Title: Seduction
By: elfin
Pairing: Jack/Doctor (Nine)
Rating: PG-13"Give me your hand."
Gleefully - "Never thought I'd hear you say that."
"Just do it." A roll of those wide eyes.
"Okay, okay." Handing it over, letting the Doctor move it to the smooth dome of the control, watching him cover it with his own.
"Can you feel it humming?"
Can feel his breath on the back of my neck, making all the little hairs stand on end. Can feel him standing at my back, free hand on my waist. Who's seducing who here?
"I can feel something."
Should be able to feel his irritation but I can't - just the heat of him, the nearness, the solidity of him. Sending my senses crazy.
His thumb stroking mine over the glowing white directional control. We're travelling in four dimensions and I'm driving, I should be concentrating. But I'm not - not on what he's trying to tell me.
Is he telling me anything? Is he even talking now?
I'd swear to a touch, supple lips against my throat. My body would too. It sure is hot in here. Have the climate controls gone offline, or is it just me?
I daren't move in case I break this, I don't know how fragile it is, don't know if taking a breath will break it or if it would survive being thrown against the wall and ravished with wild abandon.
At last - my name, barely spoken, the deepest of meanings in that one uttered word. He may not be human but not everything's alien. I don't have to move to know his physiology is reacting in the exact same way mine is.
I pitch my own voice at the same level to ask, "What are you afraid of?"
He's run before, before I've even managed to ask it. I know he won't run now. But he doesn't answer either. He pushes his fingers between mine over the peak of the dome and I part them for him gladly.
I reckon it's something along the lines of him being alone for too long. He's got some Jedi thing going on. Like any fake religion is gonna stop me.
I can feel his hand tightening on my hip and he takes a step forward, leaning around me, face so close the kiss is evitable.
His mouth looks hard but it ain't. It connects with mine, a moment's hesitation before he closes his eyes and just melts. It's bliss. Like warm honey, his tongue easing along my own. I lift his hand with mine and put it behind my back, letting it join with his other one before encircling him the same way.
I imagine he'll pull away at any minute but he doesn't. He stands there, humming softly in his throat like the TARDIS hums and I don't have tome to wonder who's driving.
It isn't long before his fingers are going for a walk, over my waistband and up under my T-shirt. I realise the purring's coming from me and I quit it but not before I feel a smile against my smile.
Touche, BumbleBee.
My hands are doing their own investigating - my arms enfolding him under his jacket 'stead of over it, feeling him burning under the heavy leather, black shirt clinging to his back. That's where I wanna be.
The heat of him is crazy. I can feel the rhythmic double beating of his hearts and my organ's trying to dance to its tune.
The kiss still hasn't let up - I think he's breathing through some other orifice.
I need to move this before we end up on the central console and god knows what buttons we'll end up pressing. I still don't know who's drivin' this thing.
Don't care either. As long as we don't crash into anything in the next... oh, couple of hours!
Lifting my mouth from his, tearing my eyes from his swollen lips, I ask him if there's somewhere we can go without so many potential accidents.
He laughs - kinda nervous - and nods, taking a second to remember to let me go long enough for us to go wherever he's taking us. Then he does something I never thought he'd do. He takes my hand and we walk side by side off the flight deck.end
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