Title: Shelter From the Rain
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 4
Prompt: 38, Rain
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto glanced up at the sky, a worried frown creasing his brow. Those definitely looked like storm clouds in the distance, and he and the Doctor were still a good distance from his apartment. Of course, they could always duck into a little coffee shop somewhere, or something of the sort -- but they were both feeling anxious to get home.
The Doctor's gaze followed him, a frown crossing his handsome features. "I think we should hurry," he murmured, sidestepping a girl on a bicycle, who looked back over her shoulder at the tall, thin Time Lord as she rode by.
Ianto caught her eye, scowling at the speculative look on her face. He moved closer to the Doctor, wrapping a possessive arm around the Gallifreyan's slim waist, making the Doctor raise his eyebrows and give him that little lopsided smile that always melted his heart. "Feeling a bit possessive today, are we, my love?"
"Always," Ianto said softly, slowing his pace and stopping after a few more steps. He pulled the Doctor into his arms, tilting the Time Lord's face to his and leaning forward to place a gentle yet firm kiss on the other man's soft lips, one hand moving to caress the Doctor's jawline, his cheek, the soft silk of his hair.
Ianto's arms wrapped around the Doctor as the kiss intensified; he'd completely forgotten where they were, or that there was a growing crowd of people watching. He was jerked back to reality by the sound of applause, whistles, and several squeals from the female contingent of watchers.
The Doctor's gaze was slightly unfocused when he finally pulled away a little from the searing kiss, his voice shaky. "That was something they probably won't forget for a while," he whispered, leaning against Ianto on suddenly wobbly legs. "I don't think I will, either, to be honest."
"Neither will I, beloved." Ianto brushed his lips against the Doctor's cheek again, casting a glance around at the watching crowd. He was satisfied that now there wouldn't be any appraising glances thrown in his boyfriend's direction; he'd made it perfectly clear that the Doctor was taken, and taken by a rather possessive man, at that.
"We should get home," the Doctor murmured, one small hand finding Ianto's and twining their fingers together. "I doubt we'd want to be caught in some kind of torrential downpour."
Ianto laughed softly, nodding and heading back down the sidewalk in the direction of their apartment with the Doctor's hand clasped firmly in his own. "It wouldn't be all that bad, now would it? After all, neither one of us are made of spun sugar, and we're not the Wicked Witch of the West. We won't melt if we're caught in the rain."
"Oh? Are you so sure of that?" The Doctor looked over at him, his voice carefully deadpan. "How do you know that I won't melt and leave behind nothing but a pair of red Converse and a rumpled suit?"
"Because you aren't wearing the suit now," Ianto shot back, his eyes roving over the Doctor's body. In fact, he approved of the Time Lord's attire very much -- it was a good thing that he'd gotten the Gallifreyan used to wearing snug-fitting jeans and t-shirts, he told himself. Those clothes definitely suited the Doctor's body much better than the suits and trenchcoat he was usually garbed in when he wasn't with Ianto.
"All right, then -- red Converse and a wrinkled t-shirt," the Doctor said in an agreeable tone. "They'd look much better on me than gingham and sparkly heels."
Ianto couldn't help laughing at the thought of the Doctor in sparkly high-heeled shoes. Hmmm, his love in those shoes and nothing else .... his mind held the tempting image for a few seconds before he reluctantly let it go. He very much doubted that he could convince the Doctor to dress like that -- even though he definitely did have the shapely legs for it.
The Doctor wagged an admonitory finger in Ianto's face. "You shouldn't think of things like that," he said, smirking a little. "You never know just what you could convince me to do, if we're both feeling adventurous enough for it. That could have some interesting consequences ...."
"Oh, I have to agree with that. Hold that thought, will you?" Ianto laughed, just as the first few drops of rain began to fall. Everyone around them seemed to be disappearing into the cafés and under awnings; but the Doctor was still walking along, seemingly oblivious to the rain.
