickly than Ianto had anticipated, the Doctor bent to scoop up his own handful of snow and pack it into a ball; he let the missile fly at Ianto within just a few seconds, ducking as another one came flying at him.
Within moments, the two of them were engaged in a full-scale snowball war, lobbing the soft white substance at each other without even packing it. Both men were panting and gasping, laughing so hard that neither of them could catch their breath.
The more snow they threw at each other, the closer they came, until they were standing no more than five feet apart, looking at each other through the slight mist of crystallized snowflakes that they'd raised in the air.
Ianto dropped the handful of snow he was holding, reaching out and taking the Doctor's small, delicate hand in his own and pulling the Time Lord close to him. He found himself gazing into those dark eyes, not wanting to look away.
The Doctor's eyes were almost hypnotic, he thought dazedly; eyes that he could stare into forever, eyes that he could easily and willingly lose himself in for the rest of his life.
He couldn't resist lowering his lips to that soft, inviting mouth, not when the Doctor's face was raised to his own so expectantly. His eyes closed, his arms wrapping around the other man and drawing that slender body closer against him.
It didn't matter if anyone was watching them; what did he care? He was with the man he loved; everything else seemed to melt away, ceasing to exist. Nothing mattered other than that the Doctor was in his arms, and that they were together.
Ianto could feel the pendant at his throat pulsing; he knew that if he looked down, he would see the matching one that rested against the hollow at the base of the Doctor's throat was doing the same thing, glowing softly, as though it kept time with the beating of their hearts.
Maybe it did, he thought to himself, lifting his head but not releasing the other man from the warm circle of his arms. It was cold out, after all, he reasoned; it made sense that he'd want to embrace his lover to give him a little extra warmth.
The Doctor had been holding another snowball, but when Ianto gathered him into those strong arms, it was dropped to the ground, forgotten, left to melt back into the churned snow at their feet as though it had never been picked up.
"People are starting to stare at us," the Doctor whispered, his breath warm against Ianto's cheek. "Don't you think we should be going?"
"Do you really mind?" Ianto inquired with a smile, raising his eyebrows. "I wouldn't have thought it mattered if people were looking at us. If they have a problem with seeing two people in love, then I feel sorry for them. Especially at this time of year."
But he knew that the Doctor was right; they should be moving on. They had things to do today, and even though the impromptu snowball fight had been fun, he wanted to get everything accomplished that he'd set out to do and get back to the flat as soon as possible.
The Doctor shook his head, smiling. "No, of course I don't. Maybe we can teach them a thing or two about being in love if they watch us for long enough."
"My thoughts exactly," Ianto laughed, reluctantly releasing his hold on the Doctor and taking the Time Lord's hand in his own. "Come on, let's get our errands done so we can get back home. I have plans for the rest of the day, you know."
"Oh?" The Doctor glanced over at him, looking curious. "Care to tell me what they are?"
"It's a surprise," Ianto said, raising a finger to his lips. "I can't tell you until we get back home. You'll just have to patient, wait and see." He laughed softly, twining his fingers through the Doctor's and pulling the Time Lord close to him as they walked along. "You'll like what I've planned, I'm sure."
The Doctor pouted for a moment, then smiled over at his boyfriend, leaning over to press a kiss against Ianto's smooth cheek. "I'm sure I will, love," he murmured, squeezing the younger man's fingers as they walked along. "You never fail to surprise me."
Ianto couldn't keep back a smirk as he glanced at the Doctor. Oh, yes, he had made plans for this evening -- and he could hardly wait to get back home so he could put them into motion.***
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