"We aren't that far from home," Ianto said, catching up with the Doctor and linking his arm through the Time Lord's. "We should be able to make it there before the rain gets much worse. There's actually a short cut through the park that we can take."
"Lay on, MacDuff," the Doctor laughed, brushing strands of dampened hair back from his face. "Where you go, I'll follow."
Ianto laughed, taking his love's hand in his again, both of them crossing the street as the white walk sign flashed at them. "It isn't that far, love. We may be a bit damp when we get inside, but that won't do any harm. At least, I don't think so -- not unless you really are made of sugar."
"You mean you don't already know the answer to that, as many times as you've tasted me?" the Doctor teased, his eyes sparkling with laughter.
"Hmmm. If it comes down to that, then I'd definitely say that you are," Ianto giggled, squeezing his lover's hand. "I should get you out of the rain as quickly as possible, then. I wouldn't want you to melt away into a puddle at my feet."
So saying, he headed for the entrance to the park, thinking that it would be easier to take the short cut through the pathways there than to walk along the streets to his apartment. After all, the path on the other side of the park was only on the next block south of his building.
Ianto realized within moments that he'd made a mistake in deciding to detour through the park; within a few moments of entering the wooded pathway, the rain had begun to get heavier, going from a steady dripping to a downpour in just a few seconds.
The Doctor turned to him, squinting through the downpour, raising his arm to point at a small gazebo nearly hidden behind some tall trees, a little off the beaten path. "That may be our only shelter -- unless we want to squelch our way home."
Ianto nodded, grasping the Time Lord's arm and nearly running towards the gazebo. The Doctor reached the small building first, sprinting up the three steps into it and sinking down onto the bench that lined two sides of the small structure.
The Time Lord laughed, shaking his head and sending a spray of raindrops cascading over them. "Well, I think we may be spending the next little while hiding away in here," he said, turning to face Ianto, eyes sparkling, a small smile curving his lips. "How are we going to entertain ourselves while we wait for the rain to stop, I wonder?"
"Oh, I'm sure we can think of something," Ianto laughed, running his fingers through his hair to smooth it down. His mouth dropped open when the Doctor moved towards him, straddling him in one quick movement and pinning him down against the bench, his knees planted on either side of the young man.
"I can definitely think of something," the Doctor breathed, his eyes fixed on Ianto's face, his hands holding Ianto's wrists against the wall behind them. "In fact, I already have an idea .... or three."
Ianto could feel his heart thudding against his chest, his breathing ragged as he drew air into his lungs in a sharp gasp. This was something he hadn't expected -- the Doctor was showing a more dominant side than he ever had before, in all the time Ianto had known him. And he liked it.
Well .... he liked it to a point. He wasn't sure that this was the time or place that he wanted the Doctor to cross any of the unspoken boundaries they'd set up between themselves. But it was an exciting thought -- and one that Ianto mentally filed away for reference later.
"I can think of several things we could do to pass the time," he murmured, nuzzling his cheek against the soft fabric of the Doctor's t-shirt. "But I should warn you, they all involve you taking off at least a nominal amount of clothing."
"That shouldn't be a problem," the Doctor whispered, gasping as Ianto freed one hand and slipped it between his legs, fingers cupping the Doctor's balls through the fabric of his jeans.
"Is it my imagination, or are your trousers getting a little tight?" The young Welshman looked up at the Doctor, tilting his head to one side and trying to look as innocent as he possibly could. He was failing terribly, he knew, but that didn't matter. All that mattered to him was the look on the Doctor's face, that look of delighted anticipation.
"I think they are," the Time Lord murmured, his voice going deep and raspy, as though he was having a hard time controlling his breathing. "Do you think you might be able to help me with that?"
"Oh, I believe I can," Ianto said softly, his hand moving to the button fly of the Doctor's jeans and popping it, freeing his other hand from the Time Lord's grasp and inching the fabric down the Gallifreyan's taut thighs.
He lowered the Doctor's jeans almost to his knees, leaning forward to pull up the Time Lord's t-shirt and place a gentle kiss against his navel. The Doctor was already moaning softly, shivering a little as the chilled air touched his bare skin, his hands clutching Ianto's shoulders.
Ianto's hands slid around the Doctor's body to cup his ass, one finger tracing a line down the cleft between his cheeks. He slid down a little, pulling the Doctor down almost on top of him, taking the tip of the Time Lord's cock into his mouth and sucking gently.
The Doctor moaned again, a little more loudly this time, and Ianto had the sudden thought that anyone could come upon them here. It wasn't exactly as though the gazebo was completely hidden; anyone who happened to be walking in the park could come stumbling in to get out of the rain, and come across two men making love in a very public place.
He only hoped that anyone who might happen to barge in on them wouldn't have any small children along with them -- because he definitely wasn't going to stop what he was doing.
He slid his mouth down, taking more of the Doctor's length into his mouth, rubbing a finger against the Time Lord's tight, puckered hole at the same time. He could feel the Doctor's muscles clench in protest, hear the slender man's whimper as those long fingers clamped down on his shoulders. His finger slid into that tight heat, making the Doctor moan again, his body trembling in Ianto's grip.
Ianto moved his finger inside the Doctor, slowly, experimentally, searching for his prostate. After a few moments, he inserted a second finger, looking up questioningly when the Doctor whimpered and gasped, hoping that it hadn't hurt his love too much to do this without benefit of lube.
"It burns," the Doctor whispered, teeth clamping down on his bottom lip. "But don't stop, please don't stop."
Ah, there it was. Ianto stroked his fingers across the Doctor's prostate, closing his eyes when he heard the Doctor gasp and moan again. There was no sound that could have been sweeter to him at the moment.
Ianto let the Doctor's cock slip nearly out of his mouth, sucking gently at the tip, crooking his fingers inside the Time Lord and stroking them across his prostate once, twice, a third time. The Doctor cried out, thrusting his hips forward against Ianto's face, the young man taking him deep into his throat and sucking hard.
The Doctor came with a soft cry, his slender body nearly collapsing on top of Ianto, panting for breath. The young Welshman carefully slid his fingers out of his lover, moving his hands down the Doctor's firm thighs and pulling the other man close against his own prone body.
They lay there for several long minutes, Ianto finally realizing that the rain had abated around them. The sun was beginning to come out, the sudden downpour turning into a misty shower. All the scene needed was the advent of a rainbow, he thought dreamily, smiling at the idea.
"What are you smiling at?" the Doctor asked softly, lifting one thin hand to caress Ianto's cheek.
"Us. You, and how amazing you are. How you never cease to surprise me, and how much I love having you in my life," he whispered, raising that hand to his lips and kissing the Time Lord's fingertips.
"I love you, too," the Doctor whispered, his words simple and sincere. Ianto didn't need any other words, any long rambling declarations. Those three small, short words embodied everything he'd ever needed to know.
The Time Lord slowly freed himself from Ianto's arms, standing up and pulling his jeans up again. His hands were shaking slightly as he slid the buttons into place, having to try several times to fit the last one through the hole before he could sit down again next to Ianto.
The young Welshman sat up and encircled his lover's waist with one arm, letting the Doctor lean against him, his warm breath ruffling the Doctor's hair slightly. "It's nearly stopped raining. We should go home," he murmured, feeling reluctant to leave this little haven they'd found.
"I think you're starting to have the same problem I did," the Doctor said, moving his hand over Ianto's crotch, his long, elegant fingers resting on the very prominent bulge there. "Are you sure that you'll be all right to walk the rest of the way there?"
"You may have to take care of me when we get home," he whispered, his eyes meeting the Doctor's gaze; those dark, fathomless eyes were full of promise.
"Then I think we should start heading home right now," the Time Lord replied, getting to his feet and pulling his young lover after him.
Ianto slipped an arm around the Doctor's waist as they made their way back to the path that led to the sidewalk near Ianto's apartment building, looking for all the world as though they were any other couple out strolling on a damp afternoon.***
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